DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Domestic violence exploded during the first two months of the COVID-19 outbreak. In the U.S., there was a 30% increase in spousal/partner abuse towards women, and the U.K. saw a similar increase as well – 25%. Similarly, there has been an uptick in violence against men and the elderly, with financial strain caused by the pandemic being noted as the main stressor in domestic situations. Still, there is no updated, comprehensive resource that tells you where to go if you are suffering such horrible violence or know someone who is a victim.
Such a resource is critical, as there are abusive partners that have made use of the pandemic itself as a tool of terror. In many cases, they withhold medication, insurance cards, and even the ability to go purchase hand sanitizer from their victims – all while public health procedures, such as mass quarantines, prevent any chance of escape; this is on top of the pre-existing threat of violence that constantly looms over their heads.
Sadly, you can’t trust the government either. Social Services aren’t getting the necessary funds in these times, and non-profit rescue organizations can’t do it alone. It is our duty to help the victims of this viciousness and not forget that there are victims of abuse across all age groups and genders.
In this guide, you will find every possible contact and useful tips that will help you to stop being a bystander, take action, and save lives (without putting your own at risk).
Because North America is so culturally diverse, the prevalence of domestic violence differs greatly from country to country. However, intimate partner violence is the most serious in the United States, which may be because of the high levels of gun ownership as well as the fact that many victims of domestic violence are afraid to report it for fear of reprisals.
Domestic Abuse has been outrageously common in the USA, long before the COVID-19 plague. In fact, 50% of women visiting emergency rooms nationwide have a history of abuse, and 40% of those murdered by their abuser tried to get help in the last 2 years before their death. In too frequent of circumstances, they didn’t get enough help from their surroundings – and in these times of lockdowns and mobility limitations, it’s even harder for them to reach out. According to recent research, domestic violence across all genders and age groups has increased by 30% in the U.S. during March and April alone.
It seems the next murder is right around the corner. The U.S. has seen an increase in violent risk factors: Gun sales reached a 7-year peak, with 1.9 million firearms sold in March 2020 alone; and liquor sales also rocketed by 31.7% in the same period, in comparison to 2019.
These contacts can help stop the next death and save a person’s life.
Antigua and Barbuda | Adults | Antigua and Barbuda Support And Referral Centre phone: 268 463 5555 |
Bahamas | Everyone | Bahamas Crisis Centre phone: 1 800 737 732 message on Facebook |
Belize | Everyone | Cornerstone Foundation phone: 222 4343 |
Canada | Children (under 18) | Kids Help Phone phone: +1 800 668 6868 |
Women | Assaulted Women’s Helpline phone: 1.866.863.0511 Alberta Council of Women phone: 1 800 363 9010 Emergency Ready in Canada message on Facebook |
Men | National Domestic Violence Hotline phone: 1-800-799-7233 phone: 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) |
Older Adults (over 60) | ElderCare phone: 1-800-677-1116 |
Costa Rica | Women | Cefemina phone: 506 2224 3986 message on Facebook |
Dominica | Everyone | She Will Survive phone: 1-800-8477 |
Dominican Republic | Women | Ministerio de la Mujer RD phone: +1 809-685-3755 message on Facebook |
Everyone | phone: 809 200 1202 phone: 809-200-7212 |
El Salvador | Women | Organización de Mujeres Salvadoreñas por la Paz phone: 503 2556 0032 |
Grenada | Women | GNOW – message on Facebook phone: 473 440 3788 |
Guatemala | Women | Fundación Sobrevivientes phone: 2285 0100/0139 message on Facebook |
