Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and where participation in society can be restricted. Disabled people have to cope, not just with the physical difficulties caused by disability, but also with the social stigma caused by people’s attitudes.. Our directory signposts people to a wide range of help that is available.

Inclusion Scotland (IS) is a consortium of organisations of disabled people and disabled individuals. Through a process of structured development we aim to draw attention to the physical, social, economic, cultural and attitudinal barriers that affect our everyday lives as disabled people in Scotland.
We work to promote Independent living. This means all disabled people having the same freedom, choice, dignity and control as other citizens at home, at work and in the community. It does not necessarily mean living by yourself or fending for yourself. It means rights to practical assistance and support to participate in society and live an ordinary life.

Dancing Giraffe is a community interest company that aims to provide disabled people and their carers with the information, products and services that they need and want to use every day. These can be anything from sporting opportunities, cultural experiences, travel, restaurants, and good and services. We are doing this in many ways, by forming partnerships with local companies, organisations or sports clubs. We also have a team of Volunteer researchers, searching the internet for these opportunities.

We work to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, unpaid, for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems. We do this with a UK wide network of quality assured independent partners and through the provision of grants to help carers get the extra help they need to live their own lives.
With locally based Network Partners we are able to support carers in their homes through the provision of replacement care, and in the community with information, advice, emotional support, hands on practical help and access to much needed breaks. We offer specialist services for carers of people of all ages and conditions and a range of individually tailored support and group activities.

North Somerset Residents
Following assessment, adaptive equipment is sometimes supplied to you for use at home following discharge. This may include items such as commodes, trolleys, perching stools, toileting equipment, chair & bed raisers and hoists. The equipment is issued on loan, without charge, and will either be delivered or given to you, a friend or relative to take home.

Bristol & South Gloucestershire Residents
Following assessment, adaptive equipment is sometimes supplied to you for use at home following discharge. This may include items such as commodes, trolleys, perching stools, toileting equipment, chair & bed raisers and hoists. The equipment is issued on loan, without charge, and will either be delivered or given to you, a friend or relative to take home.

The Community Equipment Service is a working partnership between Liverpool City Council and Liverpool Community Health, which is provided across Liverpool and Sefton.
The service provides health and social care equipment to meet the needs of Liverpool and Sefton residents, enabling safe discharge from hospitals and promoting independence and mobility in their home environment.

We are a small team consisting of three Occupational Therapists, one Technical Instructor, one Technical Engineer, and three Administrative staff.

The MS Society funds research, gives grants, campaigns for change, provides information and support, invests in MS specialists and lend a listening ear to those who need it.
Our mission is to enable everyone affected by MS to live life to their full potential and secure the care and support they need, until we ultimately find a cure.

"Making things possible."
Remap is a national charity that works through local groups of skilled volunteers. We help disabled people achieve independence and a better quality of life by designing and making equipment for their individual needs. This tailor-made equipment helps people to carry out essential daily tasks without having to ask for help, or helps them take part in leisure occupations or sports that would otherwise be impossible.

The Ipswich Blind Society (IBS) is the oldest of three voluntary organisations set up in Suffolk to provide services for the blind and visually impaired. The Mission Statement of the Ipswich Blind Society is simple: To help the blind and visually impaired people of Ipswich live full, independent, and active lives.

Motability is a national charity, which can provide Charitable Grants provides Charitable Grants to The Motability Scheme customers who would otherwise struggle to afford the mobility solution they need, the cost of a vehicle, adaptations or driving lessons.
The Motability Scheme enables disabled people to get mobile by exchanging their mobility allowance to lease a new car, scooter or powered wheelchair.

Essex Sight is part of Essex Blind Charity. Essex Sight is the Community Services Division of Essex Blind Charity, a Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee.
Essex Blind Charity has been caring for visually impaired people in Essex since the 1920s. Our aim is to deliver a range of excellent support services to people with sight loss in Essex and the adjacent East London Boroughs.

Mobility Trust provides powered wheelchairs and scooters for people who have severe disabilities. We aim to reach and help people who, quite simply have nowhere else to turn. We are the only charity that provides such broad support, regardless of age or cause of disabilities.

The True Colours Trust is passionate about making a difference to the lives of children with special needs and their families and supporting people with life-limiting and/or life-threatening illnesses.

We improve the lives of children and young people throughout the UK who are sick, disabled or disadvantaged. We provide practical, tangible help that makes an immediate difference to those children and their families. Variety provides coaches and bespoke wheelchairs, specialist, sensory and recreational equipment for use in the home, school, children’s hospitals and youth centres and creates memorable experiences through “Variety Great Days Out”.