DUNDEE should refuse to force unemployed people to do unpaid work in exchange for benefits, the city’s poverty task force said. The Government’s Workfare programme makes people on benefits carry out unpaid work to gain experience to help them gain a permanent job. Failure to complete a programme can see benefits cut. Dundee’s Fairness Commission, set up to find ways to tackle poverty and inequality in the city, is urging employers not to accept workers through the Workfare programme. The idea was put forward when the commission met last night and unanimously supported by health, council, education and voluntary service workers on the commission.
Ginny Lawson, of the Money Advice service at the Brooksbank Centre, said: “People are sent to work for free but it costs them for travel and childcare costs. “We should take a stand and say ‘no one in Dundee is going to do Workfare’.
Reproduced courtesy of Wikipedia
The anti-workfare organisation Boycott Workfare have compiled its own list of organisations that it states have participated in DWP workfare schemes. Many companies have withdrawn however from this list:
- A19 Skills (Swansea) - subcontractor for 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements
- Aberdeen Foyer - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- A4e
- The AA
- Accident Helpline
- Acorn Computer Recycling
- Acorn Training (East Midlands) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Acorn Training Consultants (East Midlands) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Action for Blind People - Work Programme
- ACT Learnabout (Wales) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Acumen (North East) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Affinity Sutton
- Age UK - withdrew from Mandatory Work Activity in 2012, but remain involved with other variants of workfare including 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people; have stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Alpha Stream
- Armada Tube and Steel
- Anna's Charity - defunct
- Angus College - Mandatory Work Activity
- Ardgour Riding Centre (Kilmalieu, Inverness)
- Argos - withdrawn
- Argyle & Bute Council - Mandatory Work Activity
- Air Hop Bristol
- AS Care (Leicester) - involved with 'Traineeships' the newest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Assist Recruitment
- Asda
- Asian Star Community Radio LTD
- Atlas Washrooms Systems
- ATN Adult Training Network (East London) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves *ATS 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Avanta - Mandatory Work Activity
- Avanta Enterprise Ltd - Mandatory Work Activity
- Awaiting Eyes Foundation (London)
- Babington (East Midlands) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Balsall Heath Forum - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- BAM Facility Management
- Barnardos - Mandatory Work Activity, claim to no longer be involved with 'Help to Work', the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Barnsley Hospice
- Bath Antiques
- Beaumont Leys Primary School (Leicester) - involved with 'Traineeships' the latest variant of workfare targeting unemployed people
- Beaumont Leys & Stocking Farm Sure Start Children’s Centre (Leicester) - involved with 'Traineeships' the newest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Bedesworld
- BEST, Business Employment Training Services Ltd (Yorkshire & Humber) - Mandatory Work Activity
- Bellcome Call Centre
- Bethany Training - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Bexley Council (Resources Plus) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- BHS (British Home Stores) - withdrawn
- Birmingham Community Development Scheme
- Blue Cross - withdrawn; have stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Blue Arrow
- Bluebird Care
- B & M Stores - involved in 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Bobath Children’s Therapy Centre, Wales - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- The Body Shop - withdrawn
- Bookers Wholesale
- Books for Free (Basildon)
- Boots - withdrawn
- Bootstrap (Merseyside, Lancashire & Cumbria) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Bournemouth City Council
- Bowden Derra Care Home
- B&Q
- Brantano Footwear (Leicester) - involved with 'Traineeships' the latest variant of workfare targeting unemployed young people
- Bristol Auto Electric
- British Heart Foundation - withdrew from Mandatory Work Activity and the Work Programme in 2012, but still involved in Work Experience variant of workfare as of 2014, and involved with other variants of workfare including 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people; have stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Bromford Group (Wolverhampton) - withdrawn
- Broadway - formerly Work Programme subcontractors before merger with St Mungos resulted in the end of involvement, so now withdrawn
- BT
- Brothers of Charity Services England - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- BTCV - Mandatory Work Activity
- Building and Property Maintenance
- Bulky Bob's - withdrawn from 'Help to Work', the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Burger King – withdrawn
- Burtons Biscuits (Edinburgh)
- Burton
- Butlins Ltd - involved with 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Byteback It Solutions Limited (Bristol) - withdrawn, had been involved in 'Help to Work', the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Calico Group (Pennine Lancashire)
