Latest Articles By Simon Collyer

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LATEST STATISTICS - There were 800,000 young people (aged 16 to 24 years) in the UK who were not in education, employment or training (NEET) in July to September 2019; this number increased by 43,000 when compared with July to September 2018 and...

OMBUDSMAN DECISIONS - London Borough of Bexley (18 016 230) Summary: Mr X complains that the Council paid housing benefit directly to his tenant after it agreed not to do this, and then gave him incorrect email addresses to raise the issue. He...

PERIOD POVERTY - Plan International UK have been in contact with us via their media people. Period Poverty has been in the news this year and we have been asked to highlight this issue. This is what Plan International UK does: How we combat Peri...

MASS UNEMPLOYMENT- According to research from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Centre for Cities thinktank, large levels of “hidden” unemployment in towns and cities across Britain are excluded from the o...

DREAM JOB - Researchers polled the nation and discovered a staggering 57 percent of Brits have completely given up on doing a job that they love. And it is by the tender age of thirty that most throw in the towel on a dream career, according to the f...

We Fall Out With Premium Credit

Wednesday 20 November, 2019

FINANCIAL OMBUDSMAN - We fall out with Premium Credit. We insured the ABC battlewagon with Policy Expert a car insurance broker whose principles policies that they sell every month are underwritten by finance firm, Premium Credit Limited, Ermyn House...

SOUTH ESSEX - More than 70 landlords met at an inaugural South Essex Forum on 13 November to learn about how to become even better landlords. The event was run jointly between the South Essex Housing Group and the National Landlords Association with...

ECONOMIC FAILURE - North East workers are £6,400 worse off than if real wages had stayed at 2008 levels, TUC analysis shows Household debt has increased by a third since 2010 to new record of £14,200 TUC calls on parties to get wages rising, defend w...

CONFERANCE:  The ABC attended the International Stress Management Association conference which comes on the last day of International Stress Awareness Week.  Carole Spiers shown in the image, is the Chair of ISMA and is founder of Internati...

Election Promises Latest Update

Monday 18 November, 2019

ELECTION NEWS - More Election promises today. Boris Johnson is expected today to announce a review of business rates in England, a cut in the National Insurance contribution for employers and an increase in the R&D tax credit from 12% to 13% to b...

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