Haiti | Women | KAY FANM – HAÏTI phone: (509) 2 45 5174/4221 message on Facebook |
Honduras | Everyone | Teléfono De La Esperanza de San Pedro Sula phone: 150 |
Jamaica | Women | Woman Inc. Crisis Centre phone: 929 9038 message on Facebook |
Mexico | Children (under 18) | Teléfono ANAR México phone: 01800 911-1119 |
Women | Secretaría de las Mujeres Linea para Mujeres: 800 108 4053 INMUJERES phone: +52 55 5322 6030 message on Facebook |
Men | Secretaría de las Mujeres Linea para hombres: 800 900 4321 |
Nicaragua | Women | phone: 118 message on Facebook |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Everyone | Ministry of Social Development & Gender Affairs phone: +1 869-467-1275 message on Facebook phone: +1 869-467-1223 message on Facebook |
Saint Lucia | Women | The St. Lucia Crisis Centre Corporation phone: (758) 453-1521 |
USA | Children (under 18) | Childhelp USA phone: 1-800 422 4453 |
Women | The National Domestic Violence Hotline phone: 1 (866) 331-9474 |
Men | VictimConnect phone: 1 (855) 484-2846 |
Older Adults (over 60) | ElderCare phone: 1-800-677-1116 |
Survivors, Legacy Families, Angel Babies | Break the Silence Survivor Helpline phone: 1 (855) 287-1777 message on Facebook |
Military Members & Their Families | DoD Safe Helpline phone: 1 (877) 995-5247 |
United Kingdom: Domestic Abuse Accounts for 16% of All Violent Crime
The 25% jump in U.K. abuse reports isn’t surprising. A recent study shows that the pandemic exposed severe flaws in the government’s approach to domestic abuse.
Funds promised to services that support victims of domestic abuse back in October 2019 have not yet been supplied. This is surprising, considering the Government signed the Istanbul Convention in 2012 to reaffirm the U.K.’s strong commitment to tackle violence against women and girls. In reality, most of the U.K.’s 48 support services had to shut down at least one of their support channels. Abuse victim shelters are nearing full capacity, and the COVID-19 outbreak made everything worse – particularly for minorities.
We need to take the initiative and help people ourselves. This list will show you contacts that are still available and can help save lives today.
Childline phone: 0800 1111 Freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline phone: 0808 200 0247 |
Women | Juno Women’s Aid phone: 0808 800 0340 Freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline phone: 0808 200 0247 Women’s Aid Federation (Northern Ireland) phone: 0800 917 1414 message on Facebook |
Men | Respect Men’s Advice Line phone: 0808 8010327 Respect message on Facebook |
Older Adults (over 60) | Hourglass phone: 0808 808 8141 |
LGBTQ+ Community | Galop phone: 0800 999 5428 message on Facebook |
Women & Men | Respect Phoneline phone: 0808 802 4040 |
Ireland | Children (under 18) | Childline phone: 1800 66 66 66 |
Women | Women’s Aid phone: 1800 341 900 |
Men | Men’s Aid Ireland phone: 01-5543811 |
Older Adults (over 60) | Hourglass phone: 0808 808 8141 |
Scotland | Children (under 18) | NSPCC phone: 0808 800 5000 |
Women | Scottish Women’s Aid phone: 0800 027 1234 Scottish Women’s Aid phone: 0131 226 6606 |
Men | Male Victims of Domestic Abuse phone: 01823 334244 |
Older Adults (over 60) | Hourglass phone: 0808 808 8141 |
Domestic Abuse & Forced Marriage | Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline phone: 0800 027 1234 |
Wales | Children (under 18) | NSPCC phone: 0808 800 5000 |
Women | Welsh Women’s Aid Live Fear Free Helpline phone: 0808 80 10 800 |
Men | Safer Wales phone: 0808 80 10 800 |
Older Adults (over 60) | Hourglass phone: 0808 808 8141 |
European Union: Men and women are almost equally affected by domestic violence
As COVID-19 grew in Europe, cases of domestic violence simply skyrocketed.
Designated hotlines in Spain reported a 47% increase in women calling for help and a shocking 700% increase in online approaches from victims. Calls for help increased by 40% in Austria, and in France there’s been a 36% increase in police interventions for cases of abused women and children since the outbreak.
