Tenants are frequently put under pressure by private landlords when applying for Housing Benefit, sometimes with threat of eviction. These guidelines are from a Freedom of Information request to Colchester Borough Council.
FOI requests have to be responded to with 40 days but frequently this is much quicker.
If you come under pressure you can quote these times to as a guide. If you have a reasonable landlord they ought to take these times into consideration, be patient and wait for your application to be processed. The Council will have other applicants also under pressure, and it is fair and reasonable not to bombard them. Processing times have increased in recent years because of the due diligence that Councils are required to take.
- For new customers 22.43 days.(applications)
- For existing customers 10.04 days (changes in circumstances).
If you are put under extreme threats such as violence. The Council will have an officer to deal with such issues. As a last resort you can take the matter to the police. Alas, you may get told this is a civil matter, so stand your ground and make sure you put any complaints in writing. Send the letter recorded delivery and put the letter with the receipt attached in your 'legal' folder in date order.
A polite but firm letter to your landlord is also a good idea, again sent the same way. The written rather than spoken word, carries more weight in a lter dispute if matters become contested in court and a landlord - with any intelligence – is not going to assault a tenant who has a good knowledge of the law.
Money is an emotive subject, so it is best never to get aroused however much provocation is received. Stay calm, stay professional and put responses in writing. Evidence the fact that you have been trying to resolve the situation. A landlord that assaults you, not only faces criminal charges - a fine or jail term, you can then sue them for sizable damages in a civil court.
Article: With special thanks to Colchester Council for providing their figures.
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