Activities & Opportunities
Perhaps you are looking for something new in life, but you’re not sure what exactly. Search through our directory to find new opportunities that may inspire and motivate you.

Since its launch in 2006, the Sunday Mail Young ScotAwards has celebrated the inspirational contributions of thousands of young Scots who have made a real difference to communities across Scotland.
For the past ten years the Young Scot Awards have been a phenomenal success, recognising the amazing achievements of some of Scotland’s truly remarkable young people. The awards shine a light on the positive contributions young people make every day and provide a fantastic opportunity to see their efforts and dedication celebrated.

Sea-Change provides residential opportunities for young people and vulnerable adults to learn and develop in a unique environment. By living and working together aboard a traditional sailing vessel they participate in a wide range of life skills and are encouraged to take increasing responsibility for their contribution and group decisions.
We offer a graduated set of programmes from entry level tasters to extended residential periods with accreditation. The charity is a Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Training and Sailability Foundation centre, and Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Approved Activity Centre.

We are Music is a registered charity helping people to engage in the community through popular music. Our objects provide for the advancement of young people through music into the music industry, and education. There is no other provision in the area and in response to local demand we increased the breadth of facilities provided to include adult sessions.

We develop world class athletes beyond sport and then work with them to deliver programmes that transform the lives of young people facing disadvantage.
It was back in 2008 on the eve of the Beijing Games when Dame Kelly Holmes realised something: If world class athletes can be effectively supported beyond sport, they could benefit society enormously. If we could harness their high performing attitudes and qualities, they can deliver a legacy.

Purpose: To provide a youth centre for 7-17 years. We provide a safe environment for children 7-10 years and yound people 10-17 years old, to meet. 4 youth offers workshops, outings and outdoor activities. There is an active 'youth forum' in '4 youth' who meet regularly to organise fundraising events and activities. It is a place where every young person can reach their full potential