Dyxlexia Action

Dyslexia Action is a national charity with over 40 years’ experience in providing services and support to children, young people and adults with literacy and numeracy difficulties, dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties.
We take action to change lives by:
- Supporting improvement in education provision;
- Providing direct support to individuals;
- Leading the agenda for change.
Dyslexia affects approximately 10% of the UK population.
The social impact of dyslexia is extensive. If you cannot learn to read, you cannot read to learn and everything we do at school and throughout life requires us to have the skills to be able to access written information. Above and beyond the difficulties and barriers dyslexia presents, is the damage that low self-esteem can have, which is life-long.
But with the right help and support, literacy and numeracy difficulties, dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties need not be a barrier to education, employment and fulfilment. Dyslexia Action exists to ensure that those affected get the help and support that they need.