
Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and where participation in society can be restricted. Disabled people have to cope, not just with the physical difficulties caused by disability, but also with the social stigma caused by people’s attitudes.. Our directory signposts people to a wide range of help that is available.

The WDSA (UK) has been established in 2006 and it aims to both promote and support the wheelchair dance sport within the UK, as we consider it unfair for passionate individuals to be excluded from dancing.

Furthermore, we want to inspire people in considering wheelchair dancing both a leisure activity and sport, as we want to promote it at all levels around the Uk and internationally. We want to make wheelchair users believe that they can do anything, through this exciting and fun opportunity to develop themselves. 



+44 (0) 300 1113 045

Scope exists to make this country a place where disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else. Until then, we’ll be here.

Scope exists to make this country a place where disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else. Until then, we’ll be here. We provide support, information and advice to more than a quarter of a million disabled people and their families every year. We raise awareness of the issues that matter. And with your support, we'll keep driving change across society until this country is great for everyone.

+44 (0) 808 8003 333

We want a world where people with a learning disability are valued equally, listened to and included. Everything we do is about making this world a reality.

We’re here to improve the lives of people with a learning disability and their families now, and fight alongside them for a better future. We team up with our network of over 400 local groups to reach people across England, Northern Ireland and Wales.

Through the work of Headway Essex:

  • people with acquired brain injury will fulfil their potential
  • families and carers will be better able to cope with their caring role
  • the wider community will understand the causes and effects of acquired brain injury

The non-for-profit organisation, Dancing Giraffe has been founded in 2010 and aims to offer information, services and products to both disable people and their carers in order to help them with the day-to-day activities. 

These activities range from cultural experiences, sporting opportunities, restaurants, travel to services. 

We provide a wide range of activities and support for adults with physical and/or learning disabilities and autistic spectrum conditions. We particularly focus on individuals with the most complex needs.

We are here to support and help you enjoy life to the maximum

We provide a wide range of services, including, community and home support, residential care, supported living, skill development service, holiday provision and leisure schemes.

Disability Stockport is a voluntary organisation which assists and supports people with physical disabilities and/or sensory loss or impairments.

We will do our best to:

  • Stand up for disabled people so you are fairly treated.
  • Keep up to date with issues that matter to disabled people.
  • Listen and respond to local disabled people so we have a handle on what extra support you may need.
  • Work alongside other organisations that may be able to help you better than we can.
  • Advise and assist other helpers for disabled people in Stockport (and surrounding area).
  • Encourage you to join Disability Stockport because your views (and those of your family or carer) are important to us.


OPAL is an Oldham based registered charity supporting people with learning disabilities for 30 years.

At OPAL we believe in 'Your day, Your say, Your way'

Our activities are about choice, independence and fun.

We work with each person and their families or carers to plan the right kind of support, recognising that everyone’s needs are different.

Through our advocacy work, our day programme Your Day Your Way and Go Group we help people to achieve more independence in their lives and in their local community.

The service offers a person centred service to adults, and delivers a wide range of creative and vocational activities. Each service user works in partnership with New Visions and their carer to develop a tailored programme of activities that meets the specific needs, choices and aspirations of the individual. Through New Visions, users can also access community services within the local neighbourhood, with the support of highly trained and experienced staff.

Being disabled is a major setback to the people who face it as they are barred from a number of privileges. They have to struggle to earn a very basic / secure living. However, there are organisations across the U.K. that help people overcome this and earn a decent living. United Reaponse provides a rabge of support servuces for adults and young people with learning disabilities, autism, mental health needs or physical disabilities. 

Our disability information advice line (helpline) is manned by disabled volunteers and operates from Monday to Friday each week. Our helpline volunteers use online databases, together with an information library, to help them to provide advice/assistance.

If appropriate, our volunteers signpost callers to another, more appropriate, source of assistance/information.

Our online database of disability information can help you with answers to many of your questions - ranging from where to get a disabled parking (blue) badge, to checking the support available for a relative with Parkinson's disease.

Our aim is to improve the transport provision for people in the local community who have limited mobility or who would otherwise be socially excluded or geographically isolated. Community Transport, has a fleet of wheelchair accessible minibuses and a large pool volunteer drivers using their own cars.We operate bus routes, open for all to use within the Colchester Borough.Groups and organisations can hire our minibuses.

We broker other organisations minibuses to members of the scheme can book places on our very popular excursions, visiting sites and attractions in the local area.Our Shopmobility scheme lends manual and powered wheelchairs and scooters to members of the public with limited mobility.

The Chelmsford Dial-A-Ride scheme is open to all residents of the Borough of Chelmsford who have difficulty accessing conventional public transport by reason of Age, Disability, Social or Rural exclusion. There is a £5 annual membership fee and a small contribution based on a sliding scale to be paid for each journey. All journeys must start and finish within the Borough of Chelmsford. We cover most kinds of journeys including shopping, social, recreational, educational and medical. We can sometimes provide one way trips to hospital appointments subject to availability of vehicles. A limited number of trips may be available to daycare centres, again subject to availability of vehicles. A minimum of two days’ notice is usually required for all bookings.

We provide information and advice that covers every facet of later life, from helping people find out the benefits they are entitled to claim, to discussing options that help make later life at home more manageable. Our aim is to be the first port of call – the first place that people turn to when they have an age-related need.

We help older people to claim benefits

Together with our national partners and local Age UKs, we help older people to know about and claim the benefits they’re entitled to, such as Carer’s Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Pension Credit.

Action for Family Carers has received funding to provide a free, confidential counselling service for unpaid family carers to receive individual counselling sessions from qualified counsellors in Essex. Carers Counselling is a confidential talking therapy which gives you the opportunity to talk about your concerns and any emotional difficulties you are experiencing with a fully trained and qualified counsellor.

+44(0)1621 851640
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