Being locked in with their abuser made calling for help harder than ever. Women in France and Spain had no choice, and began asking for help from pharmacists when they managed to go out to get medications. You can help make a difference by utilizing these contacts – whether you’re a victim of Domestic Abuse in the E.U. yourself or know somebody there who is being abused.
Domestic Violence Resources in Europe
Children (under 18) | Child Helpline International |
Women | Women Against Violence Europe |
Men | Men’s Action Network |
Older Adults (over 60) | Age Action |
Albania | Women | Women and Girls Advice Line (Linja e Keshillimit per Gra dhe Vajza) phone: 116 message on Facebook |
Andorra | Everyone | Servei d’Atenció a les Víctimes de Violència Domèstica i Familiar phone: 181 |
Austria | Women | Women’s Helpline Against Violence phone: 0800 222 555 message on Facebook |
Belarus | Everyone | National Hotline for Survivors of Domestic Violence phone: 8801 100 8801 |
Belgium |
Women | Crisis Situation Helpline phone: 0800/30.030 phone: 106 (Flemish) phone: 107 (French) phone: 108 (German) |
Adults | Ecoutes Violences Conjugales (French) phone: 0800 30 030 Violence Hotline (Flemish) phone: 1712 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Women & Children (under 18) | SOS Line for Women and Children phone: 1264 (Republika Srpska) phone: 1265 (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) message on Facebook |
Bulgaria | Women | Women’s Helpline phone: 359 2 981 7686 |
Croatia | Women | Autonomous Women’s House in Zagreb phone: 0800 55 44 |
Cyprus | Everyone | Center for Emergency Assistance Helpline phone: 1440 |
Czech Republic | Everyone | DONA Line phone: +420 251 51 13 13 |
Denmark | Women | LOKK Hotline phone: +45 70 20 30 82 |
Estonia | Women | Tugitelefon phone: 1492 |
Finland | Women | Women’s Line (Naisten Linja) phone: 358-800-02400 message on Facebook |
France | Women | Violences Femmes Info phone: 3919 Viols Femmes Information phone: 0800 05 95 95 |
Georgia | Everyone | Anti-Violence Network of Georgia phone: 309 903 message on Facebook |
Germany | Women | National Women’s Helpline phone: 08000 116 016 |
Greece |
Women | E.K.K.A. (National Center for Social Solidarity) phone: 197 message on Facebook |
Adult | General Secretariat for Gender Equality phone: 15 900 message on Facebook |
Hungary | Women & Children (under 18) | NaNE Helpline for Battered Women and Children phone: 06 80 505 101 |
Iceland | Everyone | Kvennaathvarfið Shelter Helpline phone: 561 1205 |
Ireland | Everyone | National Freephone Helpline phone: 1800-341-900 message on Facebook |
Italy | Everyone | Antiviolenza Donne phone: 1522 message on Facebook |
Kosovo | Everyone | Direct Line for Victims of Violence (Albanian) (Bosnian) phone: 0800 11112 message on Facebook SOS Linja phone: 381 39 033 00 98 |
Latvia | Everyone | Crisis Helpline phone: 67222922 |
Liechtenstein | Women | Women’s Helpline Frauenhaus phone: 423 380 02 03 |
Lithuania | Women | Women’s Line (Lygus) phone: 8800 66 366 message on Facebook |
Luxembourg | Women | Fraentelefon phone: 12 344 |
Macedonia | Everyone | National SOS Line – Phone of Trust phone: 15 315 message on Facebook SOS National Mobile Line phone: 389 75 141 700 phone: 389 77 141 700 |
Malta | Everyone | Appogg Agency Supportline phone: 179 |
Moldova | Everyone | Trust Line phone: 8008 8008 |
Montenegro | Everyone | SOS Helpline For Victims of Violence phone: 080 111 111 phone: 202 322 54 |
Netherlands | Everyone | Veilig Thuis phone: 0800 2000 |
Norway | Everyone | Crisis Situation Helpline phone: 800 40 008 |
