• Welcome to ABC

    ABC’s main aim is to provide people receiving state pension and benefits with the resources needed to secure meaningful employment. We also strive to ensure that people receiving welfare are well-informed and know what they are entitled to under the welfare system. Please use the UC Calculator at the bottom of the page.   

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We are the independent association for those on low incomes, state pensions, welfare benefits and working in the gig economy. HERE you can find the advice, ideas and inspiration you need to improve your circumstances. 


Latest News & Advice

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Domestic violence exploded during t...
FAME AWAITS YOU - A German TV Company, similar to the BBC, is loo...
WARNING VERY GRAPHIC - We were sent details of this website this...
MIGRANTS TO BE USED AS FORCED LABOUR - Denmark plans to make some...
SWEDISH RENTAL MARKET - could cause the resignation of the prime...
GERMANY - Aid workers are warning that the sharp drop in tem...
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