
Almost 50,000 jobs have been either lost or threatened on the UK's High Streets this year, figures from the Press Association show. High-profile failures such as Maplin and Toys R Us have ben followed by a string of closure plans from big names such...

The recent trend of supermarket tie-ups looks set to continue, as Tesco plans a "strategic alliance" with French retailer Carrefour. The move would yoke together the UK's largest retailer with Europe's largest. The combined workforce of the two total...

ABC Note: Please listen to the Nightlife podcast at the bottom of the page.  What is government’s role? The Centre for Policy Development in Australia have been considering this issue. A decade and a half ago, in mid-2003, the fe...

The Live Vacancy event continues to grow as hundreds of youngsters aged between 16 and 24 attended an event last week to explore employment and training opportunities. The event is the third of its kind with the one hosted in March attracting more th...

Ann Black is a member of the British Labour Party's National Executive Committee (NEC), and she was  Chair of the Labour Party from September 2009 to September 2010, and is part of the Grassroots Alliance group...

We were at Housing 2018 this week in a very sunny and smoky Manchester due to the nearby fires on the moors. We will be doing a round up of some of the more interesting ideas we came across, but after a lengthy trip up and back we are feeling a littl...

Politicians, journalists, and think tanks frequently try to put a number on just how much welfare recipients receive in benefits – often massaging the figures in the process. But do exaggerated claims about benefit amounts really change anybody...

A former welfare rights advisor claims she was left homeless after council staff ‘Googled’ her name, saw articles she had written for The Guardian and cut her housing benefit. Penny Anderson believes a decision by ...

Responding to the comments from Caral Ni Chuilin tonight after the SDLP pointed out the fact that £35m that should be going to tackle working poverty can’t be allocated because there is no local Minister in place, SDLP Deputy Leader Nicho...

In 2017, in the US 18.7 percent of persons with a disability were employed, compared with 65.7 percent of those with no disability. The unemployment rate for persons with a disability was 9.2 percent, compared with 4.2 percent for those with no disab...

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