Poland | Everyone | National Emergency Service for Survivors of Family Violence phone: 801 12 00 02 National Emergency Service for Survivors of Family Violence – Blue Line phone: 22 668 70 00 message on Facebook |
Portugal | Everyone | Serviço de Informação às Vitimas de Violéncia Doméstica phone: 800 202 148 |
Romania | Women | ADRA (Bucharest) phone: 021 25 25 117 Baia Mare: Centru Artemis phone: 0262 25 07 70 CMSC (Iasi) phone: 023 225 29 20 Sensi Blue Foundation (Bucharest) phone: 021 311 46 36 Sibiu: A.L.E.G. phone: 075 389 35 31 Targu Mures: IEESR phone: 026 521 16 99 Timisoara: APFR 0256 29 3183 |
Russia | Everyone | ANNA (National Center for the Prevention of Violence) 8 800 7000 600 |
San Marino | Women | Rosa Hotline
phone: 800 738 738 |
Serbia | Women | Network of Women’s Hotline in Vojvodina 0800 10 10 10 |
Everyone | Helpline for Victims of Domestic Violence 0800 100 600 |
Slovakia | Women | National Line for Women Surviving Violence 0800 212 212 message on Facebook |
Slovenia | Women & Children (under 18) | SOS Helpline for Women and Children 080 11 55 message on Facebook |
Spain | Everyone | Helpline for Information on Gender Violence 016 message on Facebook |
Sweden | Everyone | Kvinnofridslinjen 020 50 50 50 Terrafem 020 52 1010 |
Switzerland | Everyone | Dargebotene Hand 143 |
Ukraine | Everyone | Domestic Violence Counteraction and Child Rights Protection Hotline 0800 500 335 0800 500 336 message on Facebook |
Africa: a Third of All Women Have Experienced Violence
There has been a surge in domestic violence cases in Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a study by the United Nations, 70% of women in Africa have experienced physical or sexual violence at the hands of their intimate partners. This number is even higher for women living in poverty or with disabilities.
During the pandemic, there has been a marked increase in the number of domestic violence cases reported. In Nigeria, for example, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) reported a 50% increase in domestic violence cases during the lockdown period.
In South Africa, the police have reported a 25% increase in domestic violence cases since the start of the pandemic. This is likely because many women are now working from home and are, therefore, more accessible to their abusers.
The increased stress and anxiety of the pandemic have also led to an increase in domestic violence against men. In Kenya, the National Gender Violence Recovery Centre (NGVRC) has seen a 30% increase in the number of men seeking help for domestic violence since the pandemic began. The NGVRC has also seen an increase in the number of men reporting sexual violence.
Afghanistan | Women | Afghan Women’s Resource Center phone: +93 799 203 056 phone: +93 700 280 179 message on Facebook |
Armenia | Women | Women’s Support Center phone: 099 887 808 message on Facebook |
Azerbaijan |
Children (under 18) | Child Helpline Azerbaijan phone: 116111 |
Other | phone: 99 412 408 5696 | |
Bahrain | Women & Children (under 18) | Information Centre for Women and Children phone: 17262237 message on Facebook |
Bangladesh |
Women | She Will Survive |
Abuse Helpline | phone: 966 4699 | |
Bhutan | Women & Children (under 18) | Information Centre for Women and Children phone: (975) 2 332159/334751 |
Brunei |
Women | She Will Survive |
Abuse Helpline | phone: 673 340524 | |
Cambodia | Women | Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center phone: 1288 |
China | Children (under 18) | Child Abuse Hotline phone: 12338 |
Women | Red Maple phone: 010-68333388 |
Men | Red Maple phone: 010-68333388 |
Older Adults (over 60) | Red Maple phone: 010-68333388 |
India | Children (under 18) | Childline phone: 1098 |
Women | National Commission for Women phone: 7827170170 Zariya message on Facebook |
