Argyll and Bute Council Providing Advice for Universal Credit Landlords
Thursday 16 August, 2018 Written by Simon Collyer
Landlords in Argyll and Bute are being offered free advice on how the transition from Housing Benefit to Universal Credit will affect them.
With support from Argyll and Bute Council’s benefit unit, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will be hosting advice sessions at the end of August to give landlords information about how tenants will manage their Universal Credit accounts and payment of rent; how to avoid rent arrears; and what can be done when arrears do occur. Sessions will take place in Lochgilphead on August 28; Dunoon on August 29; and Helensburgh on August 30. All three events will take place from 9.30am until 1pm.
The council’s policy lead for corporate services, Councillor Rory Colville said: “I would urge anyone who is unsure about the transition to attend one of the sessions.”
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