Latest Articles By Simon Collyer
Financial Conduct Authority - Help For Those in Persistent Debt
Monday 03 April, 2017Under the FCA’s definition, credit card customers are in persistent debt if they have paid more in interest and charges than they have repaid of their borrowing, over an eighteen month period. Customers in persistent debt are profitable for cre...
Government’s Apprenticeship Levy Is Missing The Target Says Labour
Friday 31 March, 2017Gordon Marsden MP, Labour’s Shadow Skills Minister, commenting on a report from a sub-committee of the Education and Business Select Committee, claiming that the Government’s apprenticeship levy lacks focus and targets the wrong ind...
Former Australian PM Rt Hon Malcolm Fraser AC CH on the Surveillance State
Friday 31 March, 2017Rt Hon Malcolm Fraser AC CH talks about the Surveillance State to the Australian Fabian Society. Australian politics have swung to the right. The Australian Fabians are battling a range of issues with youth unemployment one of them. It is often...
Paul Gray PIP Review
Thursday 30 March, 2017A damning independent review of the disability benefit Personal Independence Payment (PIP) has been published today by Paul Gray. The Liberal Democrats have blasted the government for ‘betraying the most vulnerable’. Liberal D...
Stockport Council Celebrates Job Creation Progress
Thursday 30 March, 2017More than 100 new jobs, apprenticeships and work placements have been created across Stockport during the past two years, say Stockport Council by Investing in Stockport work. From construction and business apprenticeships to hotel jobs and work plac...
Classic Cars Havant
Thursday 30 March, 2017On Sunday 9 April classic cars, motorbikes and commercial vehicles, that pre-date 1991, will assemble at Havant Borough Council’s Plaza car park from 8.30 am before heading of on their prestigious Classic Vehicle Run. In aid o...
Brexit Triggered - Welfare Clampdown Proposed For EU Arrivals In UK After Wednesday
Tuesday 28 March, 2017The Department for Exiting the European Union has recommended that the three million EU migrants in the U.K. before May triggers Article 50 should keep their rights to claim welfare. Those who arrive after Wednesday would not get benefits if the prop...
House of Lords PIP's Debate
Monday 27 March, 2017The House of Lords has voted to "regret" the government's latest changes to disability benefits, and has called for a review of the impact. The government intends to prevent any increase in the kind of people who can claim Personal Independence Payme...
Khalid Masood Benefit Cheat - Claim Right Wing Corporate Media
Monday 27 March, 2017The Birmingham Mail is alleging that Khalid Masood, the lone suspected terrorist that enacted the attack on the public outside the Houses of Parliament ‘may’ (states the article) have been cheating when claiming benefits, while living in...
UC Policy to Be Reversed for Homeless Families
Monday 27 March, 2017Local authorities in London say rent collection levels for homeless tenants placed in emergency accommodation have collapsed following the introduction of the universal credit digital service last year. Croydon council says it faces an unpa...