Men | Men Helpline phone: +91-9911666498 |
Older Adults (over 60) | The Dignity Foundation phone: 18002678780 |
Indonesia | Children (under 18) | Indonesian Commission for the Protection of Children phone: 129 |
Women | National Commission on Violence against Women phone: + 6221 390 3922 |
Men | The UN Refugee Agency phone: +62 811 1000 424 |
Older Adults (over 60) | Emergency Line phone: 112 |
Iran | Everyone | Organization for Defending Victims of Violence phone: 21 88 96 30 91 message on Facebook |
Iraq | Women | Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq phone: 110 message on Facebook |
Israel | Women | WAVO phone: 1202 message on Facebook |
Japan | Women | Women’s Resource Center phone: 092 513 7333 |
Jordan | Women | The Jordanian National Commission for Women phone: 6 568 7037 message on Facebook |
Kyrgyzstan | Abuse Helpline | phone: 281 455 |
Laos | Domestic Violence Helpline | phone: 1362 |
Lebanon | Women | Lebanese Council for Combating Violence Against Women phone: 6 624 060 message on Facebook |
Myanmar | Women | Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation phone: 067-419-173 message on Facebook |
Nepal | Women | The Women’s Foundation Nepal phone: +977 1 515 5080 message on Facebook |
Saudi Arabia | Everyone | MLSD 24-hour domestic violence helpline phone: 1919 |
Singapore | Women | Aware phone: 18007775555 |
South Korea | Women | Korea Women’s Hotline phone: 1366 message on Facebook |
Sri Lanka | Everyone | CCCLine phone: 1333 phone: 94 11 4 715585 |
Taiwan | Everyone | 113 Protection Hotline phone: 113 |
Tajikistan | Everyone | Project on Prevention of Domestic Violence phone: (91) 1892 221 527/198 |
Thailand | Children (under 18) | phone 1387 |
Everyone | Social Help Centre phone: 1300 |
phone: 02 276 2950 | ||
Timor-Leste | Abuse Helpline | phone: 390 321 534 |
Turkey | Children (under 18) | Emergency Domestic Violence Hotline phone: +90 212 656 9696 Social Service Counseling Line phone: 183 |
Women | Emergency Domestic Violence Hotline phone: +90 212 656 9696 Social Service Counseling Line phone: 183 |
Men | Emergency Domestic Violence Hotline phone: +90 212 656 9696 Social Service Counseling Line phone: 183 |
Older Adults (over 60) | Emergency Domestic Violence Hotline phone: +90 212 656 9696 Social Service Counseling Line phone: 183 |
Vietnam | Children (under 18) | National Child Hotline phone: 111 |
Women | Accompanying Women’s Development Support Hotline phone: 1900969680 |
Abuse Helpline | CSAGA Gender Violence Hotline phone: 024 3333 55 99phone: (971) 34 36/31 43 |
Yemen | Everyone | Family Counseling & Development Foundation Yemen phone: 136 |
Asia: Rampant Domestic Violence Is Linked to Cultural Trends
Following worldwide trends during the COVID-19 pandemic, domestic violence in Asia has also increased. Reports indicate that in China, domestic violence hotline calls increased by 20%, while in South Korea, domestic violence reports increased by 30%, and in India, domestic violence cases increased by 40%.
With many people losing their jobs or having their hours reduced, it’s likely that arguments about finances have increased. This, combined with the anxiety and stress of the pandemic, as well as members of households being confined together for long periods, has resulted in frustrations being taken out on each other, often leading to abuse and violence.
Sadly women are affected far more in Asia, with 80% of domestic violence victims in China and 90% of victims in India being women. This is largely due to cultural attitudes in the region where women are often seen as subordinate to men and are, therefore, less likely to speak out or seek help if they are being abused.
