Transformation of Citrus In Juices For Distribution By Food Banks
Wednesday 03 April, 2019 Written by Simon Collyer
A Spanish campaign will transform 50.000 ton of citrus fruits in juice of fruits to be given to the food banks of FESBAL. FESBAL - is the Spanish Federation of Food Banks
The campaign to transform citrus into juice will run until March 31st. Fruit and Vegetable Producers' Organizations may notify the withdrawal of citrus fruit from the market to be processed into juice and its subsequent free distribution among disadvantaged groups, through the Food Banks.
Luis Planas, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, reported on December 11 on the support of his Department to the adoption of measures for the transformation of orange into juice, charged to operational programs to cause a "certain relaxation" in the market within the existing operational programs.
The citrus season 2018/19 started late, as a result of the weather that resulted in products of "smaller size" in the production of oranges and also a "certain market saturation" caused by the import of "large volumes of citrus from South Africa, at the end of its season", as reported by Elena Cebrián, Advisor of the Minister of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development of the Valencian Government, at the last meeting of the Consultative Council of Agriculture. She transferred to the Spanish Government the concern of the Valencian producers for the bad start of this citrus campaign, a situation before which has requested to adopt specific measures.
On January 2, Miguel Ángel Riesgo, President of the FEGA, informed by means of a Resolution on the citrus transformation procedure with payment in kind and with free distribution on 12/28/2018.
Finally, the processing of up to 50,000 tons of oranges, clementines, tangerines and satsumas destined for free distribution has been authorized, as follows:
Orange: 30,000 tons.
Small citrus fruits: 20,000 tons
The period during which the Producer Organizations may withdraw product from the market, prior communication to the competent autonomous community, will be from January 8 to March 31, 2019.
It is not foreseeable that the product will be withdrawn by the stipulated limit, since it has not been foreseen as an exceptional measure and the withdrawals take place within the operative programs of the producer organizations. However, they are going at a very good pace; until February 3, 26% of the total quota has been allocated.
As of March 31, it will be possible to confirm the total of fruit withdrawn and the total juice that will be packaged and distributed to food banks for those in need. The packaging will be made in brick format of one liter capacity in two types of juice 100% - orange juice and mandarin juice - and without added sugar.
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