- Calderdale Council - involved with 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Campbell Page (South West 1 Devon and Cornwall; Dorset and Somerset) - Rehab Job Fit subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Cancer Research UK - withdrew from Mandatory Work Activity and the Work Programme in 2012, but still involved in Work Experience as of 2014 and involved in 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people; have stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Candyland formerly Tangerine Confectionery - Marks & Spencer supplier
- Care UK
- Caremark
- Carillion (Kent)
- Cartrefi Conwy - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Cats Protection
- CCL North Recycling (Irvine)
- Carnegie College - Mandatory Work Activity
- Central Beds Council
- Children's Hospice (CHSW), (Trowbridge) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Crystal Face (Bristol)
- City Furnishings and Auction House (Glasgow) - withdrawn from 'Help to Work', the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) - Work Programme
- City and Guilds
- Cineworld Cinemas
- Claverhouse Training (Scotland) - defunct
- Close Protection UK - defunct
- Cloybank (Falkirk) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Clyde Valley Housing Association
- Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change - withdrawn from the Work Programme
- Connect Community Trust (Scotland) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Cornelly and District Development Trust (Wales) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- County Training (Shropshire)
- Cre-namic Security
- Crerar Hotels
- Crest Co-operative (Wales) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Crossfold Electrical
- Currys-PC World - involved in 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Cygnus Consulting Limited (East Midlands) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Daisy Chain Project (Stockton-on-Tees)
- DB Accident Repair (Kent)
- DC Cleaning (Sussex)
- Deaf Hub (Dundee) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Debenhams
- DebRA - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- de Poel Community (Knutsford, Cheshire)
- Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Diamond Glass Medway (Kent)
- DiSC Ltd, Developing initiatives Supporting Communities (North East) - Mandatory Work Activity
- Divine Rescue - Mandatory Work Activity
- Domus Healthcare
- Dorothy Perkins
- Dove House Hospice (Hull and East Riding) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Drayton Manor
- Dulwich Hamlet FC - withdrawn
- Dunelm Mill
- Durham YFC
- e-achieve
- eco-actif - defunct
- ellenor charity (North & West Kent and Bexley)
- Employment Related Services Association (ERSA)
- Enterprise Durham Partnership
- Environmental Concern Co Ltd (Birmingham) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Envirostream
- Escape Family Support (North East) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- esg Holdings Ltd (West Midlands) - Mandatory Work Activity
- Evans
- Experts in Media
- Extra Time (Portslade)
- Eyemouth Golf Club (Eyemouth, Scotland)
- Faith Regen (East London)
- FARA Charity Shops
- FareShare (Newcastle) - involved with 'Community Work Placements'
- Finsbury Park Business Forum
- FlutterBuys
- Fontaine Vinery (Guernsey) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Fort Amherst (Chatham) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- FP Mailing
- Framework (Nottingham) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- French Oven Bakery (Newcastle upon Tyne)
- F&S Interiors (Kent)
- Furniture Matters (Morcambe) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Furniture Now (East Sussex) - 'Community Work Placements'
- Furniture Plus (Kirkcaldy) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Furniture Revival (Rhymney)
- Fusion Housing (Kirkless)
- Gap Personnel
- Genesis Housing Association - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- The Genesis Trust (Bath) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Genistar
- Gingerbread
- Glasgow Caring City - withdrawn from 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Gnaw Chocolate (Norwich)
- Goodwill Solutions (Northampton)
- Gorgie City Farm
- The Grand Venue (Clitheroe)
- Green Futures (Grimsby) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Greggs the Bakers - Work Experience
- Grosvenor Casinos (Brighton)
- grow: Economic Regeneration & Development, Hull City Council - Mandatory Work Activity
- Grow Enterprise Wales (RCT Homes) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Go Response (Kent)
- Greenwich & Bexley Hospice
- GWK Shop (Workington, Cumbria)
- Grimsby Garden Centre
- Groundwork - Mandatory Work Activity, also a 'Prime' provider of 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Guinea Enviro (Glasgow) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Hannah's (Dame Hannah Rogers Trust) (Devon)
- Hairways
- Harlow and District Chamber of Commerce
- Haven House Children’s Hospice
- Hastings & Rother Voluntary Association for the Blind
- Helen & Douglas House Hospice (Maidenhead)
- HERIB, Hull and East Riding Institute for the Blind - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Helena Partnerships
- HMV - withdrawn
- Hilton Hotels
- Hillhead Pets Corner (Kilbirnie)
