We have been working to assist a caller today about where to send his ‘Fit Note’ as DWP addresses have been changing? Having recently sent what was previously known as a ‘sick note’ into the JCP/DWP in Glasgow - the same address he had used over the last two years, the caller was baffled as this paperwork was sent back with a 'sender gone away' message?
Jobcentres in Glasgow are shutting down due to budget cuts, and we have yet to get to the bottom of this matter? The JCP offices in Tower Hamlets have this address - 13 Dod Street, Limehouse, Poplar, London, E14 7EP. This Jobcentre Plus office does not have a specific name in Google?
There is no Limehouse Jobcentre. Poplar Jobcentre exists at another Post Code (another office). I could not see the address on the list and I was a bit worried myself, were we giving the right advice? There is meant to be a Freepost, PIP's Mail Handling, Wolverhampton address but no one seems to know much about it.
A call to the ESA telephone number, as shown on the governments website, just took my caller around the telephone system and his local Jobcentres phone number is discontinued? Why would the ESA phone number have no reference on the phone-line menu for someone with a disability claim asks my caller? The telephone number just takes you to the standard Jobcentre Plus call-centre, the basic port of call for all claimants? Our man went for a trip round the telephone system, ending up at the telephone line number for reporting fraud!
Losing his benefit could affect my caller, and althoughwe are guessing that we have given him the right; 'Mail Handling Site' address in Wolverhampton, confirming that this is the correct address for certain is another matter.
'Could do better' we say to the JCP/DWP. Though some might say, causing people claiming PIPs, ESA or DLA this sort of distress and difficulty, is all part of the plan? Accidental or deliberate, it is a very poor way to treat people.
Our man suggested, why could there not be a simple text box on the. Gov website where claimants can search for the mailing address they need using a search engine rather than reading through a long list of addresses? Why is there no address printed on 'Fit-notes' telling you where to send them?
Have you had issues like this? If so we would love to hear from you…
Note: The latest DWP Postal Addresses can be downloaded below:
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Tuesday 04 September, 2018 posted by Beryl Elizabeth Redmond
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Tuesday 04 September, 2018 posted by Beryl Elizabeth Redmond
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Tuesday 04 September, 2018 posted by Beryl Elizabeth Redmond
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