Simon Collyer
Struggling With A Sick Child - Here is Some Help
Caring4OurKids have recently reached out to us.
The organisation is a group of parents who have children on the Autism Spectrum or who suffer from inflammatory diseases such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia. Recent studies suggest a link between these conditions. We each know how overwhelming it can be when your child is first diagnosed. As well, we understand the daily struggle as well as the joys of raising these very special children. We have come together to curate and create resources that have been helpful to us in the hopes that these will help other parents struggling to care for and to help their children thrive.
Having met a little chap who exploded at the sound of a baby crying, at a model train exhibition this weekend - we can attest to how challenging children with autism can be having talked to one of the lads parents.
Here are a few resourses sent to us:
Legal Resources for Special Needs
Keeping Disabled Persons Safe While Remodeling
Creating a Home Where Your Disabled Child can Thrive
Teacher Resources for Special Needs
Disability and Credit Scores
Disability Resources from the Department of Labor
Tips for Disabled Persons to Declutter and Organize their Home
Financial Planning for Special Needs
You can find the organisation by clicking below:
Former DWP Minister Stephen Crabb Admits Misconduct
Former Department of Work & Pensions minister Stephen Crabb has apologised for sexting a 19-year-old woman after he interviewed her for a job. The Tory MP for Preseli Pembrokeshire, 44, has admitted to sending "explicit" messages to the teenager in 2013. Mr Crabb resigned last year as a cabinet minister following reports of another incident.
At least four MPs have been caught up in various allegations of sexual misconduct. According to the Daily Mirror Tory staffers have compiled a list naming 36 of the party’s Cabinet ministers and MPs of inappropriate sexual behaviour, it was reported last night.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn warned of a "warped and degrading culture" where the abuse of women had gone unchallenged for too long.
Image: Jeremy Corbyn
Cherry Lam
Cherry Lam has been volunteering for ABC for one month. Although it is a short period of time, she knows a lot more about the running of a charity organisation. Cherry is responsible for adding directories to the organisation website according to categories. Joining this placement helped her improving skills and gaining new experiences. Cherry says is extremely appreciative of the support she has received from ABC which allowed her to improve skills.
Joanie DeMuro
Joanie joined ABC team in early 2017. She was one of six student volunteers from the University of Essex in that cohort. The student team focused on a range of projects, including creation of Wikipedia page,‘training manual’ and most importantly, researching and adding entries to the website directory of organisations that assist the unwaged, or those on low incomes. “This placement was very helpful - thanks for the opportunity Simon.”
Gov U-turn Over Local Housing Allowance - Now What About HB And Young People?
Theresa May has announced a U-turn over plans to apply the Local Housing Allowance cap to supported housing, a move that could have hit thousands of elderly and vulnerable people. The Liberal Democrats have now called on the government to also U-turn on its decision to scrap housing benefit for 18-21 year-olds.
Universal Credit Is Coming Under Enormous Criticism
Thousands of people in Swansea could be “plunged into debt” when universal credit replaces their current benefit arrangements, according to the leader of the council.
A worried Rob Stewart fears homelessness could rise, and wants people affected by the new payment system to consider using a credit union to help manage their money.
Universal credit is gradually replacing six existing means-tested benefits. It is intended to simplify the benefit system and improve work incentives, and comes into force in Swansea in December on a phased basis.
A report commissioned by the council has estimated that 16,770 households in the city will be affected by universal credit, which is paid in arrears.
If the new system was introduced now, the report said:
9,300 households would have a lower benefit entitlement under universal credit and would need “transitional protection” payments
3,666 households would have a higher income under universal credit
3,804 households would see no change in entitlement.
The headline statistic ringing alarm bells in the Guildhall is that the disposable income of working-age households who receive benefits would fall by an average of £46 per week by 2020 compared to now. This £46 figure takes into account rising inflation and expected rent rises.
These trends would push an increasing proportion of Universal credit recipients into the worse-off bracket, notwithstanding rises in the national living wage and an increase in the personal allowance threshold before which tax is deducted from earners.
“I think people have an idea that universal credit is coming,” said Mr Stewart. “Some people think the changes are already in place. But I think they will be shocked and surprised.
