Latest Articles By Simon Collyer

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We are meeting Essex University Pole Fitness Club this week who contacted us out of the blue and asked could we volunteer to help the ABC?  At the ABC we do get to communicate with a wide variety of people, but this contact really was...

Robert joined the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) as Permanent Secretary in January 2011 having been Permanent Secretary at the Department of Transport from May 2007. Amazingly during his tenure, The departme...

The Chair of the Work and Pension Committee has written to the Chief Executive of the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) querying the financial settlement for the Monarch Airlines pension scheme. The questions centre around a £7.5 million secured lo...

Lord Heseltine Reponds Generously

Wednesday 11 October, 2017

We wrote with some ideas to Lord Heseltine recently following a Channel 4 broadcast that Mr. Heseltine took part in. Lord Heseltine was kind enough to comment: I read of your work with much interest.  I hope it...

Having just won a significant Working Time Regulations case ourselves at an Employment Tribunal, we are always keen to see how the DWP treats its own staff.  You might be interested to read these four cases. It gives an insight into how fair the...

End Hunger's activist conference is a week away. This will be a chance to bring together people from around the country who want to see an end to people being forced to use food banks. It will bring together local groups from across the country...

Carole Spiers is the founder of International Stress Awareness Day and Chair of the International Stress Management Association [ISMA]. As part of International Stress Awareness Day [INSAD], a confidential stress survey is being conducted to ide...

Very proud that our latest article on the Las Vegas shooting incident has been reproduced by the prestigious Barrister magazine. Dare we risk it and praise our own work, but it is an interesting read and sheds new insights and ideas on a topic commen...

Las Vegas mass shooter Stephen Paddock, was a wealthy accountant, property investor and gambler. You might not think he would have anything remotely in common, or to offer as an example to the audience of a website based organisation that aims to ass...

The Liberal Democrats have accused David Gauke of burying his head in the sand as he announced the rollout of Universal Credit will go ahead despite concerns over delayed payments. It comes as the latest figures from the Department for...

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