Executives and Team

Simon Collyer

Website URL: http://www..abcorg.net

Provide by disability campaigning group Black Triangle this latest update on DWP related deaths makes for grim reading. 

Chae Bennett  aged 21, committed suicide on April 15 this year in woodland near his family home takes his own life, because he was let down by a system already underfunded http://morningstaronline.co.uk/a-0b49-Mum-ordered-to-pay-back-dead-sons-benefits#.Vtnm9-aBQ4o

Stephen Lynam Aged 53  He suffered from Anxiety and Depression as well as high blood pressure, a heart condition and muscular-skeleton problems. Found Fit for Work, he waited for 22weeks to here that he his Mandatory  Reconsideration had been refused and died not long after hearing that he could appeal the decision.


Added February 2016

Paul Donnachie who suffered from “severe” mental health issues, had been declared fit to work after he failed to attend a work capability assessment in June was found dead at his home after an error saw his payments stop and he owed more than £3,000 in unpaid rent. Upon realising their mistake, the council sent Mr Donnachie a letter telling him his benefits would be reinstated. But by the time it arrived it was too late – it was found unopened in his flat along with his body. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/murdered-tories-mentally-ill-man-7348866

Added January 2016

Peter Anthony Limacher, who suffered from anxiety and depression as well as substance misuse, had low mood and anxiety, and worries about debt, after he had also lost his disability living allowance. He was described as a “kind hearted and loyal person”, died on May 14 when he was found hanging in his home. North Wales Pioneer News Nov 11 /15

Frances McCormack, aged 53, had been badgered for Bedroom Tax after the death of her 16 year old son Jack Allen in 2013, the coroner heard. A mother threatened with eviction from the house where her son took his own life was found hanged in the same spot, an inquest heard. A handwritten note written 10 days previously was found in her bedroom, part of which was addressed to David Cameron on the hardship the Bedroom Tax was causing.http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/grieving-mum-found-hanged-near-7223683#ICID=sharebar_twitter

Added December 2015

Stephen Smith Aged 50 He had a history of anxiety and took his own life after changes to his benefits left him unable to cope.http://www.eadt.co.uk/news/leiston_man_50_died_after_being_unable_to_cope_with_changes_to_benefits_1_4345054

November 2015

Angela Smith, Her father has stated that her suicide was triggered by fit-for-work tests. In early September Angela took her own life – just as she had told doctors she was going to do

 Added in October 2015

Luke Alexander Loy, Aged 42. He had schizophrenia and was found fit for work, then sanctioned by the (DWP) for failing to attend meetings at Jobcentre Plus and not actively looking for work, and fell further and further into debt. He died 29th May 2015

 Added September 2015

 Ruby Urbacz age 59 She was found dead at her home on the 6th September 2015 as a result of a heart attack. Her benefits were stopped without any investigation as she missed her jsa appointment whilst in hospital, after her discharge she had received no money for five consecutive weeks of the £50 per week she would have normally received she was also paying £20 per week in bedroom tax. On only £30 per week She could not afford to feed herself properly as bills were her main priority,http://linkis.com/LQ7gp

Sheila Holt aged 48 “She had been in a coma following a heart attack she suffered at a psychiatric unit. She hadn’t worked for 27 years. She was admitted to the unit after being pushed into the Government’s Work Programme – terrified that her benefits would be cut. While Sheila lay unconscious in hospital, she was sent letters from Seetec, the private company providing the Work Programme” http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ros-wynne-jones-sheila-hounded-death-5353202

Michael Brendan O’SULLIVAN aged 60: “He was on anti-depressants and having therapy sessions, he met a benefits advisor for an hour and a half to beg for his payments to continue. He was forced to search for work for six months before hanging himself.” http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/landmark-verdict-declares-lovely-quiet-6487928

Original List

Conor Cribbin, 25 years old. The student suffered from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and his medical card was stopped in the period leading up to his suicide. He had also learned just days prior that he had failed to secure a college grant. According to his father, Conor was in low spirits in the days beforehand. He added: “He couldn’t get his medication for his ADHD.”http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/student-took-life-days-after-4683647

Mark Cotton, 54 years old. Lost both his legs due to a medical condition. Died in an apparent suicide fewer than 48 hours after being told an allowance to pay his carer was being cut from nine hours a week to only three.http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/11604492.Double_amputee_killed_himself_after_benefits_slashed__say_anguished_family/
Terry McGarvey, 48 years old. Dangerously ill from polycytheamia, Terry asked for an ambulance to be called during his Work Capability Assessment. He knew that he wasn’t well enough to attend his WCA but feared that his benefits would be stopped if he did not.
He died the following day. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/terry-mcgarvey-man-ill-attend-3178486

Elaine Lowe53 years old. Suffering from COPD and fearful of losing her benefits. In desperation, Elaine chose to commit suicide.http://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/suicide-bid-of-woman-who-feared-losing-her-incapacity-benefit-8761182.html

