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The Children's Society main aim is to tackle child sexual exploitation. All children and young people are at risk of being sexually exploited, regardless of age, gender or where they live.

Preventing children and young people from being exposed to the child sexual exploitation CSE and providing support to those who have been directly affected has been at the heart of our work for the last 20 years. You can read more about this on our CSE page. 

Our services provide confidential and independent support and advice for all children and young people who are either at risk of, or actually experiencing sexual exploitation.

In addition to our direct work with the children and young people affected, our policy team works to lobby and influence decision makers and parliament to ensure that children and young people at risk of sexual exploitation are identified as early as possible and given the support they need to move on with their life.

Right now we are working to raise the funds to help a further 1000 young people affected by child sexual exploitation, and calling on the Government to strengthen the law so that 16 and 17 year olds don’t fall through the cracks and suffer further abuse. It is vital that 16 and 17 year olds who are being sexually exploited are protected from harm, get the help they need and the justice they deserve. 

Please visit the website if you think you need support or need to discuss about something that has affected you in the past and get some confidential advice for the same. They are a very trusted organization who will help you overcome your fears or inhibitions and encourage you to be a strong individual.

Here is a case study for safety of children in Camden , London - There are many more to make yourself full aware. 

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