Afghan Women’s Resource Center phone: +93 799 203 056 phone: +93 700 280 179 message on Facebook |
Armenia | Women | Women’s Support Center phone: 099 887 808 message on Facebook |
Azerbaijan |
Children (under 18) | Child Helpline Azerbaijan phone: 116111 |
Other | phone: 99 412 408 5696 | |
Bahrain | Women & Children (under 18) | Information Centre for Women and Children phone: 17262237 message on Facebook |
Bangladesh |
Women | She Will Survive |
Abuse Helpline | phone: 966 4699 | |
Bhutan | Women & Children (under 18) | Information Centre for Women and Children phone: (975) 2 332159/334751 |
Brunei |
Women | She Will Survive |
Abuse Helpline | phone: 673 340524 | |
Cambodia | Women | Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center phone: 1288 |
China | Children (under 18) | Child Abuse Hotline phone: 12338 |
Women | Red Maple phone: 010-68333388 |
Men | Red Maple phone: 010-68333388 |
Older Adults (over 60) | Red Maple phone: 010-68333388 |
India | Children (under 18) | Childline phone: 1098 |
Women | National Commission for Women phone: 7827170170 Zariya message on Facebook |
Men | Men Helpline phone: +91-9911666498 |
Older Adults (over 60) | The Dignity Foundation phone: 18002678780 |
Indonesia | Children (under 18) | Indonesian Commission for the Protection of Children phone: 129 |
Women | National Commission on Violence against Women phone: + 6221 390 3922 |
Men | The UN Refugee Agency phone: +62 811 1000 424 |
Older Adults (over 60) | Emergency Line phone: 112 |
Iran | Everyone | Organization for Defending Victims of Violence phone: 21 88 96 30 91 message on Facebook |
Iraq | Women | Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq phone: 110 message on Facebook |
Israel | Women | WAVO phone: 1202 message on Facebook |
Japan | Women | Women’s Resource Center phone: 092 513 7333 |
Jordan | Women | The Jordanian National Commission for Women phone: 6 568 7037 message on Facebook |
Kyrgyzstan | Abuse Helpline | phone: 281 455 |
Laos | Domestic Violence Helpline | phone: 1362 |
Lebanon | Women | Lebanese Council for Combating Violence Against Women phone: 6 624 060 message on Facebook |
Myanmar | Women | Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation phone: 067-419-173 message on Facebook |
Nepal | Women | The Women’s Foundation Nepal phone: +977 1 515 5080 message on Facebook |
Saudi Arabia | Everyone | MLSD 24-hour domestic violence helpline phone: 1919 |
Singapore | Women | Aware phone: 18007775555 |
South Korea | Women | Korea Women’s Hotline phone: 1366 message on Facebook |
Sri Lanka | Everyone | CCCLine phone: 1333 phone: 94 11 4 715585 |
Taiwan | Everyone | 113 Protection Hotline phone: 113 |
Tajikistan | Everyone | Project on Prevention of Domestic Violence phone: (91) 1892 221 527/198 |
Thailand | Children (under 18) | phone 1387 |
Everyone | Social Help Centre phone: 1300 |
phone: 02 276 2950 | ||
Timor-Leste | Abuse Helpline | phone: 390 321 534 |
Turkey | Children (under 18) | Emergency Domestic Violence Hotline phone: +90 212 656 9696 Social Service Counseling Line phone: 183 |
Women | Emergency Domestic Violence Hotline phone: +90 212 656 9696 Social Service Counseling Line phone: 183 |
Men | Emergency Domestic Violence Hotline phone: +90 212 656 9696 Social Service Counseling Line phone: 183 |
Older Adults (over 60) | Emergency Domestic Violence Hotline phone: +90 212 656 9696 Social Service Counseling Line phone: 183 |
Vietnam | Children (under 18) | National Child Hotline phone: 111 |
Women | Accompanying Women’s Development Support Hotline phone: 1900969680 |
Abuse Helpline | CSAGA Gender Violence Hotline phone: 024 3333 55 99phone: (971) 34 36/31 43 |
Yemen | Everyone | Family Counseling & Development Foundation Yemen phone: 136 |
South America: the Highest Rates of Gender-based Violence in the World
A study by the UN Women’s Office for South America found that domestic violence increased by 25% during the pandemic. The study also found that men were more likely to perpetrate violence than women and that the vast majority of victims were women between the ages of 18 and 34.