Mark Wood44 years old. Found fit for work by Atos, against his Doctors advice and assertions that he had complex mental health problems. Starved to death after benefits stopped, weighing only 5st 8lb when he died.http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/feb/28/man-starved-to-death-after-benefits-cut
Paul Reekie, 48 years old, the Leith based Poet and Author. Suffered from severe depression. Committed suicide after DWP stopped his benefits due to an Atos ‘fit for work’ decision. http://www.scotsman.com/news/author-s-suicide-due-to-slash-in-benefits-1-1367963
Leanne Chambers, 30 years old. Suffered depression for many years which took a turn for the worst when she was called in for a WCA. Leanne committed suicide soon after. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/body-found-river-wear-leanne-1418087
Karen Sherlock, 44 years old. Multiple health issues. Found fit for work by Atos and denied benefits. Fought a long battle to get placed into the support group of ESA. Karen died the following month of a heart attack.http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/voices/2012/06/disability-karen-sherlock-sue-marsh
Carl Payne, 42 years old. Fears of losing his lifeline benefits due to welfare reform led this Father of two to take his own life.http://www.newsandstar.co.uk/news/inquest-hears-of-cumbrian-dad-s-health-benefits-worries-1.966288
Tim Salter53 years old. Blind and suffering from Agoraphobia. Tim hanged himself after Atos found him fit for work and stopped his benefits.http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/jan/11/publication-secret-review-benefits-cut-tim-salter
Edward Jacques47 years old. years old and suffering from HIV and Hepatitis C. Edward had a history of severe depression and self-harm. He took a fatal overdose after Atos found him fit for work and stopped his benefits.http://www.nottinghampost.com/Sneinton-man-overdoses-benefits-stopped/story-19906973-detail/story.html
Linda Wootton, 49 years old. years old. A double heart and lung transplant patient. Died just nine days after the government found her fit for work, their refusal letter arriving as she lay desperately ill in her hospital bed.http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/linda-wootton-double-heart-lung-1912498

Steven Cawthra55 years old. His benefits stopped by the DWP and with rising debts, he saw suicide as the only way out of a desperate situation
Elenore Tatton39 years old. Died just weeks after the government found her fit for work. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/mum-of-three-elenore-told-find-job-2074333
John Walker, 57 years old. saddled with debt because of the bedroom tax, John took his own life. http://www.wigantoday.net/news/local/haunted-by-bedroom-tax-debt-torment-1-5953468
Brian McArdle, 57 years old. Suffered a fatal heart attack the day after his disability benefits were stopped.http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/tory-hatchet-man-iain-duncan-1453863

