Executives and Team

Simon Collyer

Website URL: http://www..abcorg.net

Eastbourne’s MP has called Universal Credit a ‘train wreck’ and has said Christmas will be ‘bitterly hard’ for the town’s families unless it is paused. Stephen Lloyd, the Work and Pensions spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats, criticised the policy in a speech at the party’s conference.

Please see the video below: 

'I lost my benefits due to post chaos'

A Pensioner has had her disability benefit stopped after a lack of postmen meant mail wasn’t delivered to homes in Dovercourt.

Last week the Standard reported how a former postie was asked to collect his own parcel and then given a pile of undelivered post.

Diane Davis, of Howard Avenue, says she also stopped receiving letters along with her neighbours.

But when her post was delivered, she discovered an important appointment to assess her disability payments on August 31.

The 67-year-old said: “I got the letter after the appointment, I think on September 6.

“I called and explained but they said because I didn’t turn up they were stopping my benefits.

“I’m being penalised because of the post not being delivered.

“I pulled the postman up on it and he said we’re lucky to get it as they are so short staffed, some days we’ll get it and some days we won’t.”

Miss Davis suffers with severe back pain, needs a walking stick, and has arthritis in her fingers.

She says she relies on her benefit payment to buy food and put towards her rent.

“I’ve got crumbling of the spine and the doctor says it will just get worse,” she added.

“I rely on that money, without it I’m going to struggle.

“They said it will have to be taken as a new claim, I’ll have to go for an appointment.

“I don’t know how long it will take to sort out.”

A spokesman from the Department for Work and Pensions said they are in talks with Miss Davis about resolving the issue and restarting her benefit claim.

Speaking last week, Royal Mail spokesman Henry Perry apologised about the level of service customers in Harwich had received due to staffing shortages.

He said they were trying to resolve the issue and recruit staff as quickly as possible.

Friday 22 September, 2017

Unpaid Trial Shifts

SNP MP Stewart McDonald has written to all of Scotland’s party leaders to urge them to back a new law to ban the exploitative practice of unpaid trial shifts.
A public consultation on the Unpaid Trial Work Periods (Prohibition) Bill ended in August, and the bill has received the backing of the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC), the National Union of Students (NUS) and the Better Than Zero campaign.  While the UK government does not have official comprehensive statistics on the number of people being asked to work unpaid trial periods, a recent study by Middlesex University and Trust for London, Unpaid Britain (2017), conservatively estimates that workers are missing out on £1.2billion in wages - with unpaid trial shifts contributing towards this.
The MP for Glasgow South is now calling on Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson to back the bill, whip her MPs to vote for it, and use her influence to secure Tory government support. The MP has also written to Scottish Labour’s leadership candidates, and Scottish Lib Dem Leader Willie Rennie, seeking a commitment that Labour and Lib Dem MPs will also back the bill.
Commenting, Stewart McDonald MP said:
“A fair day’s work deserves a fair day’s pay, but if my bill to ban exploitative unpaid trial shifts is to pass then it is vital that all of Scotland’s MPs get behind it, which is why we need to see a firm commitment of support from Scotland’s party leaders.
“Trial periods are used all too often by unscrupulous employers to take advantage of people who are desperately in need of a job, and use their labour for free without any guarantee – or even any intention – of an offer of paid work at the end of it.
“Since launching the bill I have heard from hundreds of people who have themselves been through this practice, and I cannot convey strongly enough the grim reality of what it is like for people to go through this kind of humiliating exploitation. It is a practice that belongs in the past and my bill offers some hope that it might finally be stamped out once and for all.
“SNP MPs will be backing the bill, and it has already received the support of the STUC, NUS, and the Better than Zero campaign, but the Tories, Labour and the Lib Dems have yet to say whether they will support it.  
“I hope Ruth Davidson – and the other party leaders – will join the SNP in standing up for people in Scotland, by backing this bill to protect and extend the rights of Scottish workers and job seekers.”

Friday 22 September, 2017

Ubers Licence Revoked

This morning Transport for London (TfL) bowed to public pressure and revoked Uber’s license to operate in the capital.

This is a huge victory for workers’ rights and passenger safety.

Uber has been granted the right to appeal against an Employment Tribunal ruling that found that the organisation’s drivers are employed as workers and are entitled to the national minimum wage and holiday pay.