The increase in domestic violence can be attributed to a number of factors, including stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic, social isolation, and economic insecurity. The UN Women’s study found that women who experienced violence were more likely to live in households with lower incomes, to have lost their jobs due to the pandemic, and to have experienced anxiety and depression.
Argentina | Children (under 18) | Childhelpline phone: 102 |
Women | Línea 144 phone: 144 |
Men | Línea 144 phone: 144 |
Older Adults (over 60) | Línea 144 phone: 144 |
Women & Children (under 18) | There Is A Way Out Civil Association phone: +54 9 11 6897-7876 message on Facebook |
Bolivia | Women | Casa del Mujer phone: 591 4 663 8517 message on Facebook |
Brazil | Children (under 18) | TECA phone: +55 21 2589 5656 |
Women | Dial Human Rights phone: 100 |
Men | Dial Human Rights phone: 100 |
Older Adults (over 60) | Dial Human Rights phone: 100 |
Chile | Women | Red Chilena Contra la Violencia Hacia las Mujeres phone: 800 104 008 message on Facebook |
Colombia | Children (under 18) | Linea 106 phone: 106 |
Women | 123 Mujer Hotline phone: 123 |
Men | Línea Salvavidas phone: 3117668666 |
Older Adults (over 60) | Línea Salvavidas phone: 3117668666 |
Ecuador | Everyone | Cepam Quito
phone: 098 63 62 526 |
Guyana | Women | Fundación Sobrevivientes phone: (592) 227-3454 |
Paraguay | Women | Linea mujer
phone: 137 |
Peru | Children (under 18) | Fundación ANAR phone: 0800 22210 |
Women | PNP Women and Children Protection Center phone: +63 919 777 7377 |
Men | Línea 100 Violencia familiar y sexual phone: 100 |
Older Adults (over 60) | Línea 100 Violencia familiar y sexual phone: 100 |
Suriname | Women | Stop Violence Against Women Foundation phone: +597 470 0380 |
Trinidad and Tobago | Everyone | Families in Action phone: (868) 628-2333 phone: 800 7283 |
Uruguay | Everyone | Red Uruguaya Contra la Violencia Doméstica y Sexual phone: 0800 4141 message on Facebook |
Venezuela | Women | Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas phone: 0800-MUJERES (6853737) message on Facebook |
Oceania: the Highest Prevalence of Lifetime Intimate Partner Violence
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a dramatic increase in reports of domestic violence across Oceania. In Australia, for example, the National Domestic Violence Helpline has seen a 25% increase in calls since the pandemic began. Women’s shelters in New Zealand have also reported being full to capacity, with many women forced to sleep in their cars or on the streets.
The statistics on domestic violence are alarming, with one in four women in Australia and one in three women in New Zealand experiencing physical or sexual violence from a partner at some point in their lives. In Fiji, the figure is even higher, with nearly half of all women reporting experiencing violence from a partner.
While domestic violence affects women of all ages, it is particularly prevalent among young women. In Australia, for example, one in five women aged 18-24 experience violence from a current or former partner.
The impact of domestic violence goes beyond physical injury. Women who experience violence from a partner are also more likely to suffer from mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression. They are also at greater risk of developing substance abuse problems and can have difficulty maintaining employment.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it even harder for women to escape abusive relationships, with many shelters forced to close their doors due to the risk of infection. Women who are able to leave their partners often have nowhere to go, with many families unwilling to take them in for fear of contracting the virus.
The situation is particularly dire in Papua New Guinea, where there has been a marked increase in reports of domestic violence since the pandemic began. In a country where violence against women is already widespread, the pandemic has exacerbated the problem, with many women finding themselves trapped at home with their abusers.
