If you have issues moving around then not all work will be suitable for you. Research your range of options, what sort of assessments you will go through before you can claim any allowance, and what help you are entitled if you are working.

Motability is a national charity, which can provide Charitable Grants provides Charitable Grants to The Motability Scheme customers who would otherwise struggle to afford the mobility solution they need, the cost of a vehicle, adaptations or driving lessons.
The Motability Scheme enables disabled people to get mobile by exchanging their mobility allowance to lease a new car, scooter or powered wheelchair.

Mobility Trust provides powered wheelchairs and scooters for people who have severe disabilities. We aim to reach and help people who, quite simply have nowhere else to turn. We are the only charity that provides such broad support, regardless of age or cause of disabilities.

The True Colours Trust is passionate about making a difference to the lives of children with special needs and their families and supporting people with life-limiting and/or life-threatening illnesses.

We improve the lives of children and young people throughout the UK who are sick, disabled or disadvantaged. We provide practical, tangible help that makes an immediate difference to those children and their families. Variety provides coaches and bespoke wheelchairs, specialist, sensory and recreational equipment for use in the home, school, children’s hospitals and youth centres and creates memorable experiences through “Variety Great Days Out”.