“The majority of changes are still to come into force. The impacts will be felt everywhere in Swansea, but will be greatest in the east.
“We are really concerned that we are going to see people plunged into debt in numbers not seen before, and an upsurge in people seeking help from food banks.”
Mr Stewart said the council wanted to help people in need, for example those who might struggle to manage rent payments which previously went straight to their landlord.
“We would take a considered approach to (housing) evictions,” said the Labour leader. “We can get advice services to help stop people falling into debt.”
Asked if he feared homelessness would rise in Swansea, he replied: “That is a real concern for us. It is happening elsewhere. Swansea is not immune.
“The council is acting as a safety net, and we will continue to do that. My concern is the net might not be big enough.”
He said Swansea’s two credit unions, Celtic Credit Union and My Community Bank, were good options for managing finances and paying off short-term debts.
The report by Policy in Practice said the reform of welfare was a complicated subject. Changes to the amount that households can earn before claiming a benefit called tax credit are key to the universal credit number-crunching.
“The result is that universal credit will in most cases be less generous than the current tax credit system overall,” said the report. “The impact of universal credit is complex, and the winners and losers will depend upon the level of earnings, and household type.”
It concluded that the impact by 2020 “portrays an alarming picture” for Swansea residents, adding that the council “will have to support many people who will be negatively affected by a combination of reforms”.
One element of universal credit — a wait of six weeks for the first payment — was roundly denounced at a Swansea Council meeting on Thursday, where all parties put their names to a motion calling upon the UK Government to pause, rethink and fix the new system.
Labour councillor Jen Raynor said universal credit would drain money out of the Swansea economy.
“It should not only be delayed, it should be stopped,” she said.
Consumer charity Citizens Advice has previously warned that universal credit was “a disaster waiting to happen”, undermining its good intentions.
Its analysis for people trialling the new system found that 79% of people had rent, council tax or energy bill debts, compared to 69% previously.
Citizens Advice chief executive Gillian Guy urged Westminster leaders to reduce the six-week wait for the first payment.
She said: “While the principles behind universal credit are sound, our evidence shows that if the Government continues to take this stubborn approach to the expansion of universal credit, it risks pushing thousands of families into a spiral of debt, and placing an even greater strain on public services.
“People face severe consequences, like visits from bailiffs and eviction, when they can’t pay their bills.”
This week she welcomed a House of Commons committee’s call to cut the six-week wait to four weeks.
“Any reduction to this period would be good news,” she said.
ABC Note: Labour are talking about 4 billion increase on welfare spending but the government has cut 15 billion pounds.
International Stress Awareness Day Nov 1st
The International Stress Management Association (ISMA) is a registered charity working to prevent and reduce stress, advocating best practice in stress management. We raise the profile of stress and mental health issues and campaign against the stigma associated with them.
International Stress Awareness Day (INSAD) is ISMA’s flagship event. INSAD’s purpose is to publicise stress and mental health issues, while promoting the importance of stress prevention and wellbeing for individuals and organisations.
Founded as National Stress Awareness Day by Carole Spiers, Chair of ISMAUK, in 1998, its success has led to INSAD spreading overseas and it is now promoted around the world.
The nineteenth INSAD on 1st November 2017 is themed ‘Speak Up and Speak Out About Stress’.
Image: Carole Spiers founder of INSAD
Universal Credit Calculator
Do you want to find out how much you are entitled to on Universal Credit.
If you currently receive any of these benefits, you can’t claim Universal Credit at the same time.
Universal Credit is being introduced in stages across the UK. You don’t need to do anything until you hear from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) about moving to Universal Credit, unless you have a change in circumstances.
Universal Credit will replace the following benefits:
Child Tax Credit
Housing Benefit
Income Support
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
Working Tax Credit
Please click on the logo below and use the Policy in Practice UK calculator:
ABC Note: You will also find a link at the bottom of the page.
Welsh Weekly Earnings Lowest in The UK
As average weekly earnings in Wales fall to the lowest of all the UK regions, Plaid Cymru has warned that it’s time for both the UK and Welsh Government to begin investing in people.