Stephen Hill53 years old. Died of a heart attack one month after being found fit for work, even though he was waiting for major heart surgery.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/9436969/Disability-tests-sending-sick-and-disabled-back-to-work.html
Jacqueline Harris, 53 years old. A former Nurse who could hardly walk was found fit for work by Atos and her benefits withdrawn. in desperation, she took her own life. http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sister-killed-disability-benefit-stopped/story-20170841-detail/story.html
David Barr, 28 years old. Suffering from severe mental difficulties. Threw himself from a bridge after being found fit for work by Atos and failing his appeal. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/heartbroken-dad-reveals-agony-decision-2343897
David Groves, 56 years old. Died of a heart attack the night before taking his work capability assessment. His widow claimed that it was the stress that killed him. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/stress-of-tory-benefits-tests-killed-129934
Nicholas Peter Barker, 51 years old. Shot himself after being told his benefits were being stopped. He was unable to work after a brain haemorrhage left him paralysed down one side.http://www.gazetteherald.co.uk/news/10360733.Benefits_withdrawal_led_to_man___s_suicide/
Mark and Helen Mullins, 48 and 59 years old. Forced to live on £57.50 a week and make 12 mile trips each week to get free vegetables to make soup. Mark and Helen both committed suicide. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-15645206
Richard Sanderson, 44 years old. Unable to find a job and with his housing benefit cut forcing him to move, but with nowhere to go. Richard committed suicide.http://www.courtnewsuk.co.uk/newsgallery/?news_id=26081
Martin Rust, 36 years old. A schizophrenic man who killed himself two months after the government found him fit to work.http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/norwich_man_killed_himself_over_back_to_work_fears_1_1358116
Craig Monk, 43 years old. A vulnerable gentleman and a partial amputee who slipped so far into poverty that he hanged himself.http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/9550982.Benefits_man_found_hanged__inquest_heard/?ref=twtrec
Colin Traynor, 29 years old and suffering from epilepsy was stripped of his benefits. He appealed. Five weeks after his death his family found he had won his appeal.http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/09/26/atos-disability-benefits-colin-traynor-epilepsy-_n_1917042.html
Elaine Christian, 57 years old. Worried about her work capability assessment, she was subsequently found at Holderness drain, drowned and with ten self-inflicted wrist wounds. http://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/Woman-drowned-drain-upset-health-check/story-12927176-detail/story.html
Christelle Pardoe , 32 years old and Kayjah Pardoe 5 month old.Pregnant, her benefits stopped, Christelle, clutching her baby son jumped from a third floor balcony.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1232911/Mother-leaps-death-baby-arms-benefits-stopped.html
Mark Scott, 46 years old. His DLA and housing benefit stopped and sinking into deep depression, Mark died six weeks later.http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/merseyside-dad-whose-son-died-3338966
Cecilia Burns, 51 years old. Found fit for work while undergoing treatment for breast cancer. She died just a few weeks after she won her appeal against the Atos decision.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-19433535
Chris Cann, 57 years old. Found dead in his home just months after being told he had to undergo a medical assessment to prove he could not work.http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/Shelton-benefits-blunder-victim-Chris-Cann-dies/story-17574922-detail/story.html
Peter Hodgson, 49 years old. Called to JCP to see if he was suitable for volunteer work. Peter had suffered a stroke, a brain haemorrhage and had a fused leg. His appointment letter arrived a few days after he took his own life.http://www.newsandstar.co.uk/pushed-over-the-edge-by-benefits-fear-1.1045847
Stephanie Bottrill, 53 years old. After paying £80 a month for bedroom tax, Stephanie could not afford heating in the winter, and lived on tinned custard. In desperation, she chose to walk in front of a lorry.http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/stephanie-bottrill-who-blamed-the-bedroom-tax-for-her-suicide-had-history-of-depression-inquest-9664921.html
Larry Newman suffered from a degenerative lung condition, his weight dropping from 10 to 7 stone. Atos awarded him zero points, he died just three months after submitting his appeal.http://www.theguardian.com/society/2011/jul/24/atos-case-study-larry-newman
Paul Turner, 52 years old. After suffering a heart attack, he was ordered to find a job in February. In April Paul died from ischaemic heart disease.http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/local-news/birmingham-dad-dies-of-heart-condition-187961
Christopher Charles Harkness, 39. After finding out that the funding for his care home was being withdrawn, this man who suffered with mental health issues, took his own life.
Sandra Louise Moon, 57 years old. Suffering from a degenerative back condition, depression and increasingly worried about losing her incapacity benefit. Sandra committed suicide by taking an overdose.http://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/local/back-problems-led-to-fatal-dose-1-437852
Lee Robinson, 39 years old. Took his own life after his housing benefit and council tax were taken away from him.http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/10649155.Crawley_man_killed_himself_after_losing_benefits/
David Coupe, 57 years old. A Cancer sufferer found fit for work by Atos in 2012. David lost his sight, then his hearing, then his mobility, and then his life.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2474772/Farmer-David-Coupe-refused-Atos-healthcare-reassessment-diagnosed-terminal-cancer.html
Michael McNicholas, 34 years old. Severely depressed and a recovering alcoholic. Michael committed suicide after being called in for a Work Capability Assessment by Atos. http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/Grieving-parents-pay-tribute-Sandyford-dad-dead/story-20385977-detail/story.html
Victor Cuff, 59 years old and suffering from severe depression. Victor hanged himself after the DWP stopped his benefits.http://www.newsshopper.co.uk/news/10842726.Unemployed_Gravesend_man_hanged_himself_after_sickness_benefits_were_cut/?ref=twtrec
Charles Barden, 74 years old. Charles committed suicide by hanging due to fears that the Bedroom Tax would leave him destitute and unable to cope.http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/bedroom-tax-pensioner-charles-barden-2670737
Ian Caress, 43 years old. Suffered multiple health issues and deteriorating eyesight. Ian was found fit for work by Atos, he died ten months later having lost so much weight that his family said that he resembled a concentration camp victim.
Iain Hodge, 30 years old. Suffered from the life threatening illness, Hughes Syndrome. Found fit for work by Atos and benefits stopped, Iain took his own life. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/05/14/benefits-suicide-iain-hodge-lanarkshire-east-kilbride-_n_3272646.html
Wayne Grew, 37 years old. Severely depressed due to government cuts and the fear of losing his job, Wayne committed suicide by hanging.http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/nhs-pays-out-family-birmingham-7408982
Kevin Bennett, 40 years old. Kevin a sufferer of schizophrenia and mental illness became so depressed after his JSA was stopped that he became a virtual recluse. Kevin was found dead in his flat several months later.http://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/9840466.Schizophrenic_man_lay_dead_in_Watford_flat_for____several_months/
David Elwyn Hughs Harries, 48 years old. A disabled man who could no longer cope after his parents died, could find no help from the government via benefits. David took an overdose as a way out of his solitude.
Denis Jones, 58 years old. A disabled man crushed by the pressures of government cuts, in particular the Bedroom Tax, and unable to survive by himself. Denis was found dead in his flat.http://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/news/westhoughton/10887890.Friends__funeral_appeal_for_disabled_man_who_died_after_his_benefits_were_stopped/
Shaun Pilkington, 58 years old. Unable to cope any more, Shaun shot himself dead after receiving a letter from the DWP informing him that his ESA was being stopped. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/grandad-shaun-pilkington-shoots-himself-2989685
Paul ?, 51 years old .Died in a freezing cold flat after his ESA was stopped. Paul appealed the decision and won on the day that he lost his battle to live.
Chris MaGuire, 61 years old. Deeply depressed and incapable of work, Chris was summonsed by Atos for a Work Capability Assessment and deemed fit for work. On appeal, a judge overturned the Atos decision and ordered them to leave him alone for at least a year, which they did not do. In desperation, Chris took his own life, unable to cope anymore.https://welfaretales.wordpress.com/2013/12/12/rip-chris-maguire-leeds-socialist-activist-and-musician-who-took-his-own-life-yesterday/
Peter Duut, a Dutch national with terminal cancer living in the UK for many years found that he was not entitled to benefits unless he was active in the labour market. Peter died leaving his wife destitute, and unable to pay for his funeral.http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/Dying-manhas-12p-day-eat/story-22746941-detail/story.html
George Scollen, age unknown. Took his own life after the government closed the Remploy factory he had worked in for 40 years.http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/heartbroken-remploy-factory-workers-say-1568107#h2RYtGL2Ee05XZld.97
Julian Little, 47 years old. Wheelchair bound and suffering from kidney failure, Julian faced the harsh restrictions of the Bedroom Tax and the loss of his essential dialysis room. He died shortly after being ordered to downgrade.
Miss DE, Early 50’s. Suffering from mental illness, this lady committed suicide less than a month after an Atos assessor gave her zero points and declared her fit for work.  https://www.rt.com/uk/206247-benefit-cuts-related-deaths/
Robert Barlow, 47 years old. Suffering from a brain tumour, a heart defect and awaiting a transplant, Robert was deemed fit for work by Atos and his benefits were withdrawn. He died penniless less than two years later.http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/dying-merseyside-man-told-benefits-6924979
Carl Joseph Foster-Brown, 58 years old. As a direct consequence of the wholly unjustifiable actions of the Job centre and DWP, this man took his own life.
Martin Hadfield, 20 years old. Disillusioned with the lack of jobs available in this country but too proud to claim benefits. Utterly demoralised, Martin took his own life by hanging himself. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tragic-youngster-killed-himself-because-3576403
Annette Francis, 30 years old. A mum-of-one suffering from severe mental illness, found dead after her disability benefits were ceased.http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/tragedy-liverpool-mum-who-died-7232928
Ian Jordan, 60 years old. His benefits slashed after Atos and the DWP declared Ian, a sufferer of Barratt’s Oesophagus, fit for work, caused him to run up massive debts in order to survive. Ian was found dead in his flat after taking an overdose.
Janet McCall, 53 years old. Terminally ill with pulmonary fibrosis and declared ‘Fit for Work’ by Atos and the DWP, this lady died 5 months after her benefits were stopped.
Stuart Holley, 23 years old. A man driven to suicide by the DWP’s incessant pressure and threat of sanctions for not being able to find a job.
Graham Shawcross, 63 years old. A sufferer of the debilitating disease, Addison’s. Died of a heart attack due to the stress of an Atos ‘Fit for Work’ decision.
David Clapson, 59 years old. A diabetic ex-soldier deprived of the means to survive by the DWP and the governments harsh welfare reforms, David died all but penniless, starving and alone, his electricity run out.
Chris Smith, 59 years old. Declared ‘Fit for Work’ by Atos as he lay dying of Cancer in his hospital bed.
Nathan Hartwell, 36 years old, died of heart failure after an 18-month battle with the ­Department for Works and Pensions.
Michael Connolly, 60 years old. A Father of One, increasingly worried about finances after his benefits were cut. Committed suicide by taking 13 times the fatal dose of prescription medicine on the 30th October – His Birthday.
Jan Mandeville, 52 years old, A lady suffering from Fibromyalgia, driven to the point of mental and physical breakdown by this governments welfare reforms. Jan was found dead in her home after battling the DWP for ESA and DLA.
Trevor Drakard, 50 years old. A shy and reserved, severe epileptic who suffered regular and terrifying fits almost his entire life, hounded to suicide by the DWP who threatened to stop his life-line benefits.
Unnamed, death of a severely disabled Dorset resident, who took her own life while battling the bedroom tax.

