Directions to the Dumpster, a Book By Homeless Advocate, Activist Edward Campagnola
Sunday 24 November, 2019 Written by Simon Collyer
NEW BOOK - Author, homeless advocate, activist Edward Campagnola has written and launched a book ‘Directions to the Dumpster’.
"Directions to the Dumpster", an account of St Life and the attempts to find home again in a ruthless, uncaring and violent US society.
The book transcends genre and audience, enlightening, thought provoking, and dispels misconceptions.
An Important, socially significant, fantastic story for our time, with romance, politics, sports, drama, death, grief, action adventure, travel, success, failure and love.
Image: Edward Campagnola.
About the author Edward Campagnola.
54 years on Earth. Born to Italian immigrant dad and Irish sixth generation American mom, both NYC. Raised in Hackensack, NJ, father of a son and daughter. Single widowed, wife Karen passed, breast cancer, 2006. Activist for any injustice, worked for Citizen Action/Clean water Action, former, Owner/Op NYC Car service and Sports Official. I’m trying to create a forum, through novel, for homeless issue, as an advocate and to pursue my agenda, to say what needs to be said, Global Social Democracy now!
Format: 12 x 19 cm
Number of Pages: 138
ISBN: 978-1-64268-071-3
Release Date: 02.05.2019
At least 36,000 homeless people live in the city of Los Angeles, but L.A. simultaneously has more than 41,000 empty housing units, according to a report released Tuesday by UCLA law students and a coalition of economic justice organizations.
Researchers from the UCLA School of Law and nonprofit groups Strategic Actions for a Just Economy and the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment, who authored the report, found many of these units were purchased or built as long-term financial investments, and that allowing them to sit unoccupied worsens the region's housing shortage.
ABC Note: "Directions to the Dumpster" sounds like a good Christmas read.
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