Government Accused of Deliberately Attempting to Kill a Disabled Benefit Claimant
Monday 13 January, 2020 Written by Simon Collyer
DISABILITY - Several claimants with disabilities have alleged that the government were deliberately killing disabled claimants with their policies.
This might seem far fetched but some of the people making these allegations have been highly educated.
Eugenics is the practise or advocacy of improving the human species by selectively mating people with specific desirable hereditary traits. It aims to reduce human suffering by “breeding out” disease, disabilities and so-called undesirable characteristics from the human population.
Early eugenic ideas were discussed in Ancient Greece and Rome. The practice of killing babies that did not conform to the Spartan ideal by leaving them on the hillside to die was an accepted practice.
Plato believed human reproduction should be monitored and controlled by the state.
This is from Wikipedia
In September 1903, an "Inter-departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration" chaired by Almeric W. FitzRoy was appointed by the government "to make a preliminary enquiry into the allegations concerning the deterioration of certain classes of the population as shown by the large percentage of rejections for physical causes of recruits for the Army", and gave its Report to both houses of parliament in the following year. Among its recommendations, originating from professor Daniel John Cunningham, were an anthropometric survey of the British population. The Catholic church was opposed to eugenics, as illustrated in the writings of Father Thomas John Gerrard.
In the United Kingdom, eugenics never received significant state funding, but it was supported by many prominent figures of different political persuasions before World War I, including: Liberal economists William Beveridge and John Maynard Keynes; Fabian socialists such as Irish author George Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells and Sidney Webb; and Conservatives such as the future Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Arthur Balfour.The influential economist John Maynard Keynes was a prominent supporter of eugenics, serving as Director of the British Eugenics Society, and writing that eugenics is "the most important, significant and, I would add, genuine branch of sociology which exists".
Its emphasis was more upon social class, rather than race. Indeed, Francis Galton expressed these views during a lecture in 1901 in which he placed British society into groups. These groupings are shown in the figure and indicate the proportion of society falling into each group and their perceived genetic worth. Galton suggested that negative eugenics (i.e. an attempt to prevent them from bearing offspring) should be applied only to those in the lowest social group (the "Undesirables"), while positive eugenics applied to the higher classes. However, he appreciated the worth of the higher working classes to society and industry.
The 1913 Mental Deficiency Act proposed the mass segregation of the "feeble minded" from the rest of society. Sterilisation programmes were never legalised, although some were carried out in private upon the mentally ill by clinicians who were in favour of a more widespread eugenics plan. Indeed, those in support of eugenics shifted their lobbying of Parliament from enforced to voluntary sterilization, in the hope of achieving more legal recognition.But leave for the Labour Party Member of Parliament Major A. G. Church, to propose a Private Member's Bill in 1931, which would legalise the operation for voluntary sterilization, was rejected by 167 votes to 89. The limited popularity of eugenics in the UK was reflected by the fact that only two universities established courses in this field (University College London and Liverpool University).
The Galton Institute, affiliated to UCL, was headed by Galton's protégé, Karl Pearson.
In 2008, the British Parliament passed a law prohibiting couples from choosing deaf and disabled embryos for implantation.
In the USA WW1 troops selected to join the Army and fight were from the lower percentile of society. Battalions of soldiers that were 'feeble-minded' were sent into action in the Vietnam War with huge losses. The morality of sending people into a battle that could hardly load or aim a gun has long been debated.
We came across this letter from Theodore Roosevelt recently:
Unethically obtained data generated by the Nazis was used in the Cold War where high altitude flying was used to spy on the Soviets. Intercontinental ballistic missiles came from the German V1 and V2 research as examples.
In a one-child state China, baby girls were less valuable than boys and risked being killed at birth. Young Christian families would travel to the US to adopt these surplus children.
This is such a controversial topic we would not like to comment it, but we have just been contacted by a claimant who was adamant the DWP was trying to kill him. He took his complaint to the police.
We pointed out that in criminal law there are two requirements you have to fulfil. Criminal law classically describes offences as being composed of two elements: the mens rea and the actus reus. The mens rea is the guilty mind and the actus reus is the guilty act. The words come from a Latin maxim that holds there to be no punishable act that is not the result of a guilty mind. Proving intent would pose a lot of difficulties.
President Nixon with the CIA looked into creating conditions where civil rights activist Martin Luther King could be driven to commit suicide, but the idea was not proceeded with. One is six persons killed in the last century were killed by their own governments.
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