The appeal will be heard at the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) in London on 27 and 28 September 2017.

The appeal relates to the ruling released by the London Central Employment Tribunal on 28 October 2016 following the preliminary hearing of the Aslam and Farra v Uber case. In this case, the drivers contended that they were workers rather than self-employed contractors, and that they were therefore entitled to workers’ rights such as the national minimum wage and holiday pay.

The Employment Tribunal found that the drivers were employed as workers within the meaning of the Employment Rights Act, National Minimum Wage Act, and the working time regulations. The tribunal also found that the claimants were engaged in unmeasured work for the purposes of the National Minimum Wage Regulations, and that their working time should be calculated in accordance with the working time regulations.

Information courtesy of the TUC.

A piece of interesting news prior to the Labour Conference is that the Labour Party are potentially planning to field many more female candidates, effectively to be ready to contest the next election. In some instances, successful male candidates nationally are being asked to step aside allowing this transition to take place. The Party could in effect be fielding a 50/50 ratio of men and women by the time the general election comes around.

Although it seems a little unfair on male candidates following the impressive turn around in Labours fortunes, this is a radical idea, and we may end up with a parliament that reflects more accurately the population as a whole.    

The Fabian Society have announced all their Fringe events at the Labour Party Conference. Labour's Annual Conference takes place every Autumn and is one of the largest and most high profile political events in Europe.

Delegates and visitors take part in debates to shape Labour's vision for Britain.

Over 11,000 people attend Conference for the wider experiences available. With over 400 fringe events, a vibrant exhibition and great opportunities to network and share ideas, Annual Conference is an event not to be missed.

The Conference venue is the Brighton Centre and the Conference hotel will be the Brighton Hilton Metropole.

Annual Conference 2017 will take place from Sunday 24 September to Wednesday 27 September 2017.

All events at Holiday Inn, Brighton Seafront, BN1 2JF unless otherwise stated


13.00-14.30, Glyndebourne 1 | Innovate or Die: The future of private trade sector trade unions

In partnership with Community

Stella Creasy MPChuka Umunna MPMatthew Ball (Community), Kay Carberry (formerly TUC). Chair: Cameron Tait (Changing Work Centre)

17.00-18.30, Glyndebourne 1 | Year in Review: Twelve months in British politics

Shami Chakrabarti (shadow attorney general), Sarah Jones MPAyesha Hazarika (commentator & former Labour advisor), Stephen Bush (special correspondent, New Statesman). Chair: Andrew Harrop (general secretary, Fabian Society)

17.30-19.00, Lancing 1 | Delivering Social Justice: The important of education outside the classroom

In partnership with NCS Trust

Lucy Powell MPDan Jarvis MP, Michael Lynas (CEO, NCS Trust), Jermaine Jackman (entertainer & NCS ambassador). Chair: Olivia Bailey (deputy general secretary, Fabian Society) 

19.00-20.30, Glyndebourne 1 | Powerful People, Powerful Places: Engaging communities in environmental action

In partnership with Woodland Trust

Sue Hayman MP (shadow DEFRA secretary), Lord Kennedy (shadow DCLG minister), Leonie Cooper AMRebecca Speight (Woodland Trust). Chair: Cllr Natan Doron


12.30-14.00, Glyndebourne 1 | Right to Justice: Launch of the Bach Commission report

Shami Chakrabarti (shadow attorney general), Richard Burgon MP (shadow justice secretary and shadow lord chancellor)Gloria De Piero MP (shadow justice minister)Sir Henry Brooke CMG (former Lord Justice of Appeal), Kate O’Rourke (senior council, Charles Russell Speechlys LLP), James Sandbach (director of policy, LawWorks). Chair: Lord Bach (Bach Commission chair)

15.00-16.30 | Brexit Britain: Challenges and opportunities for the city

In partnership with City of London Corporation

Private roundtable with Keir Starmer MP (shadow Brexit secretary).

17.00-18.30, Lancing 1 | Our Vision for the Industry’s Future: What next for financial and related professional services?

In partnership with TheCityUK

Jonathan Reynolds MP (shadow economic secretary to the Treasury), Alison McGovern MP (former shadow Treasury minister), Miles Celic (CEO, TheCityUK), Andrew Kail (UK head of Financial Services). Chair: Olivia Bailey (deputy general secretary, Fabian Society)

17.00-18.30 | Doing Care Differently: Labour’s agenda for independence and wellbeing in older age

In partnership with Independent Age

Private roundtable with Barbara Keeley MP (shadow mental health and social care minister)

17.30-19.00, Glyndebourne 1 | Changing Hands: Is community ownership of assets the way forward for local government?

