Dear Will Quince MP,
I would like to ask if you will support Early Day Motion 326, which calls on the government to ban letting agent fees in England.
Generation Rent estimates that the typical two-adult private renter household pays an average of £400 in upfront fees when they move home.
Many agents use their market power to charge captive tenants fees far in excess of what it costs to set up a tenancy. If landlords, who are able to take their business elsewhere, paid all costs instead, agents wouldn’t be able to profiteer like this.
Fees mean that the non-refundable cost of moving is made prohibitive for many tenants. The English Housing Survey found that over a third of renters living in unsatisfactory homes couldn’t move out because of this cost. Another third said it would be a factor in their decision whether to move.
Because these fees stop people from escaping negligent landlords, they reduce the consumer power renters have in the market while doing nothing to improve properties.
The Early Day Motion has signatures from MPs on both sides of the House, and supports a private member’s Renters’ Rights Bill which is currently in the Lords.
Please let me know if you will add your name to the motion.
A cross-party coalition is growing in Parliament to ban them. Make sure your MP is part of it.
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