- Holiday Inn - claimed to have withdrawn in 2012, but remain involved with Sector-Based Work Academies as of 2014
- Holland & Barrett - withdrawn
- Homebase - withdrawn
- Homes for Haringey - Work Programme
- Home-Start UK
- Hospices of Hope - withdrawn from 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- House of Hope Recycling Village (East Kilbride)
- The Hull Council for Disabled People - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Hull HARP, Homeless and Rootless Project - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Iceland - involved with 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Ideal Mobile Solutions
- ICM (Global)
- IKEA - involved with 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Ingeus UK - Mandatory Work Activity
- Intelling
- Interserve Doncaster - Work Programme
- Invicta Foundation - withdrawn, had been involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Ironworks (Scotland) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Isabel Hospice (Hertfordshire)
- Ixion (West London; East London) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- JTJ Workplace Solutions
- JA Glover – (Kent)
- Jessup Electrical Wholesale Ltd (Kent)
- JJ Vickers & Sons Ltd (Kent)
- JH Cancer Support (Warrington,Cheshire)
- JHP Group Ltd (Scotland) - Mandatory Work Activity
- JJ Training (North East Yorkshire & Humber) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Jurys Inn
- Keech Hospice (Beds, Herts and Milton Keynes)
- Kennedy Scott
- Kent Flooring Supplies (Kent)
- Kent Space – (Kent)
- KEMP Hospice (Kidderminster, Worcesterhsire)
- KFR kennet furniture refurbiz (Devizes, Wiltshire)
- Kidney Research UK
- Kirkwood Hospice (Huddersfield)
- Kingston Community Furniture
- Kingdom Security
- Kiln Park
- Knutsford Town Council
- K-10
- Lakelands Hospice (Corby)
- LAMH Recycle Ltd (Motherwell) - withdrawn from 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Learn About (Wales) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Learn Direct - Mandatory Work Activity, also a 'Prime' provider for 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements', and a G4S subcontractor for East Midlands, Merseyside, Lancashire & Cumbria, and Hampshire, Thames Valley & Isle of Wight
- Leigh Tec Solutions
- Life Skills Central Ltd (Scotland) - Mandatory Work Activity
- Liverpool Plastics
- Loaves 'n' Fishes (West Midlands) - Mandatory Work Activity
- Lloyds Bank – General Insurance
- Luton Borough Council
- Luton Culture
- Lowestoft Town FC
- Lower Morden Equestrian Centre
- Macdonald Hotels (Scotland) - 'Traineeships'
- Major Energy
- MAS Landscapes
- Marie Curie - withdrawn
- Marks & Spencer
- Marlborough House Mosque & Community Centre (Stockton on Tees) - Mandatory Work Activity
- Marriott Hotels - involved in 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people; have stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Martin House Hospice - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Maplin - withdrawn
- Matalan
- Maxwell Centre (Dundee) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Mayhem Paintball
- McDonald’s
- Mercy in Action (Bath, Bucks and Beds)
- McSence (Scotland) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Medway Council
- Medway Tyres (Kent)
- Mencap - Mandatory Work Activity; but have stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Melin Homes (South East Wales)
- Michael Ambrose (Leicester) - involved with 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Merson Signs
- Microcom Training Ltd (Scotland) - Mandatory Work Activity
- Midcounties Co-operative - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Midlands Air Ambulance
- Mid-Lin Day Care Centre (Dundee) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Mind - withdrew from Mandatory Work Activity in 2012, but remain involved with the Work Programme as of 2014; have stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Mitie Foundation
- The Mustard Tree (Manchester) - withdrawn from Mandatory Work Activity
- MTL Group
- M-Valeting Ltd (King's Lynn) - involved with 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- My Claim Solved
- Nandos (Edinburgh)
- National Federation of Retail Newsagents (NFRN)
- National Hereditary Breast Cancer (Hull) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Nationwide Event Support
- NAViGO Health and Social Care CIC (Grimsby) - Mandatory Work Activity and Sector-Based Work Academies
- Newham Council
- Newhaven Community Development
- Nico Manufacturing
- Nightingale House (Wrexham)
- North Doncaster Development Trust (NDDT) - Work Programme
- North London Hospice - withdrawn from 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'; charity shops accepting 'Community Work Placements' as of 2014
- Northumberland County Council - Mandatory Work Activity
- North Yorkshire Learning Consortium - Mandatory Work Activity
- North Wales Training - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Nova New Opportunities (Brighton)
- 99p - withdrawn
- OAS (Oxfordshire Animal Sanctuary)
- Ocado
- Olympic Glass (Kent)
- Omnico Plastics Ltd (Kent)
- Outfit
- Oxfam - withdrawn
- Oxgangs Neighborhood centre (Edinburgh) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Papworth Trust - withdrawn from Mandatory Work Activity
- Payless (Kent)