Aaron Lane, 31 years old. A talented musician battling mental health problems took his own life after he was ruled fit to work.

Glen Harris, 55 years old. Killed himself with an electric saw because he feared his benefits would be changed after being found fit for work.

Peter Kelleher, 44 years old. Found in his flat with a ligature around his neck and in a state of decomposition after the pressure of mounting debt and no benefit at all became too much to bear.
Elaine Lowe, 53 years old. Suffering from COPD and fearful of losing her benefits. In desperation, Elaine chose to commit suicide.

John Walker, 57 years old. John found himself saddled with debt because of the bedroom tax, and took his own life as a result.

Malcolm Burge, 66 years old. A retired gardener who killed himself after being hounded for £800 after changes to his benefits left him unable to cope.
Julia Kelly, 39 years old. Suffering with chronic back pain and hounded constantly by the DWP, Julia commited suicide after receiving a letter demanding that she pay back over £4000.http://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/news/northampton-woman-39-took-her-own-life-after-constant-battle-to-receive-disability-benefit-1-6615017
Benjamin Del McDonald, 34 years old. A doting Father of three children suffering from depression due to removal of his lifeline benefits, Benjamin committed suicide by hanging.
Mark William Jacka, 26 years old. Stressed to the point of suicide, Mark was found hanged at his home the day after a visit to his local Job Centre to apply for JSA.
David O’Mar, 58 years old. Suffering from Pneumonia in a hospital bed. Found ‘Fit for Work’ by the DWP only to die two weeks later.

Moira Drury , 61 years old. Suffering from limited mobility, mini-strokes, epilepsy and depression. Her daughter believes that a seven-month delay in processing her benefit claim hastened her death.

Paul Willcoxson, 31 years old. Suffering from mental health problems who was worried about benefit cuts hanged himself while he was searching for a job on the south coast, an inquest heard.http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/9095159.display/

Chris Smith 59 years old. While he lay in a hospital bed, dying of cancer. The Jobcentre bombarded him with texts telling him he had to apply for jobs, and letters urging him to come to ‘job workshops.’

Gordon Lang   62 years old, A marine veteran who died from cancer while battling the state over benefits

Nick Barker Former sheep farmer, Nick had a brain haemorrhage which left him struggling to walk. The father of two shot himself after the DWP claimed he was fit to work. Recording a suicide verdict, coroner Michael Oakley said the benefits assessment was key to the tragedy.

Robert Barlow. Robert worked as a Government scientist but gave it up when diagnosed with severe cardiomypathy. The DWP deemed him fit to work. He died penniless under 2 years later.


Deteriorating health while waiting for a decision

 Thomas O’Donnell – He suffered from epilepsy, depression, arthritis and memory loss – yet was made to wait eight months for his Personal Independence Payment (PIP).



Found Fit for work

David Waite, 60 years old, suffers from a string of health problems including brain, damage neck pain, diabetes and depression.

