Latest Articles By Simon Collyer

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Labour would introduce a "real living wage" of at least £10 an hour in 2020 if in power, shadow chancellor John McDonnell has told the party's conference. Everyone will earn enough to live on said Mr McDonnell Labour plans to end austerity, fig...

Island of Jersey Minimum Wage News

Monday 26 September, 2016

Jersey's government has been asked to increase the island's minimum wage by 21 pence, to £7.18 per hour. The Employment Forum has put forward the recommendation - the highest increase suggested in eight years - to be considered by the Social S...

The 2016 to 2021 Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes Programme aims to increase the supply of new Shared Ownership and other affordable homes in England by March 2021. The government is making available £4.7 billion of capital grant between 2...

Bailiffs, utility firms and local councils who chase struggling parents over unpaid debts may be unwittingly inflicting real damage to children's mental health, a charity has warned. The Children's Society (TCS) suggests an estimated 2.4 million chil...

The National Apprenticeship Service has announced that the 10th annual National Apprenticeship Week will be taking place from 6 to 10 March 2017. The have been talking to the Skills Funding Agency and the National Careers Service and we hope to be do...

Dear Will Quince MP, I would like to ask if you will support Early Day Motion 326, which calls on the government to ban letting agent fees in England. Generation Rent estimates that the typical two-adult private renter household pays an average...

The Autumnal Equinox

Thursday 22 September, 2016

The Equinox, 22 September 2016, is the day when both the daytime and night-time are of the same length. A true turning of the seasons which has been long interpreted to mean that the world is in balance. Once the autumnal equinox passes, the nig...

Council Tax Wales

Wednesday 21 September, 2016

A decision has been taken that will ensure that approximately 300,000 households in Wales will continue to be protected from any increase in their council tax liability. 220,000 people will continue to pay no council tax at all. When the UK Governmen...

Mandatory Reconsideration

Wednesday 21 September, 2016

ABC Comment: We have just received the result of a Mandatory Reconsideration lodged by letter on the 6th May 2016 with a reply received on the 21st September. The matter was about a late Travel-to-Interview payment. Either the DWP are receiving so ma...

We may not be quite as ‘connected’ as Stephen Fry and Lily Allen on Twitter but we are moving steadily forward on the social media front.  I would like to say hello to all those kind people connecting with us these days and retweetin...

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