In partnership with Power to Change

Jim McMahon MP (shadow local government devolution & financial minister), Cllr Judith Blake (leader, Leeds City Council), Cllr Asher Craig (deputy mayor, Bristol), Vidhya Alakeson (CEO, Power to Change). Chair: Tobias Phibbs (researcher, Fabian Society)


10.30-12.00 | Advanced Manufacturing and Industrial Strategy: Labour’s agenda for innovation and growth

In partnership with MTA

Private roundtable with Chi Onwurah MP (shadow BEIS minister).

13.00-14.30, Lancing 1| A Fairer Society for All: Achieving everyday equality for disabled people
In partnership with Scope

Debbie Abrahams (shadow DWP secretary), Kate Green MP (chair, Fabian Society), Anna Bird (executive director of policy & research, Scope), Jessica Kellgren-Fozard (disability advocate). Chair: Andrew Harrop (general secretary, Fabian Society)


13:30-15:00, Glyndebourne 1 | Britain, Europe and the World: Co-operating on global challenges

In partnership with FEPS

Emily Thornberry MP (shadow foreign secretary), Brendan Howlin TD (leader, Irish Labour party), Gerhard Stahl (Peking University & former EU official), Stephany Griffith-Jones (Columbia University), Chair: Ivana Bartoletti (chair, Fabian Women’s Network)

17:00-18:30, Lancing 1 | Fabian Question Time

In partnership with ICAEW
David Lammy MPSeema Malhotra MPOwen Jones (columnist, the Guardian). Chair: Andrew Harrop (general secretary, Fabian Society)


MIND the mental health charity have made changes relating to their Essex operations says; Stephanie Mills, Mid and North East Essex, Marketing & Fundraising Manager. 

MIND Mid and North Essex ONLINE-RGB-logo

MIND in Essex, now go under the moniker, Mid and North East Essex Mind. This is the email address; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Stephanie can be found on 01206 546478 should you want to make a donation or give support. 

MIND Mid and North East can be found in our directory: http://www.abcorg.net/health/mental-health

We will be adding to our ABC directory with the assistance of our Essex University student team (VTeam) recruits. The new term at Essex University starts 02 October.

Watch out for our ABC press gang as will be recruiting the bright, courageous and the beautiful to be help build our directory website with tons more valuable content.  

Essex University VTeam

Wednesday 20 September, 2017

CPAG Launches A Call To Action

Child poverty campaigners welcome Public Health experts 'call to action'
“Living wages, progressive taxation and investment in social security vital to reducing poverty and protecting children's health and well being" say child poverty campaigners
The Director of the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland, John Dickie, welcomed today's (20/09/17)  launch of a 'call to action'  on Scotland's health inequalities from the Faculty of Public Health. The public health experts make clear the need to use all of Scotland's tax and benefit levers to address the poverty that underpins health inequalities.
Responding to the calls - contained in the report 'Healthy Lives, Fairer Futures' - Mr Dickie said:
"This 'call to action' from the nation's public health experts makes absolutely clear that living wages, progressive taxation and investment in social security  are all absolutely vital to reducing poverty and protecting children's health and well-being. If we are serious about making sure all our children can look forward to healthy lives then government at every level needs to act on these recommendations and Scottish Ministers must use every tool in their toolbox, including powers to top up UK benefits, to boost family incomes ".
Wednesday 20 September, 2017

Scottish Small Business Confidence Slips

Confidence among small businesses in Scotland and the UK as a whole tumbled in the latest quarter, as higher inflation and domestic economic weakness weighed, a key survey reveals today.

The Federation of Small Businesses’ latest survey also shows small firms north of the Border have seen another fall in profits in the latest quarter. It signals there was a slight overall fall in staffing in the latest quarter, with a further reduction in employment anticipated in the coming three months. 

In work poverty, is not being addresses fully says a new report by Eurofound. 


One in ten workers in the EU is at risk of poverty, and 13% of workers are materially deprived and cannot afford basic household goods. Despite the fact that levels of in-work poverty have increased in Europe during the financial crisis, most Member States do not specifically address in-work poverty. These findings were highlighted by Eurofound's new report In-work poverty in the EU, published in Dublin today.