The Peoples review of the WCA published this report. There is a long depressing list of other people whose health has deteriorated after being “found fit for work” http://www.centreforwelfarereform.org/library/type/pdfs/the-peoples-review-of-the-wca.html published 20th Dc 2014

Wednesday 30 March, 2016

Lifetime ISAs DWP Looks at Evidence

House of Commons

Work and Pensions Select Committee

Committee Re-Opens Auto-Enrolment Inquiry For New Evidence On Lifetime ISAs

In the 2016 Budget, the Chancellor announced the introduction of a Lifetime ISA, which will be available to any adult under 40 from April 2017. People will be able to save up to £4,000 each year and will receive a 25% bonus from the government on every pound they put in, until the age of 50.

Stakeholders have raised concerns that the LISA could undermine the auto enrolment project as people may choose to save in the LISA instead of their employer pension. People may also not understand where their money would be better off, or the benefits of employer contributions.

The Committee has heard concerns that there may be a disparity between what the Treasury is trying do and the aim of auto enrolment. If people don’t enrol in the workplace pension and take their LISA savings and buy a house, they won’t be saving for their pension. In evidence to the Committee on 23 march, Huw Evans, Director General at the ABI said "The critical element of all this is that it doesn’t end up encouraging employers to say "choose the LISA instead", and thereby trying to duck out of their contributions. That would obviously run completely contrary to the grain of public policy that’s been agreed on a cross-Party basis for the last ten years". He further noted that if more affluent under-40s take cash from their existing ISA and put it in the LISA to earn the Government contributions, that isn’t necessarily a good use of public money.

In the same evidence session, Joanne Segars from the PLSA told the Committee "We would be quite concerned if people took up the LISA option at the expense of matching contributions into their pension scheme."

The Committee is inviting further written evidence on the following points with a deadline of 17 April 2016:


  • * To what extent is the Lifetime ISA compatible with auto enrolment and the Government’s wider pension strategy? What impact could the introduction of the LISA have on opt-out rates?
  • * To what extent will the LISA fill gaps in retirement saving among the self-employed? Are there more appropriate alternatives?
  • * Which groups would be better/worse-off saving into the Lifetime ISA than they would be under auto enrolment?
  • * What kind of guidance should be made available to help young people choose where to save their money?
  • * What impact will the option of using LISA savings to purchase a home (or potentially "other specific life events") have on pension savings?

Young people in Scotland will be given additional support to start their working lives by an SNP Government – as Nicola Sturgeon sets out ambitious plans to use the new powers coming to the Scottish Parliament to keep Scotland moving forward. 
The SNP will today announce plans to use the power to create new benefits to introduce a Jobs Grant for young people aged 16-24 who have been out of work for six months and are starting a job for more than 16 hours a week.
The grant of £100, or £250 for those with children, will support the costs of re-entering the workplace. Those eligible for the grant will also receive support with the costs of public transport for up to three months.
The Jobs Grant which could support around 6,000 young people each year to get into work and stay in work forms part of SNP plans to reduce youth unemployment by 40% by 2021.
The announcement comes the day after the First Minister confirmed 5000 additional apprenticeships will be targeted on high level science, engineering and technology skills and that new qualifications will encourage young people to develop broader vocational skills to prepare them for the economy of the future.

Scottish disability campaigners are seeking a criminal investigation into former Work and Pensions Secretary Duncan Smith. John McArdle, of Black Triangle, said the group had made a complaint to Police Scotland over a failure of Duncan Smith and former employment minister Chris Grayling to respond to a coroner’s report which highlighted concerns about the work capability assessment system in 2010.

A terminally-ill woman was told by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) that she risked being charged with an “offence” and would lose part of her benefits if she used an insurance policy windfall to pay for her own funeral.

DWP bosses told Sue Smith that spending the £3,700 in advance on her funeral would be seen as “deprivation of capital” – deliberately spending her savings in order to maintain entitlement to benefits.

Smith, from south Devon, had contacted DWP after being told about the £3,700 refund, because she wanted to be sure that she did not fall foul of any regulations if she spent the money on paying in advance for her funeral.

But when she approached DWP, and made it clear that she was terminally-ill, she was told that she could lose part of her employment and support allowance (ESA) payment – she has estimated that it could have cost her about £15 a week – and could even be seen as committing an “offence”.

Smith, who uses oxygen 24-hours-a-day, said she felt “threatened, hurt and distressed” by the warning, and was now at her “wit’s end”.

Smith said: “I expected them to agree that it was a good use of my own money.

“I could understand it if someone was given £100,000 from a lottery win or inheritance, blew it on a Ferrari, and then went back to DWP and said, ‘Sorry, I’m skint now, I want my benefits.’

“But this is not the case with me. Surely they need to rewrite the rules so there is clear provision to allow someone to pay to bury themselves once they are terminally-ill.”

Smith was told in May 2014 that she had between 12 and 18 months left to live, as a result of emphysema and other health conditions, and had an end-of-life care plan put in place by her local hospice, which involved making her will and funeral arrangements, and tidying her financial affairs.

She spent nine years with the Royal Navy, and then ran her own successful business for 15 years.

She became ill in 2001 after becoming injured in a chemical incident, but carried on working for another seven years.

Smith said: “If you can’t spend your own capital on your own burial, there is something seriously wrong with the regulations.

“I intend to fight on as best I can, but any little thing that causes anxiety and stress affects my breathing and tires me out more.”

After Disability News Service approached the department about her case, a DWP manager phoned Smith and told her that she could cash the cheque and spend it on her funeral.

Smith said she now wanted this position to be written into ESA regulations so that if someone is terminally-ill, they have “the automatic right to spend a lump sum within reason on their funeral”.

A DWP spokeswoman said: “Income-related ESA takes into account all of a claimant’s available capital, including any policies or assets that can be cashed in.

“This is to ensure that there is provision for those with limited funds of their own.