Australia | Children (under 18) | Kids Help Line phone: +61 7 1800 55 1800 |
Women | National Domestic Family and Sexual Violence Counselling Service phone: 1800 737 732 message on Facebook |
Men | National Domestic Family and Sexual Violence Counselling Service phone: 1800 737 732 message on Facebook |
Older Adults (over 60) | National Domestic Family and Sexual Violence Counselling Service phone: 1800 737 732 message on Facebook |
Fiji | Women | Fiji Women’s Crisis Center phone: 3313 300 message on Facebook |
Kiribati | Women & Children (under 18) | Kiribati Women and Children Support Centre (KWCSC) Helpline: phone: 191 landline: 750 21000 |
Police Domestic Violence and Sexual Offenses Unit | The Commonwealth Says No More phone: 26187 |
Marshall Islands | Women | Women United Together Marshall Islands phone: +692 625 5290 message on Facebook |
New Zealand | Children (under 18) | Kidsline phone: 0800 543 754 |
Women | Women’s Refuge phone: 0800 733 843 |
Men | Shine phone: 0508 744 633 message on Facebook |
Older Adults (over 60) | Are You OK phone: 0800 456 450 |
Papua New Guinea | Everyone | 1-TOK Kaunselin Helpim Lain phone: 71508000 message on Facebook |
Samoa | Everyone | Samoa Victims Support phone: 68522640 message on Facebook |
Solomon Islands | Everyone | Empower Pacific phone: +677 30065 phone: 677 26999 |
Tonga | Women & Children (under 18) | Women & Children Crisis Center Tonga phone: +676 222 40 message on Facebook |
Vanuatu | Women | Vanuatu Women’s Centre
phone: +678 25764 |
How can I tell if someone is being abused?
It’s not always clear. In many cases, you can hear the fights, pangs of violence, cries, or see a victim with bruises – while in many other cases, you won’t be close enough for that.
There are critical indications you can be aware of, however, and know when you’re talking to a person in need of help.
For example: A person who said their abuser – a spouse, family member, or other type of partner – doesn’t let them communicate with their children, family, or friends, using Coronavirus as an excuse.
Another indication is a person who has no financial control over their own lives and can’t spend any money without approval from their partner – not even for an office gift or a lunch. One more possible indication is a person who just won’t speak about their relationship or partner at all, mostly out of fear of repercussions.
What can I do to help?
Remember that many cases of Domestic Abuse end in murder. They also more frequently include rape, severe injuries, and unimaginable emotional scars – including (and often especially) for the children in the household. Therefore, it is your duty to help the authorities get to the victims and end their nightmare. This is how you’ll do it without risking your own life.
- Don’t push the victim.
Sometimes it seems odd that a person being abused won’t file a complaint against their spouse or abuser to end her suffering – and people will just pressure her to do so. Remember that you don’t know what the victim has gone through, and reporting the abuse might be horrifying for them. Sometimes they try to protect their abuser out of fear, or a feeling that they deserve such abuse. Therefore, they will need your help – and not a lecture about how they need to stop suffering and help themselves. - Don’t be afraid to make an anonymous report.
Call the police if you hear an active, ongoing incident – you might very well be saving that victim’s life. - Call a support service.
Every one of the services listed here is well-trained in cooperating with the police, social services, and other relevant bodies. They can give you advice regarding the specific case at hand, and contact the victim themselves without mentioning you at all. - Avoid the abuser.
You’re trying to help a victim by getting the right professionals on the case, not by taking the law into your own hands or getting into trouble. Don’t talk to the abuser, even if you’re well acquainted, and don’t threaten them. Leave them for the cops and legal system. - Keep things confidential.
While helping a person in need is grounds for praise on social media, it might also expose that case and cause new or additional hardships for the victim. Also, a person who’s fishing for praise on Facebook or Twitter might play into the hands of the abuser’s lawyers, saying your report was dishonest as you were in it only to gain likes and popularity.
Author: Xeandran Naicker.
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