- Pastures New (Littleborough) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- PATCH (Pembrokeshire Action To Combat Hardship) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- PDSA - withdrawn; have also stated that they will not be participants in the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet,'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Peacocks
- Pera Training (Leicester) - involved in 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- People Know How (Edinburgh)
- Phoenix Enterprises (Yorkshire and the Humber) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Pinnacle People - Mandatory Work Activity; also G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements' in East Midlands, West London, and East London
- Pizza Hut (Kent and Surrey) - withdrawn
- Pioneer Social Enterprise Ltd (Doncaster) - subcontractor in the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet,'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Pilkington Glass
- Plumbase (Kent)
- Placement Provider Partners (Yorkshire & Humber) - Mandatory Work Activity
- Plymouth County Council - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Poppies
- Porchlight (Kent) - withdrawn
- Portsmouth Council - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Poundland - involved with the Work Programme, Sector-Based Work Academies, and 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Poundworld Retail
- Poundstretcher
- PPDG (Pertemps People Development Group) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Premier Inn
- Primark
- Process Plant Services Ltd (Kent)
- Pulse CIC
- Pulteneytown Peoples Project (Scotland) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Quality Savers
- Radha-Krishna Temple
- Radisson Edwardian - involved in 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Radecal Signs (Washington, Tyne and Wear) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- The Range
- Randstad - withdrawn
- Rathbone Training
- Ready2Work
- Rebound Bookshop (Blackburn) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Recycling Unlimited (Hull) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Red Cross - 'Traineeships'
- Refurb project
- Regency Guillotine (Kent)
- Rehab JobFit (South West) - Mandatory Work Activity
- Revive Leeds - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Revive, The Green House (Liverpool) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Richmond Fellowship - withdrawn
- rinascente (Stockport) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- River Kids (Livingstone) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- RNIB - Mandatory Work Activity, but have stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- The Rock Foundation (Grimsby) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Saint Francis Hospice (Romford, Essex)
- Romney Resource (Kent)
- Room 2 (Kirkcaldy) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Rotherham Council
- Rowcroft Hospice (Torquay) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
- Royal Mail
- RNR Performance Cars (Kent)
- RPQ Inns Ltd – The Grapes Hotels
- RSPCA - Mandatory Work Activity and are involved in 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- St. Andrew’s Children’s Hospice (Hull) - withdrawn from 'Community Work Placements' part of 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet
- St Ann's Hospice, Manchester - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- St Benedict's Hospice (Sunderland) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- St Davids Hospice (Wales) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- St Mungos - Broadway - withdrawn from the Work Programme
- St Mungos - withdrawn; have also stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- St Peters Hospice (Bristol)
- St Luke's Hospice (Plymouth)
- St. Mary's Horse Refuge (Essex) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- St Oswald’s Hospice shops (Newcastle upon Tyne)
- St Richard's Hospice (Worcestershire) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- St Vincents Hospice (Howwood, Renfrewshire) - Mandatory Work Activity
- St Vincent de Paul
- St Werburghs City Farm, Bristol - withdrawn from Mandatory Work Activity
- Sage UK
- Sainsbury's - withdrawn from earlier versions of workfare, but now involved with 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Salvation Army - Mandatory Work Activity, but have stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Saffron Acres Project
- Sarina Russo Job Action - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Savers - Sector-Based Work Academies
- Scarborough Council - withdrawn
- Scope - withdrew from Mandatory Work Activity and the Work Programme in 2012, but remain involved with Work Experience as of 2014
- Scottish Wildlife Trust - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Scout Enterprises
- Sector Solutions (Yorkshire & Humber) - Mandatory Work Activity
- Sedgemoor Furniture Store (Bridgwater, Somerset) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Seetec - Mandatory Work Activity
- Select Sandwich & Coffee Co
- Sense - withdrew from Mandatory Work Activity in 2012, but remain involved with other variants of workfare as of 2014; have stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Serco
- Servest
- Shaw Trust - Mandatory Work Activity
- Shelter - withdrawn
- SHOC Slough Homeless
- Shoe Zone - withdrew from earlier versions of workfare, but now involved with 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Shropshire Council - Mandatory Work Activity