“A decision-maker looks at each case on its own merits to decide whether any capital asset should be taken into account. These decisions carry a right of appeal.”

She added later that Smith had been advised “in general terms” that if she went ahead with her plans “without seeking advice from DWP it may have an impact on her ESA claim”, and that paying for her funeral “could be considered deprivation of capital”.

She said that Smith was “given general advice and then provided with specific guidance on her individual circumstances”.

But when asked to clarify whether Smith was or was not originally told definitively that she could not use the money to pay for her funeral, and that to do so might be considered an offence, she declined to comment further.


Ian Duncan Smith is a complex character. It is difficult to square these emoutional outpourings with his actions toward the disabled. Perhaps he is worried how history will judge him? Please see video below. 

SNP Say they will base social security system on dignity and respect

The Scottish National Party will maintain support for disabled people and stand firm against any further cuts to disability support by the UK Government, Alex Neil said today, as the Tory leader Ruth Davidson faces increasing pressure over her position on UK Government attempts to slash £4bn from support for disabled people.

Under questioning last night, the Tory leader refused to oppose the cuts, or to criticise the UK Government for offering tax cuts for the rich funded by cuts to disabled people.

Ms Davidson also claimed that she had opposed the cuts to PIP previously. However, when the Budget was published last Wednesday, Ms Davidson released three separate statements welcoming various Budget announcements – including the tax cut for higher earners - but made no mention of PIP cuts.

Nor were they mentioned in her statement welcoming the appointment of Stephen Crabb, instead the best she could do was to ask for a change in tone - not policy.

During last night’s debate, Ms Davidson also said she had “absolutely not” lost confidence in George Osborne – despite repeated attempts in successive Budgets from the Chancellor to cut support from the least well-off in society.

Meanwhile, SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon made clear that the SNP will use new welfare powers in Scotland to build a Scottish social security system built on dignity and respect - particularly for disabled people. The SNP's priorities in the next parliament will be to establish a new Scottish Social Security Agency, increase support for carers, establish a new maternity and early years grant and abolish the bedroom tax.

Commenting, Social Justice Secretary Alex Neil said:

“Ruth Davidson showed how out of touch the Tories are with her refusal to speak out against the cuts in the first debate of the campaign.

"Ruth Davidson may still have full confidence in George Osborne, but I doubt many other people in Scotland do – and certainly not the 40,000 disabled Scots whose Personal Independence Payments he disgracefully tried to cut last week.

“The Tories cannot wriggle off this hook. Ruth Davidson refused to speak up against the cuts when they were announced, she has failed to speak up against the cuts to DLA  - and now she is failing to support those with disabilities.

"It's not a change of tone the Tories need, it's a complete change of policy.

“The Scottish Parliament will not have power over disability benefits until 2018.  Between now and then the SNP will stand firm in the face of UK efforts to cut spending on the disabled and we will treat everyone in Scotland, especially those who most need support, with dignity and respect.

SNP Logo

“Experiences over the last few years have shown us how important it is to have a government and First Minister in Scotland who are willing to stand up to Tory cuts – and if re-elected the SNP will continue to be that strong voice for Scotland.”

A persistent beggar frequently seen on the streets of Nottingham has been jailed for nine months after breaching an earlier order to curb his behaviour.

Peter James Biggins, aged 32, of Framework Housing, London Road, Nottingham, was sentenced on Thursday 14 January at Nottingham Magistrates Court, to nine months’ imprisonment for numerous breaches of his Anti-Social Behaviour Order, vagrancy offences, outraging public decency and other offences contrary to the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

Councillor Jon Collins, leader of Nottingham City Council, said: “This is a good result for the Community Protection teams who have worked hard to tackle the issue of begging and antisocial behaviour in our city.

“The majority of beggars are not rough sleepers, and come to Nottingham because they see it as a lucrative way to make a living or fund their habits by relying on the good nature of Nottingham citizens. However other opinion is against the Council and commentators are unhappy in that ALL beggars could be targeted and the council is fuelling prejudice that could promote attacks on lone sleepers. 

Demonizing Beggars

England’s homelessness crisis is continuing to grow with new data showing a 33% rise since 2010 in people accepted as homeless by councils, putting further pressure on the government to act.

A Shelter analysis using the latest official data showed a 6% year-on-year rise in the total number of households accepted as homeless during 2015, including an 8% rise in homeless households with dependant children.

The loss of a tenancy remained the biggest cause of homelessness in 2015, including 17,000 households given emergency accommodation by their council after being evicted from a privately rented home.

Shelter said the 56,600 people accepted as homeless by councils in 2015 was 33% higher than in 2010. 



Wednesday 23 March, 2016

Live Treasury Committee

Live - George Osborne’s testimony before the U.K. Treasury Select Committee on the benefits of EU membership, 

Subject: The economic and financial costs and benefits of the UK's EU membership

Witness: Rt Hon George Osborne MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, HM Treasury

Politicians respond to new ‘state of the nation’ Poverty in Scotland 2016 report

Poverty in Scotland 2016 is a unique publication drawing together the expertise of academics, anti-poverty campaigners and other experts both in Scotland and internationally. It is published by the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG), in association with The Open University in Scotland, Glasgow Caledonian University and the Poverty Alliance). 

The IFS projects a 50 per cent increase in relative child poverty – from 17.0 per cent in 2014-15 to 25.7 per cent in 2020-21 – and an increase in absolute child poverty from 16.7 per cent in 2014-15 to 18.3 per cent in 2020-21. The latter will mean that over a decade, the income of families towards the bottom of the income distribution has actually gone down – something without precedent in modern times. The Resolution Foundation’s Autumn 2015 projections suggest 200,000 more children will fall into poverty in 2016/17 as a direct result of measures in the Summer Budget. The projections below are based on income before housing costs are deducted.

