The People’s Assembly are planning a ‘March against Austerity’ on June 20th
End Austerity Now - National Demonstration Saturday 20th June
Assemble 12pm, Bank of England (Queen Victoria St) City of London
Nearest tube: Bank
March to Parlaiment Square
Organised by The People's Assembly
The Event page: http://www.thepeoplesassembly.org.uk/calendar
Transport to London: http://www.thepeoplesassembly.org.uk/end_austerity_now_transport
The Campaigns supporters argue:
Britain is in the very early days of majority Tory rule, and already we have seen evidence of their intentions. The Human Rights Act is under threat, £12bn further welfare cuts are to be made, and now we have a Justice Secretary in favour of the death penalty. The new government, much like the previous coalition supports a bedroom tax and disability cuts.
It aims to punish millions for the sake of millionaires. People are going to die because of the government's carelessness and lack of compassion.
That's why we need to fight back through national and local campaigns against cuts, through strikes in our work places, and by demanding a fairer society. We must support those who are most vulnerable, by opposing the cuts and winning victories over pay and conditions.
The People's Assembly have called for a national 'March Against Austerity' on 20th June. The Government needs to know we are serious.
The Peoples Assembly’s aims are:
1. Is a broad united national campaign against austerity, cuts and privatisation in our workplaces, community and welfare services, based on general agreement with the signatories’ Founding Statement.
2. Is linked to no political party, committed to open non-sectarian working and dedicated to supplementing, rather than supplanting, trade union, student, pensioner and community opposition to austerity measures.
3. Is based on affiliation by individual supporters, unions nationally and locally, anti-cuts campaigns, and other student, pensioner, unemployed, disabled people’s, women’s, Black people’s, youth and LGBT campaigning organisations.
4. Aspires to support, encourage, coordinate joint action, and facilitate a transfer of experience rather than to command.
5. Encourages the establishment of new local campaigns and/or People’s Assemblies.
6. Organises newsletters, a website, twitter, Facebook and social media, meetings, conferences, lobbies, rallies, marches, demonstrations and other events.
7. Vehemently opposes all proposals to “solve” the crisis by discrimination or scapegoating on grounds of disability, race, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, gender, age, sexual orientation or identity.
8. Liaises closely with similar movements in other countries resisting austerity measures.
9. Encourages a wide debate on how to protect the welfare state and develop an alternative programme for economic and social recovery.
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