Health Services
Facing health issues can be daunting; search through our directory to find health services near you that can give you specialised advice and practical assistance.

Adult Social Services
- Care and carers
- Day services and activities
- Disability
- Transport for older people and disabled people
- Money advice and benefits
- Report a concern about an adult
- Mental health and dementia
- Adult social care leaflets and factsheets

Local services for Kent residents with specific health needs and our responsibility for public health.
Care and support
Where to get help if you or someone you care for needs support due to illness, disability, old age or low income

Integrated falls and bone health service
The Integrated Falls and Bone Health Service (IF&BHS) is a team that comprises of a variety of health professionals with a special interest in Falls and Bone Health. These are primarily physiotherapists working in conjunction with podiatrists, exercise facilitators and rehabilitation assistants.

What do we help with?
Independent living
We provide support at home, transport and mobility aids to help people when they face a crisis in their daily lives.
Health issues
Social support overseas
We support elderly, socially isolated or otherwise vulnerable people around the world.

Looking after your teeth is really important, especially as you get older. It helps you enjoy your food, smile with confidence and generally feel good about yourself.

We started as a small family business in 2004 and today we are proud to be one of the largest providers of homecare services in the UK. In less than eight years we have grown from one business to 200 delivering 20,000 customer visits every day.
The story of our success is a testimony to the high quality homecare and support services that we provide to each of our customers. We attribute this to the excellent support we give to each new franchise business.