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Combating loneliness at any age has proved to be difficult and that remains if you are trying to fight that alone. There is all the help and many organisations that help you fight such problems, so that it does not affect the health and well-being of the individual. There are multiple local and national organisations that provide you with confidential advice and counselling that might be required in oreder to battle the same. 

Age Uk is a very popular organisation, that offers its services nationally to help the elderly across the United Kingdom. Age UK makes a difference in the following ways. According to statistics it is noticed that 1.2 million people are chronically lonely.

1. Age UK provides advice - Our free national advice line and local advice helps hundreds of thousands of people every year.

2. Enabling Independence - From exercise classes to mobility aids, our products and services help make lives easier & safer. 

3. Combating Loneliness - We run befriending services, pairing an older person with a befriender to help provide companionship.

Please visit the website to know more and avail the necessary benefits and assure yourself the safety, good health and metal well -being.

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