Dying Matters

The Dying Matters Coalition, led by The National Council for Palliative Care, aims to help people talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement, and to make plans for the end of life.
Dying Matters is a coalition of 30,000 members across England and Wales and our membership includes hospices, care homes, NHS organisations and staff, GPs, funeral directors, the legal sector, charities, faith groups and many more. We provide clear and practical advice through our information, leaflets and website to help you and your loved ones make plans for the end of life. Our range of eye-catching resources and materials offers a host of ways to start important.onversations about dying. We encourage more open discussion of dying, death and bereavement in the media.
Our Find Me Help database (http://help.dyingmatters.org/) lets you locate the services near you that are available to people in the last years of life, their families, carers and friends.
We keep our members updated with all the latest issues through our quarterly newsletter, regular email bulletins, and social media.
We are actively enlisting those that are committed to supporting changing knowledge, attitudes and behaviours around death and dying. Help us to change attitudes, join today – it’s free.
Find us on:
Twitter: twitter.com/DyingMatters
Facebook: facebook.com/DyingMatters
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/1861454
YouTube: youtube.com/user/dyingmatters
Key Info
& Dying Matters Coalition
The Fitzpatrick Building
188-194 York Way
LondonN7 9ASUnited Kingdom