- Square Orange Associate
- Signs & Imaging Ltd
- Single Homeless Project (SHP) - withdrawn
- Sixhills Aquatics
- Slough Library
- Slough Furniture Project
- Southend Storehouse
- Southern Membranes Ltd (Kent)
- Southern Metal Services (Kent)
- Southern Roofing & Building Supplies (Kent)
- South West Laundry
- South Yorkshire Chambers of Commerce (Doncaster Chamber of Commerce) - Work Programme
- Sports Traider (Nottingham) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Stag Treorchy
- Starter Packs Magpie Tribe, Magpie's Eye Gallery, and The Magpie's Nest (Glasgow) - withdrawn from 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Stephens Fresh Food (Kent)
- Store Twenty One (Cornwall)
- Stranraer Millennium Centre - 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Storie Argyll Ltd
- Subway
- Sue Ryder - withdrawn, but involved in 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people; have stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Sumo Waste (Glasgow) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Sunderland North Community Business Centre - Mandatory Work Activity
- Superdrug - withdrawn
- Swan Lifeline (Windsor)
- Tai Calon Community Housing (Blaenau Gwent) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Tanya’s Courage Trust - Supporting Young People with Cancer (Penzance) - Mandatory Work Activity
- TAS Ltd (West London) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Tate Recruitment
- Tesco - involved with 'Work Experience' workfare variant, and 'Traineeships' the latest version targeting unemployed young people
- Tenovus Cancer Care (Cardiff)
- THAG (Tesside Homeless Action Group)
- Thornton Manor (Cheshire)
- Timbermills
- TK Maxx - claimed to have withdrawn from workfare in January 2012, but involved in Sector-Based Work Academies as of 2014
- Toni & Guy
- Topman
- Topshop
- The Children's Society - withdrew from Mandatory Work Activity in 2012, but remain involved with other versions of workfare as of 2014; have stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) - Mandatory Work Activity, but have stated that they will not be participants in 'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- The Lennox Partnership (Scotland) - Mandatory Work Activity
- The Lettings Co (Leicester) - involved with 'Traineeships' the variant of 'Help to Work' targeting unemployed people
- The Princes's Trust - heavily involved in M&S's 'branded' version of the 'Work Experience' version of workfare aimed at young people; previously known to be a Work Programme sub-contractor
- The Tell Organisation (Scotland) - Mandatory Work Activity
- The Work Company (Hull) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- The Wishing Well Project Jubilee Centre (Crewe) - Mandatory Work Activity
- Tomorrow's People - Mandatory Work Activity
- Timpsons
- Town and Country Cleaners (Kent)
- Trackwork
- Travelodge
- TRAC (The Recyclyed Assets Company) (Portsmouth) - involved with 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- TRAID - withdrawn from 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work',which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Triage (Scotland)
- Twin Valley Homes
- Two Sisters Food Group (2SFG) (Leicester and Nottingham)
- Ty Hafan Charity Shop (Wales) - withdrawn from 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Urban Futures (East London) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Virgin Media - involved with 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Virgin Trains
- The Vine Project - Mandatory Work Activity
- Wakefield & District Health & Community Support Ltd (WDHC)
- Waldorf College (Stroud) - involved with the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Wallis
- Waste Savers (Newport) - involved with the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet 'Help to Work', which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Waterstones - withdrawn
- WD Close & Sons
- WEA - withdrawn
- Workers' Educational Association, Scotland - involved in the Work Programme, though WEA in England have withdrawn
- WEPRE Villa Homecare
- West London Reuse Centre (Shepherds Bush Housing Association)
- Westmanor Property Services (Leicester) - involved with 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Westra Boarding Kennels (Dinas Powis, Vale of Glamorgan) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Westvic Enamellers (Kent)
- Wetherspoons
- WH Smith
- Whitehead Ross (Wales) - subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Whittingtons
- WISE Ability - Work Programme
- Wilkinsons
- World of Pets (Grimsby)
- The Work Company (Work Solutions) - Work Programme
- Workpays (East Midlands) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- Work Solutions (Merseyside, Lancashire & Cumbria; and North East Yorkshire & Humber) - G4S subcontractor in 'Help to Work' the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements'
- The Works
- Wyeth Security Services
- YMCA - Mandatory Work Activity, but have stated that they will not be participants in the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet,'Help to Work' which involves 6 month unpaid 'Community Work Placements', but involved in 'Traineeships' the latest workfare variant targeting unemployed young people
- Yorkshire Linen Company
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Friday 09 April, 2021 posted by JeffreyFlook
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