Latest Articles By Simon Collyer

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Don’t think Britain’s pensioners are there to be walked over. Hundreds of pensioners from across the UK will gather in Westminster on November 2nd to lobby their MPs over the state pension “triple lock”, the funding crisis in...

Sandra White, the Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Social Security Committee, will today  lead a Holyrood debate on the UK Government’s dehumanising and ineffective sanctions system. The parliament will be debating academic rese...

With 11 days to go before the U.S. presidential election, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump by 15 percentage points among early voters surveyed in the past two weeks, according to the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation...

The Australia Fabians are a volunteer organisation committed to the cause of equality. This is an excellent video about inequality and fully relevant to those in the rest of the world. ‘Labour Theft’ is a very interesting concept and...

Typhoo is the latest company to increase the cost of it's products. Those on low incomes are going to have to find more money to finance their daily 'cuppa' at a time that benefits are being cut or frozen. Triple lock pensions will take some financin...

Foodbank Use Rises

Monday 31 October, 2016

Latest figures published by The Trussell Trust today show that foodbank use remains at record levels, rising two percent on last year.  1,109,309  three day emergency food supplies were provided to people in crisis by the charity’s ne...

With only a week to go before the Scottish Government’s consultation on social security closes the child poverty campaigners draw on their social security expertise to publish a paper highlighting key areas where use of new powers could boost f...

Inflation looks like eating into benefits (pun excused). This is very bad news since the government started setting benefits by cash value rather than leaving them linked to the Consumer Price Index.  Latest product to look like it could cost mo...

State Pension Top-up

Thursday 20 October, 2016

State Pension top up lets those who reached State Pension age before 6 April 2016 boost their State Pension income by up to an extra £25 per week. It is: open for a limited period, until 5 April 2017 based on a lump-sum contribution index linke...

From 7 November 2016, the current benefit cap levels will be lowered as part of the Welfare Reform and Work Act (2016). At the same time, we are introducing additional exemptions for households entitled (or with underlying entitlement) to Carer&rsquo...

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