  • Experts set out ‘tools’ to transform Scotland toward a poverty free country
  • Report published as IFS projections show 50% increase in poverty by 2020

 Cabinet Secretary Alex Neil, Scottish Labour’s Ken Macintosh, Patrick Harvie of the Scottish Greens along with Scottish Liberal Democrat and Conservative candidates Alex Cole-Hamilton and Iain McGill responded today (Wednesday 23rd March) to a landmark ‘state of the nation’ publication bringing together the latest facts on the shocking extent of poverty and the implications for the next Scottish Parliament (summary briefing attached).

An invited audience of policy makers, campaigners, business, trade union and voluntary sector leaders heard the politicians respond to the stark findings and proposed solutions at an event hosted by The Open University in Scotland.  Leading authors of the report Poverty in Scotland 2016 also set out how key tools, including social security, fair work, education and local government, must be used over the next Scottish Parliament to transform Scotland toward a poverty free country.

 John Dickie, Director of the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland, who published Poverty in Scotland 2016 said;

 “Despite the challenging circumstances the authors of Poverty in Scotland 2016 are all absolutely clear that here in Scotland the next Scottish Parliament will have significant levers that can be used to transform Scotland toward a poverty free country.  Politicians across the political spectrum appear to agree but the challenge now is for them to set out how they will use all the Parliament's powers to create more progressive taxes, enhance social security, pay a living wage and provide decent jobs . If we are serious about ending poverty all those elected on May 5th must use those powers with a drive and ambition the likes of which we have never seen before.”

 Gerry Mooney, Senior Lecturer at The Open University in Scotland, and an editor and author of the new publication, said;

 “Despite the challenges at UK level it is clear that policies in Scotland do matter. The independence referendum and proposed devolution of new powers to the Scottish Parliament have opened up space for new ways of thinking about poverty and about the role of the welfare state in general. Poverty, and the social harm it causes can, and must, be prevented by action at every level. The challenge now is to shift the spotlight onto those processes that work to generate such widespread poverty at the same time as they enable others to accumulate such extreme wealth”

John McKendrick, another lead editor, author and Senior Lecturer  at Glasgow Caledonian University; added;

 “Although evidence about the nature and scale of poverty in contemporary Scotland paints a bleak portrait, there is much that we can do as citizens, and everyday decision-makers in businesses, Third Sector and community organisations, and in local and Scottish Government to use the resources at our disposal to create a fairer Scotland in which the potential of our most disadvantaged is not limited by poverty.  We had set ourselves the challenge of eradicating child poverty by 2020, but with an estimated 210,000 children in Scotland living with poverty in 2016, we now need to ask ourselvesare we prepared to fail more than one-fifth of Scotlands children, or are we going to do better and do more to rid Scotland of this shame?

 Gill Scott, Professor Emeritus at Glasgow Caledonian University, and another Poverty in Scotland 2014 editor said;  

 “In discussing how social investment in services such as childcare and education  as well policies to address a  housing crisis,  this book highlights how  poverty reduction is not just about fiscal policy and welfare cuts but about innovation and socially just routes to a more equal and sustainable future in Scotland.”

 Fiona McHardy (Research and Information Manager) at the Poverty Alliance added;

 “Poverty in Scotland is a complex issue, with no single easy solution. But we know that for every problem, there is an answer. This new edition of Poverty in Scotland helps provide some of the answers to the problems that affect our society. Whether it is the growth in the use of emergency food aid, or the problems associated with low pay, we believe that the next Scottish Government can do more to address these problems. We also know that the problems of poverty in Scotland will not be solved by politicians alone – the third sector, the private sector and the media all have a part to play in helping deliver real change. We hope the analysis provided here will help to bring real change over the next five years.”

You can download the report here. 

House of Commons

Work and Pensions Select Committee

On Wednesday 23 March at 9:30 am in The Wilson Room, Portcullis House

Tomorrow: Pensions roundup including latest developments from the Budget

Tomorrow morning the Committee will hear from representatives of the pensions industry on:

The major pensions announcements on Budget day, including the Lifetime ISA and the commitment to creating a pensions dashboard

The significance and impact of the Financial Advice Market Review, published earlier this month and endorsed by the Government

The proposed creation of a single public pensions guidance service to replace The Pensions Advisory Service, Pension Wise and the pensions responsibilities   of the Money Advice Service.

Progress of the pension freedom reforms.

Huw Evans, Director General, Association of British Insurers

Joanne Segars, Chief Executive, Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association

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  • Simon Collyer

    Simon Collyer

    Position: Founder & Director

    Simon Collyer hails from Brightlingsea in Essex, a small town on the coast between Colchester & Clacton. Simon worked very successfully in the leisure marine industry in the UK and in Australia. Later in London Simon worked in the web development and publishing fields, founding a below-the-line sales promotion agency in the early nineties and then later a software company Red Banner in South Africa (2002-06). Here in South Africa, Simon became interested in the Third Sector and starting his own organisation.

  • Christopher Johnson

    Christopher Johnson

    Position: Bookkeeping and Administration

    Chris lived in Oxford for twenty years, having been educated at Magdalen College School. Chris sought a career with British Rail and spent twenty years in railway retail management ending with Virgin Trains at Euston Station. Christopher retrained in bookkeeping and accounts in 2000 and now works for Chelmsford Community Transport.

    A strong, enthusiastic team player with a meticulous eye for detail, Christopher brings a range of skills to the ABC.


