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Cambridge’s CRI Street Outreach Team (CSMHOT) talks to people found sleeping rough on the streets of the city. They can help to find emergency accommodation in the city, or support people to return to areas they have come from.

f you're faced with sleeping rough in Cambridge, there are services that can support you.

  • You may be eligible for our Single Homelessness Services
  • If you have a local connection to the sub-region you may be able to access some of the hostels in the city or around the sub-region.
  • Contact the Housing Advice Serviceor the CRI Street Outreach Team (CSMHOT) for further information.
  • If you're concerned for someone sleeping rough, or are sleeping rough yourself, call Streetlink on 0300 500 0914 or visit

CRI Street Outreach Team (CSMHOT(01223 366 292)
Provide support and advice to help those who sleep or spend much of their time on the streets. CSMHOT can help people into accommodation and to address other problems.

Jimmy's Cambridge
Offers short-term, emergency accommodation for men and women who might otherwise have to sleep rough. In addition to a bedroom and meals, Jimmy’s provide a range of support and resettlement services.

Provides free breakfast, shower and laundry to those sleeping rough or unsuitably housed.  They also organise various activities including work placements, training and workshops, with trained staff able to advise and signpost to support services.

Centre 33 
Offers free and confidential services for young people in Cambridge and South and East Cambridgeshire. They can advise on a range of issues including housing and homelessness.

The Big Issue 
An international organisation that works with homeless people all over the world. The Big Issue’s Cambridge office is located at Wintercomfort.

Emmaus Cambridge 
A fully self-supporting community based in Landbeach. Companions live by the principle of helping others to live, grow and find dignity through sharing, work and self-respect.

A programme of activity for both mental health service users and homeless community users in Cambridge. There are a variety of activities on offer including gym sessions, football, swimming, t'ai chi and tennis and badminton sessions. Some sessions are free while others have a small charge.

Cambridge Salvation Army 
Has a church, community centre and large charity shop. The community centre and charity shop can be found on Mill Road.

Contact us

Housing advice service

Please visit the website for the most up to date info:


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