Khalid Masood Benefit Cheat - Claim Right Wing Corporate Media
Monday 27 March, 2017 Written by Simon Collyer
The Birmingham Mail is alleging that Khalid Masood, the lone suspected terrorist that enacted the attack on the public outside the Houses of Parliament ‘may’ (states the article) have been cheating when claiming benefits, while living in Birmingham.
The article goes on that, 'More details have come to light about the past of the man previously known as Adrian Elms who converted to Islam'.
Armed police shot dead the killer after he made an attack on the public (it is assumed in support of the aims of the Islamic State) in London, leaving four people dead, including hero PC Keith Palmer.
‘The warped (their words) father-of-three’ goes the Mail article, ‘may have also been a serial benefits cheat?
A source told the Daily Star newspaper indignantly: “He was living on state handouts – money taken out of the pay packets of hardworking, decent folk”.
People the article implies would never become terrorists themselves because they have got a job and don't sign-on or unjustifiably claim benefits?
Masood may well have been on benefits and might have claimed benefits that he was not entitled to?
There are higher rates of unemployment for those in ethnic groups in the UK. It also a fact, in the Arab Spring unrest, these countries undergoing social revolution, have very high rates of unemployment, including the graduate population. ISIS gives young people not just direction and focus, but also a job.
Sanctions against Iraq, the economic consequences of war, and the US decision to oust Ba'th party-members of the former ruling government in Iraq, drove many senior Iraqis with their weapons to join ISIS and fight the Shia majority (backed by Iran) in Syria and Iraq. ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) then became ISIS (Islamic Independent State). In Arabic Daesh.
The Americans talk a lot about 'freedom' but when they repealed and replaced the laws of Iraq, they left in place the laws (enacted under Saddam Hussein’s leadership period) banning trade unions. Awash with US taxpayer’s money and added to that the gold reserves of the state treasury acquired by the Americas - masses amounts of money simply ‘disappeared’ in Iraq due to fraud and over-charging by multinationals. Containers of hundreds of millions of US dollars simply vanished without trace, some have speculated, with the collusion of US personnel?
Khalid Masood was driven by a murderous ideology which seeks to drive the US out of the Middle East and establish an Islamic Caliphate as well as expand the Islamist ideology to the rest of the world. However, the arguments that he was a benefit cheat and there were some causal-links between that fact and this ideology, we must reject.
The ISIS goal, is to persuade the public to no longer support their government(s) actions in occupying the Middle East and to punish the West for failing to resolve the Palestinian crisis in conjunction with Israel. This is the driving force behind ISIS ideology. The fact they are now losing territory is turning ISIS into a ‘cornered animal’. That is the reason for attacks like these in Europe we believe, and it has nothing to do with claiming benefits, beyond the fact that those unemployed struggling to live on paltry benefits in the UK, Paris and Brussels feel powerless and that might well be a reason why they are attracted to ideology that gives them a sense a purpose, in a society that castigates them for being an outsider and a welfare claimant.
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