Folkestone Job Fair at the Grand Hotel - It Were Grand
Thursday 24 October, 2019 Written by Simon Collyer
JOB FAIR -The Folkestone Job Fair took place in the Victorian genteel pile, the Grand Hotel that majestically overlooks the English Channel. The job fair was run by JobsinKent, who also run JobsinEssex, JobsinSurrey and JobsinSussex.
There was a broad mix of exhibitors and plenty of information on offer for job seekers.
JobsinKent, claims to be Kent’s largest Jobsite and we would not dispute that claim, after a chat with Jordan Tait, account manager.
Image: JobsinKent account manager, Jordan Tait.
The Grand Hotel at the Leas, Folkestone CT20 2XL recruit and train staff and they can be found at Tel: 01303 222 222. If hospitality interests, you why not call them? Wendy Graetz, weddings and events (sales) manager was on hand to tell more.
The Princes’ Trust, Get Connected scheme is for young people aged 18-30 in the Thanet area who are not in full-time education, employment or training. There are mentoring, workshops and bursaries available for building young people’s confidence and skills – supporting their journey towards positive outcomes. You don’t have to have completed another Princes’ Trust program to participate in, Get Connected. If you are aged 18-30, Home Address in a Thanet postcode and you are a NEET or studying/working less than 16 hours per week this is for you. To apply fill in a form obtained from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Image: Don't let that smile fool you, Ixion were giving some very useful advice to budding entrepenuers making the jump into self-employment.
IXION Holdings is one of the big names in training and we spent time discussing the self-employment options on Universal Credit. The new NEA – New Enterprise Allowance scheme.
- NEA you get a weekly allowance at £65 from commencing trading, weeks 1 – 13 (65 per week).
- NEA continues during trading, week 14 to 26 (at £33 per week)
- Continued mentoring and support throughout your initial trading period & into sustainment.
If you are already self-employed and want to increase your earnings discuss this with your jobcentre work coach and get a referral to the Ixion ESE program. Call the ESE Team on Tel: 0845 200 1057 or 0203 2234.
Image: The Kent police offer a rewarding career for those interested in serving the community.
Kent police, were recruiting, and a decent starting salary can grow to over £40K in just seven years. Detectives complete two years in uniform, but you do not need a university degree - good A-Level passes are enough to open the doors to a career detecting crime. The police have many other roles. Call Handling and Operational Dispatch, Health and Welfare, Designated Detention Officer and support staff within HR, Finance, Comms, IT and more. You can find out more visiting the website:
Romney Resource Centre (RRC) helps you improve Maths, English and IT grades and build confidence. If you want to improve basic skills you can contact them on 01797 367 455
Kent County Council were on hand in the form of the Canterbury Education Centre. We chatted with the partnership manager of Kent Training and Apprenticeships. You can contact them on Tel: 03000 411512.
Image: Folkestone Jobs Fair, hall view.
Image: Nurseplus were on the lookout for Homecare and Community Care Workers.
Nurseplus are recruiting for Homecare and Community Care Workers. Are you looking for a career, full or part-time, or just a few hours a week or weekends only? Experienced or not Nurseplus can train you and there are excellent rates of pay. Contact your local branch: Tel: 01304 273300
MaSt Recruitment, recruit staff in Industrial, Hospitality, Commercial and construction. Stacey Christou is a director. Tel: 01303 253 421 Web:
In that vein, we spoke to Elite Appointments, Fiona Nayer FIRP. You can find more here at the website:
CareTech is recruiting for workers. Full training is given. CareTech helps people live independently by developing their skills. You can find out more at website:
RBLI (Royal British Legion Industries) offers support for people from all walks of life. Qualifications below level 2, At risk of redundancy, 182 and not in employment, have a health condition or disability, parents returning to work, long-term unemployed, leaving education or training, 50+ They can provide advice, job search guidance, CV creation, help with social media, advice on training and qualifications, help to move towards a goal. Website:
Social Enterprise Kent CIC, is assisting the unemployed in Folkestone. The Working Together project part of the Folkestone Community Works Programme, managed by Hythe District Council. You can find out more here:
image: The Grand Hotel tea room entrance.
The National Careers Service: website: Tel: 0800 100 900
Folkstone College, website: Tel: 01303 858216
Care in Kent, website:
NAG Recruitment Specialists, web:
Affinity Water, who provided this information
Water usage:
- A bath - 80 liters
- A 5 min. power shower - 65 Litres
- Washing-up - 30 Litres
- Washing machine one load - 50 Litres
- Brushing teeth leaving the tap on - 12 Litres
- Toilet, one flush - 13 Litres
- Shower five minutes - 40 Litres
- Washing-up per bowl - 8 Litres
- Dishwasher, one-load - 10 Litres
- Teeth cleaning, tap-off - 1 Litre
Those were just a few of the exhibitors. Finally...we stopped for a break!
Image: If some refreshment was needed help was on hand from the friendly Grand Hotel staff.
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