Latest Articles By Simon Collyer
Grenfell Tower Inquest Kicks Off
Thursday 14 September, 2017The Grenfell Tower enquiry starts today. According to the BBC the head of the investigation, judge Sir Martin Moore-Bick, will give a statement to former residents and victims of the fire later. An interim report is expected to be published by...
Officially UK Unemployment Rate Falls To 4.3%
Wednesday 13 September, 2017The UK unemployment rate fell to 4.3% in the 3 months to July 2017, the lowest since 1975. The inactivity rate declined by 0.3 percentage points in the 3 months ending July 2017, to a record low of 21.2%. Real average weekly earnings fell by 0.4% in...
DWP Select Committee and BEIS Select Committee Meeting Mathew Taylor Wednesday 11 October 2017
Wednesday 13 September, 2017Following the publication of Good Work: the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices, the DWP Select Committee and BEIS Select Committee will be holding a joint hearing with its author, Matthew Taylor, on the morning of Wednesday 11 October 2017 [ti...
DWP Committee Live - Debate on the Troubled Roll Out Of Universal Credit
Wednesday 13 September, 2017In the first evidence session for the newly reformed Committee, set for Wednesday 13 September 2017, the Work and Pensions Committee hears an update on the troubled rollout of Universal Credit. Wednesday 13 September 2017, Grimond room, Portcullis Ho...
Colchester Job Fairs Coming Up
Tuesday 12 September, 2017Colchester Jobcentre are inviting jobseekers to attend a Job Fair on Tuesday 19th September at Colchester Jobcentre, 40 Chapel St S, Colchester, CO2 7AZ, United Kingdom. See 'Events' for more information. On the 27th is a Jobs Fair, Town Hall, C...
Tories Using Sanctions Threat to Force Low Paid Into Zero-Hours Contracts
Tuesday 12 September, 2017The SNP has attacked the Tory government for forcing low paid workers into exploitative zero-hours contracts and financial destitution – after ministers confirmed that Universal Credit claimants will now face costly benefit sanctions if they do...
UK Inflation Rate Rises To 2.9% - Cost of Imported Clothing & Shoes Climb
Tuesday 12 September, 2017The Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers’ housing costs 12-month inflation rate was 2.7% in August 2017, up from 2.6% in July 2017. Rising prices for clothing and motor fuels were the main contributors to the increase in the rate bet...
New DWP Minister Invited to Scotland
Monday 11 September, 2017Holyrood’s Social Security Committee has issued an invitation to the new Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Rt Hon David Gauke MP, to give evidence at a future committee meeting. In 2016, the Committee heard from the then Secretary of St...
National Audit Office Reports 60% Rise In Homelessness
Monday 11 September, 2017Government has not evaluated the impact of its welfare reforms on homelessness, or the impact of the mitigations that it has put in place, according to the National Audit Office. There were 77,240 households in temporary accommodation in England in M...
DWP at the TUC Conferance
Monday 11 September, 2017The DWP have a stall at the TUC conference for the first time. The 149th annual TUC Congress 2017 will take place at The Brighton Centre. The Department of Work & Pensions have boldly set up shop in the exhibition hall to promote their...