There are numerous charities whose focus is the protection of the well-being of senior citizens. Look through our directory for a list of organisations that can help you with your specific needs.

It is widely acknowledged that pets can positively benefit the well-being of elderly owners. For many elderly people living on their own, their pets are their reason for living.
They are constant companions - on hand 24 hours a day, every day, comforting, loving and protecting their owners - not only from outside threats, but also offering the more subtle form of protection from loneliness and despair.

Supported by a network of volunteers, Contact the Elderly organises monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for small groups of older people aged 75 and over, who live alone, offering a regular and vital friendship link every month.

We are committed to drawing older people out of isolation with our community activities. Our lunch clubs, social centres and community cafés are all ran by volunteers who provide a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Our clubs have enabled older people to meet with older friends, make new friends and even learn new skills.

Whatever happens as we get older, we all want to remain independent and live life on our own terms. That’s why, as well as offering regular friendly contact and a strong campaigning voice, Independent Age can provide you and your family with clear, free and impartial advice on the issues that matter: care and support, money and benefits, health and mobility.
A charity founded over 150 years ago, we’re independent so you can be.

Established on 9 April 1965, the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship is the only Civil Service charity dedicated to helping retired civil servants, widows/widowers, partners and dependants enjoy a better and more fulfilling retirement.

Although known as Age UK Colchester the charity is a small, independent charity affiliated to the national body and is responsible for its own finances. Age UK Colchester operates a number of services to benefit the older people of Colchester and its surrounding environs, including an Information Service; an Advice and Advocacy Service; a Consumer and Energy Advice Service; a Legal Advice Surgery; and various social clubs and activities throughout each month.