Latest Articles By Simon Collyer

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SNP Westminster spokesperson on Health Dr Philippa Whitford MP has written to the Tory minister David Gauke urging the UK government to use next week’s Budget to sort out the ‘damaging and destructive’ roll out of Universal Credit (...

The Centre for Social Justice was co-founded by Iain Duncan Smith. Here is what Edward Davies, Policy Director, has to say about Universal Credit and the coming budget. Iain Duncan Smith’s favorite think tank the C...

One fourth of the world’s chronically hungry people live in India, while 25-30 percent of all the food produced by the country is wasted.  Last week, the India FoodBanking Network, with support from Global Food Banking Network (GFN),...

The European Pillar of Social Rights

Saturday 18 November, 2017

European Union leaders have solemnly proclaimed the European Pillar of Social Rights at the Social Summit for fair jobs and growth in Gothenburg, Sweden. The Pillar was first announced by President Juncker in his 2015 State of the Union Address and p...

We have been asked to join Inclusion Scotland and we have proudly signed up as an associate organisation!  This is Inclusion Scotland summarized in their own words: Inclusion Scotland is run by disabled people ourselves. This is important b...

One in five people in the UK are still earning below the real Living Wage...The research was conducted by Markit for accountancy big hitters KPMG. Which jobs pay the least? Download the report below and find out.

The National Audit Office has today published a briefing describing how the centre of government is overseeing and taking forward implementation of the UK’s exit from the European Union. The briefing focuses in particular on the coordination ro...

As of the 2011 Census, there were 6.5 million unpaid carers in the UK.  As the population ages and people live for longer with complex health conditions, the number of unpaid carers is set to increase rapidly, compounded by pressu...

Simon Collyer founder of the ABC worked in the Gig economy while developing the ABC. On the 14th November Oxfordshire Trading Standards and a large contingent of police raided his former employer. Please see our press release below.  Simon Colly...

House of Commons Thursday 16 November 2017 Meeting starts at 9.30am   ABC Note: The Centre for Social Justice was set up by Iain Duncan Smith and Tim Montgomerie a leading Conservative activist who has since re...

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