In "Breadline Britain - the rise of mass poverty", Stewart Lansley and Joanna Mack track changes in deprivation since 1983 and paint a devastating picture of the reality of poverty today and its causes.

"Consuming Credit: Debt and poverty in the UK" examines the links between increased poverty, the growth of the credit industry and the problems of debt. Issues examined include: the exclusion of the poor from some forms of credit, and how they are channelled into higher cost repayment schemes; the concentration of debt amongst the poor; the social and personal consequences of debt; the burden that falls on women; protection for credit users; remedies.

The Big Book has updated user-friendly information, tips, tactics and sample forms to support anyone living with mental health problems and those who advise them, in the ever changing world of “welfare reforms”. Written in an engaging, informal style with many illustrations and copious examples, this book aims to make complex information about benefits more accessible and digestible, while retaining the clarity and accuracy needed to ensure its usefulness.

Reform of disability benefit system must be prioritised in face of an ageing population. The majority of disabled people are economically inactive, and only about one in three is in full-time work. This is a problem because inactivity has been shown to lead to further deteriorations in health status, particularly for mental health. This briefing will outline the disability benefits and how to deal with them.

Tactical guidance is included throughout to help navigate the complexities of the system and enforce your rights.