In-work poverty in the EU examines what it means for workers to be poor in the 21st century and looks at the ramifications of poverty for workers. Being among the working poor is associated with various social problems, including lower levels of subjective and mental well-being, problems with accommodation and living environment, poor relationships, and feelings of social exclusion.

The report builds on mounting evidence to show that in-work poverty represents a significant challenge for Europe, particularly in the context of the post-crisis labour market. Not only has the number of workers at risk of poverty in Europe increased in many Member States between 2007 and 2014, there is also a strong connection between contract types and in-work poverty: just 5% of full-time workers qualified as working poor, whereas 29% of involuntary part-time workers were working poor and 25% of self-employed workers without employees were working poor. It is important that these workers have the same rights and access to social protection that are accorded to workers with standard contracts.

The report found that while an adequate minimum wage is a core pillar of any model of social protection for the working poor, increased attention should be paid to minimum household income to reflect more accurately the situation of many of the working poor. Considering the risks that temporary workers face during spells of unemployment, measures are needed to facilitate transitions between jobs and to provide financial support while workers are in this position.

Finally, the report identifies the need to provide indirect help to raise the living standards of vulnerable workers; this requires a better understanding of the effectiveness of different kinds of indirect measures on the levels and impact of in-work poverty, as well as a concerted policy approach.

Eurofound In Work Poverty

The graph above highlights the importance of education, indicating that in all EU countries except Finland, the at-risk-of-poverty rate is highest among people with the lowest level of education. The differences on the basis of education are largest in Romania, where 52% of those with primary education only are at risk of in-work poverty, compared with just 1% of those who have completed tertiary education.

ABC Note: 

The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) provides research-based findings and knowledge to help develop social and work-related policies. The ultimate aim is to help plan and design better living and working conditions in Europe.

'Work hard at school, because if you don't you will be working hard when you leave', the old adage goes.

The full report is below:  

Page 170 of 281


  • Simon Collyer

    Simon Collyer

    Position: Founder & Director

    Simon Collyer hails from Brightlingsea in Essex, a small town on the coast between Colchester & Clacton. Simon worked very successfully in the leisure marine industry in the UK and in Australia. Later in London Simon worked in the web development and publishing fields, founding a below-the-line sales promotion agency in the early nineties and then later a software company Red Banner in South Africa (2002-06). Here in South Africa, Simon became interested in the Third Sector and starting his own organisation.

  • Christopher Johnson

    Christopher Johnson

    Position: Bookkeeping and Administration

    Chris lived in Oxford for twenty years, having been educated at Magdalen College School. Chris sought a career with British Rail and spent twenty years in railway retail management ending with Virgin Trains at Euston Station. Christopher retrained in bookkeeping and accounts in 2000 and now works for Chelmsford Community Transport.

    A strong, enthusiastic team player with a meticulous eye for detail, Christopher brings a range of skills to the ABC.


  • Frances Rimmer

    Frances Rimmer

    Position: Researcher

    When not charming snakes Frances is a Modern History student at the University of Essex, focusing specifically on social history. The lives and experiences of the ordinary person rather than on politics or the military. Outside of her studies, Frances enjoys film and writing. As a keen roller skater who plays roller derby with the Kent Roller Girls, Frances secret wish would be to become a skating instructor and open her own rink, as she has always wanted to help people in some way, and feels it would be great to do so while also sharing her passion with like-minded people.

  • Stuart Meyers

    Stuart Meyers

    Position: Researcher

    Stuart Meyer, is a final year American Studies student at the University of Essex. Stuart focussed his academic life on global justice and the rights of migrants. Additionally Stuart has a passion for writing, both creatively and with the aim of providing accessible information to those who need it most Stuart has made a great contribution to our library of Advice Guides demonstrating his versatility by writing intelligently on a wide range of topics.

  • Louis Jones

    Louis Jones

    Position: Film Maker

    Louis is a 19 year old TV and film student studying at Colchester Institute. Along with hand-picked fellow students, Louis made the ‘Membership’ video that can be seen on the ABC website. Louis volunteers at, Hospital Radio Colchester, as a football commentator. A true fan of the ‘Great Game’ Louis insights have been sought after on occasions by key local media, the Colchester Daily Gazette & even BBC Essex.