Plaid Cymru Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure Adam Price said that the figures show that austerity has failed Wales.
He said that now was the time to bring forward ambitious capital investment projects, such as upgrades to infrastructure, and for the Welsh Government to support Welsh businesses to grow and prosper.
Image: Plaid Cymru Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure Adam Price.
Plaid Cymru Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure Adam Price said:
“Average weekly wages in Wales are now £52 below the UK average and are the lowest in the UK. It is a clear illustration of the Welsh and UK Governments’ failure in its duty to the people of Wales.
“The Tories’ arbitrary austerity agenda has failed, and it has failed Wales more than anywhere else.
Meanwhile the Labour government in Wales has failed to deliver the economic growth we need.
“It’s time to abandon the culture of cuts; it has led to nothing but economic decline. It’s time to invest in our people and our communities.
“Plaid Cymru has long called for capital investment to upgrade infrastructure across the whole of Wales. We have put forward innovative finance models to counter the austerity agenda, so that we can create jobs, boost the economy and put money in people’s pockets.
“We also need the Welsh Government to start prioritising investment in Welsh-based businesses through the Welsh Development Bank, and bring to an end its policy of providing free cash to large foreign owned companies that bring little or no long-term benefit to the Welsh economy.
“People in Wales are often locked in to a low wage cycle. It’s time to break the cycle and unlock economic growth.”
Manchester City Council Pay Protection for Carers
Manchester City Council has committed to delivering pay protections to its employees working in the care sector, including paying staff the voluntary living wage and providing occupational sick pay.
The commitment forms part of trade union Unison’s ethical care charter, which Manchester City Council signed on 23 October 2017. The charter provides minimum standards for residential and home care providers, and sets out a series of protections for care staff. This includes paying employees the voluntary living wage rate of at least £8.45 an hour, not using zero hours contracts, providing occupational sick pay and regular free training opportunities, as well as setting out a clear and accountable process for staff to raise concerns.
Under the charter agreement, Manchester City Council has also committed to paying home care staff for their travel time and expenses, as well as providing opportunities for employees to meet together in order to avoid potential isolation. The ethical care charter also requires that residential care staff are paid for unsocial hours and sleep-ins.
Simon Collyer
Position: Founder & Director
Simon Collyer hails from Brightlingsea in Essex, a small town on the coast between Colchester & Clacton. Simon worked very successfully in the leisure marine industry in the UK and in Australia. Later in London Simon worked in the web development and publishing fields, founding a below-the-line sales promotion agency in the early nineties and then later a software company Red Banner in South Africa (2002-06). Here in South Africa, Simon became interested in the Third Sector and starting his own organisation.
Christopher Johnson
Position: Bookkeeping and Administration
Chris lived in Oxford for twenty years, having been educated at Magdalen College School. Chris sought a career with British Rail and spent twenty years in railway retail management ending with Virgin Trains at Euston Station. Christopher retrained in bookkeeping and accounts in 2000 and now works for Chelmsford Community Transport.
A strong, enthusiastic team player with a meticulous eye for detail, Christopher brings a range of skills to the ABC.
Frances Rimmer
Position: Researcher
When not charming snakes Frances is a Modern History student at the University of Essex, focusing specifically on social history. The lives and experiences of the ordinary person rather than on politics or the military. Outside of her studies, Frances enjoys film and writing. As a keen roller skater who plays roller derby with the Kent Roller Girls, Frances secret wish would be to become a skating instructor and open her own rink, as she has always wanted to help people in some way, and feels it would be great to do so while also sharing her passion with like-minded people.
Stuart Meyers
Position: Researcher
Stuart Meyer, is a final year American Studies student at the University of Essex. Stuart focussed his academic life on global justice and the rights of migrants. Additionally Stuart has a passion for writing, both creatively and with the aim of providing accessible information to those who need it most Stuart has made a great contribution to our library of Advice Guides demonstrating his versatility by writing intelligently on a wide range of topics.