  • Frances Rimmer

    Frances Rimmer

    Position: Researcher

    When not charming snakes Frances is a Modern History student at the University of Essex, focusing specifically on social history. The lives and experiences of the ordinary person rather than on politics or the military. Outside of her studies, Frances enjoys film and writing. As a keen roller skater who plays roller derby with the Kent Roller Girls, Frances secret wish would be to become a skating instructor and open her own rink, as she has always wanted to help people in some way, and feels it would be great to do so while also sharing her passion with like-minded people.

  • Stuart Meyers

    Stuart Meyers

    Position: Researcher

    Stuart Meyer, is a final year American Studies student at the University of Essex. Stuart focussed his academic life on global justice and the rights of migrants. Additionally Stuart has a passion for writing, both creatively and with the aim of providing accessible information to those who need it most Stuart has made a great contribution to our library of Advice Guides demonstrating his versatility by writing intelligently on a wide range of topics.

  • Louis Jones

    Louis Jones

    Position: Film Maker

    Louis is a 19 year old TV and film student studying at Colchester Institute. Along with hand-picked fellow students, Louis made the ‘Membership’ video that can be seen on the ABC website. Louis volunteers at, Hospital Radio Colchester, as a football commentator. A true fan of the ‘Great Game’ Louis insights have been sought after on occasions by key local media, the Colchester Daily Gazette & even BBC Essex.

  • Marcus Pierpont

    Marcus Pierpont

    Position: Film Director

    Talented student film maker, Marcus Pierpoint, directed the ABC 'Membership' film which can be seen on the organizations website. Marcus has recently graduated from a BTEC course, studying Creative Media Production at Colchester Institute and he claims a true passion for films and filmmaking. Marcus also enjoys radio work and volunteers at the local hospital radio station, producing and presenting his own show. Marcus is enrolled at the University of Greenwich, and dreams of a career in the media industry.

  • Shane Mitchell

    Shane Mitchell

    Position: Film Maker

    Shane Mitchell, is another Colchester Institute Film and TV student that aspirers to be a Director of Photography in the future. Shane was the camera operator for the ABC Membership video, fun to make says Shane but it is also work he is very proud of. Shane loves all things ‘film’ and he makes videos even in his spare time.

  • Joe Corlett

    Joe Corlett

    Position: Film Director

    Ex-student script writer/director, Joe Corlett, directed the ABC's corporate video (About Us) which is now viewable on the main website. Joe graduated from the Colchester Institute with a BTEC diploma in the field of media. Joe is passionate towards film making and hopes to continue making more that are constructed form his own material. On the side he's loves being out jogging in all terrains and when not out side he's writing scripts for future projects. Joe is now out in the world ready to start his life goal of working in the Media industry.  

  • Jon Taylor

    Jon Taylor

    Position: Film Maker

    Jonathan Taylor has been working in the media sector for 3 years and for our filming projects he worked as the production manager. John worked on graphical elements of our film, About Us for example, rendering images and making them look good on screen.

    Jon is also experienced in animation and he made the logo and animation sequences in the ABC corporate videos.

    Part of Jon’s brief was to also organise the administration side of filming, known collectively to admin experts the world over as ‘the paperwork’.

  • Thomas Hearn

    Thomas Hearn

    Position: Film Maker

    Thomas Hearn, has been involved in media, for about three years. Tom likes to work a lot at a computer, particularly the editing suite. For the ABC project, Tom worked on the edit itself; created and pieced together both the footage and the music, Tom created the visual elements of the ABC ‘About Us’ video and put most of the visual effects on the video.

    I think we can agree that along with the rest of our youthful student team; Tom has done a very fine job indeed.

  • Max Gillard

    Max Gillard

    Position: Film Maker

    The last of our film team Max Gillard has recently finished college studying Creative Media Level 3 and Max hopes to continue the course on to University to someday gain a job in the media industry.

    We wish Max the best of luck.

  • Harry


    Position: Film Maker

    My name is Harry Genge and I am an aspiring film maker. I have skills in the majority of film orientated jobs, though I am most interested in the creative roles such: Directing, Director of Photography and Writing. In my spare time I make short films, write, read, draw/paint and take the dog out for long walks.


  • Ned


    Position: Producers

    My name is Ned Woodcraft and I’m an aspiring Producer. As well as completing a diploma in media production I have also had a number of jobs in the professional market. I’m also a keen sailor and water sport enthusiast.


  • Brandon


    Position: Producer

    My name is Brandon and I’m an aspiring producer and actor. I enjoy bringing a production together with planning and preparations to create a great finished product. My hobbies also include street magic and bass playing.


  • Callum


    Position: Writer and Director

    My name is Callum Olive and I’m an aspiring writer and director. I’m always looking for a new project and love writing new stories and screenplays at home and on the move. My hobbies include playing the piano and street magic.


  • Joanie DeMuro

    Joanie DeMuro

    Joanie joined ABC team in early 2017. She was one of six student volunteers from the University of Essex in that cohort. The student team focused on a range of projects, including creation of Wikipedia page,‘training manual’ and most importantly, researching and adding entries to the website directory of organisations that assist the unwaged, or those on low incomes. “This placement was very helpful - thanks for the opportunity Simon.”


  • Cherry Lam

    Cherry Lam

    Cherry Lam has been volunteering for ABC for one month. Although it is a short period of time, she knows a lot more about the running of a charity organisation. Cherry is responsible for adding directories to the organisation website according to categories. Joining this placement helped her improving skills and gaining new experiences. Cherry says is extremely appreciative of the support she has received from ABC which allowed her to improve skills.