  • Marcus Pierpont

    Marcus Pierpont

    Position: Film Director

    Talented student film maker, Marcus Pierpoint, directed the ABC 'Membership' film which can be seen on the organizations website. Marcus has recently graduated from a BTEC course, studying Creative Media Production at Colchester Institute and he claims a true passion for films and filmmaking. Marcus also enjoys radio work and volunteers at the local hospital radio station, producing and presenting his own show. Marcus is enrolled at the University of Greenwich, and dreams of a career in the media industry.

  • Shane Mitchell

    Shane Mitchell

    Position: Film Maker

    Shane Mitchell, is another Colchester Institute Film and TV student that aspirers to be a Director of Photography in the future. Shane was the camera operator for the ABC Membership video, fun to make says Shane but it is also work he is very proud of. Shane loves all things ‘film’ and he makes videos even in his spare time.

  • Joe Corlett

    Joe Corlett

    Position: Film Director

    Ex-student script writer/director, Joe Corlett, directed the ABC's corporate video (About Us) which is now viewable on the main website. Joe graduated from the Colchester Institute with a BTEC diploma in the field of media. Joe is passionate towards film making and hopes to continue making more that are constructed form his own material. On the side he's loves being out jogging in all terrains and when not out side he's writing scripts for future projects. Joe is now out in the world ready to start his life goal of working in the Media industry.  

  • Jon Taylor

    Jon Taylor

    Position: Film Maker

    Jonathan Taylor has been working in the media sector for 3 years and for our filming projects he worked as the production manager. John worked on graphical elements of our film, About Us for example, rendering images and making them look good on screen.

    Jon is also experienced in animation and he made the logo and animation sequences in the ABC corporate videos.

    Part of Jon’s brief was to also organise the administration side of filming, known collectively to admin experts the world over as ‘the paperwork’.

  • Thomas Hearn

    Thomas Hearn

    Position: Film Maker

    Thomas Hearn, has been involved in media, for about three years. Tom likes to work a lot at a computer, particularly the editing suite. For the ABC project, Tom worked on the edit itself; created and pieced together both the footage and the music, Tom created the visual elements of the ABC ‘About Us’ video and put most of the visual effects on the video.

    I think we can agree that along with the rest of our youthful student team; Tom has done a very fine job indeed.

  • Max Gillard

    Max Gillard

    Position: Film Maker

    The last of our film team Max Gillard has recently finished college studying Creative Media Level 3 and Max hopes to continue the course on to University to someday gain a job in the media industry.

    We wish Max the best of luck.

  • Harry


    Position: Film Maker

    My name is Harry Genge and I am an aspiring film maker. I have skills in the majority of film orientated jobs, though I am most interested in the creative roles such: Directing, Director of Photography and Writing. In my spare time I make short films, write, read, draw/paint and take the dog out for long walks.


  • Ned


    Position: Producers

    My name is Ned Woodcraft and I’m an aspiring Producer. As well as completing a diploma in media production I have also had a number of jobs in the professional market. I’m also a keen sailor and water sport enthusiast.


  • Brandon


    Position: Producer

    My name is Brandon and I’m an aspiring producer and actor. I enjoy bringing a production together with planning and preparations to create a great finished product. My hobbies also include street magic and bass playing.


  • Callum


    Position: Writer and Director

    My name is Callum Olive and I’m an aspiring writer and director. I’m always looking for a new project and love writing new stories and screenplays at home and on the move. My hobbies include playing the piano and street magic.


  • Joanie DeMuro

    Joanie DeMuro

    Joanie joined ABC team in early 2017. She was one of six student volunteers from the University of Essex in that cohort. The student team focused on a range of projects, including creation of Wikipedia page,‘training manual’ and most importantly, researching and adding entries to the website directory of organisations that assist the unwaged, or those on low incomes. “This placement was very helpful - thanks for the opportunity Simon.”


  • Cherry Lam

    Cherry Lam

    Cherry Lam has been volunteering for ABC for one month. Although it is a short period of time, she knows a lot more about the running of a charity organisation. Cherry is responsible for adding directories to the organisation website according to categories. Joining this placement helped her improving skills and gaining new experiences. Cherry says is extremely appreciative of the support she has received from ABC which allowed her to improve skills.