Louis Jones
Position: Film Maker
Louis is a 19 year old TV and film student studying at Colchester Institute. Along with hand-picked fellow students, Louis made the ‘Membership’ video that can be seen on the ABC website. Louis volunteers at, Hospital Radio Colchester, as a football commentator. A true fan of the ‘Great Game’ Louis insights have been sought after on occasions by key local media, the Colchester Daily Gazette & even BBC Essex.
Marcus Pierpont
Position: Film Director
Talented student film maker, Marcus Pierpoint, directed the ABC 'Membership' film which can be seen on the organizations website. Marcus has recently graduated from a BTEC course, studying Creative Media Production at Colchester Institute and he claims a true passion for films and filmmaking. Marcus also enjoys radio work and volunteers at the local hospital radio station, producing and presenting his own show. Marcus is enrolled at the University of Greenwich, and dreams of a career in the media industry.
Shane Mitchell
Position: Film Maker
Shane Mitchell, is another Colchester Institute Film and TV student that aspirers to be a Director of Photography in the future. Shane was the camera operator for the ABC Membership video, fun to make says Shane but it is also work he is very proud of. Shane loves all things ‘film’ and he makes videos even in his spare time.
Joe Corlett
Position: Film Director
Ex-student script writer/director, Joe Corlett, directed the ABC's corporate video (About Us) which is now viewable on the main website. Joe graduated from the Colchester Institute with a BTEC diploma in the field of media. Joe is passionate towards film making and hopes to continue making more that are constructed form his own material. On the side he's loves being out jogging in all terrains and when not out side he's writing scripts for future projects. Joe is now out in the world ready to start his life goal of working in the Media industry.
Jon Taylor
Position: Film Maker
Jonathan Taylor has been working in the media sector for 3 years and for our filming projects he worked as the production manager. John worked on graphical elements of our film, About Us for example, rendering images and making them look good on screen.
Jon is also experienced in animation and he made the logo and animation sequences in the ABC corporate videos.
Part of Jon’s brief was to also organise the administration side of filming, known collectively to admin experts the world over as ‘the paperwork’.
Thomas Hearn
Position: Film Maker
Thomas Hearn, has been involved in media, for about three years. Tom likes to work a lot at a computer, particularly the editing suite. For the ABC project, Tom worked on the edit itself; created and pieced together both the footage and the music, Tom created the visual elements of the ABC ‘About Us’ video and put most of the visual effects on the video.
I think we can agree that along with the rest of our youthful student team; Tom has done a very fine job indeed.
Max Gillard
Position: Film Maker
The last of our film team Max Gillard has recently finished college studying Creative Media Level 3 and Max hopes to continue the course on to University to someday gain a job in the media industry.
We wish Max the best of luck.
Position: Film Maker
My name is Harry Genge and I am an aspiring film maker. I have skills in the majority of film orientated jobs, though I am most interested in the creative roles such: Directing, Director of Photography and Writing. In my spare time I make short films, write, read, draw/paint and take the dog out for long walks.
Position: Producers
My name is Ned Woodcraft and I’m an aspiring Producer. As well as completing a diploma in media production I have also had a number of jobs in the professional market. I’m also a keen sailor and water sport enthusiast.
Position: Producer
My name is Brandon and I’m an aspiring producer and actor. I enjoy bringing a production together with planning and preparations to create a great finished product. My hobbies also include street magic and bass playing.
Position: Writer and Director
My name is Callum Olive and I’m an aspiring writer and director. I’m always looking for a new project and love writing new stories and screenplays at home and on the move. My hobbies include playing the piano and street magic.
Joanie DeMuro
Joanie joined ABC team in early 2017. She was one of six student volunteers from the University of Essex in that cohort. The student team focused on a range of projects, including creation of Wikipedia page,‘training manual’ and most importantly, researching and adding entries to the website directory of organisations that assist the unwaged, or those on low incomes. “This placement was very helpful - thanks for the opportunity Simon.”
Cherry Lam
Cherry Lam has been volunteering for ABC for one month. Although it is a short period of time, she knows a lot more about the running of a charity organisation. Cherry is responsible for adding directories to the organisation website according to categories. Joining this placement helped her improving skills and gaining new experiences. Cherry says is extremely appreciative of the support she has received from ABC which allowed her to improve skills.