Further Help

Inclusion Scotland (IS) is a consortium of organisations of disabled people and disabled individuals. Through a process of structured development we aim to draw attention to the physical, social, economic, cultural and attitudinal barriers that affect our everyday lives as disabled people in Scotland.
We work to promote Independent living. This means all disabled people having the same freedom, choice, dignity and control as other citizens at home, at work and in the community. It does not necessarily mean living by yourself or fending for yourself. It means rights to practical assistance and support to participate in society and live an ordinary life.

Dancing Giraffe is a community interest company that aims to provide disabled people and their carers with the information, products and services that they need and want to use every day. These can be anything from sporting opportunities, cultural experiences, travel, restaurants, and good and services. We are doing this in many ways, by forming partnerships with local companies, organisations or sports clubs. We also have a team of Volunteer researchers, searching the internet for these opportunities.

Founded in 2013, Sunshine Friends is a national registered charity based in Wales, with branches in Bristol and the West Midlands. Our aim is to raise awareness and offer services for people with disabilities. We currently have various projects that we work with on a daily basis.

Since 1984, Where Next aims to provide supported employment, work experience and training to people with learning disabilities or other special needs, disadvantaged in some way.

The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust (BIRT) is a division of The Disabilities Trust and the means by which The Disabilities Trust provides its brain injury services.

Leonard Cheshire Disability is a charity supporting disabled people in the UK and around the world to fulfil their potential and live the lives they choose. We improve the lives of disabled people in 54 different countries.

AbilityNet UK aims to improve the lives of disabled people by helping them to use the means of digital technology either at work, in education or at home.
We have a large team of consultants and testers who are working to help charities, public bodies and businesses design and maintain accessible websites, Apps or other digital tools in order to help disabled people to get the best out of anything.

The WDSA (UK) has been established in 2006 and it aims to both promote and support the wheelchair dance sport within the UK, as we consider it unfair for passionate individuals to be excluded from dancing.
Furthermore, we want to inspire people in considering wheelchair dancing both a leisure activity and sport, as we want to promote it at all levels around the Uk and internationally. We want to make wheelchair users believe that they can do anything, through this exciting and fun opportunity to develop themselves.

The non-for-profit organisation, Dancing Giraffe has been founded in 2010 and aims to offer information, services and products to both disable people and their carers in order to help them with the day-to-day activities.
These activities range from cultural experiences, sporting opportunities, restaurants, travel to services.

Being disabled is a major setback to the people who face it as they are barred from a number of privileges. They have to struggle to earn a very basic / secure living. However, there are organisations across the U.K. that help people overcome this and earn a decent living. United Reaponse provides a rabge of support servuces for adults and young people with learning disabilities, autism, mental health needs or physical disabilities.