
Looking for a job? Want to find our more information on a topic, add to your skills and professional expertise or simply network? Events are the place to find out what’s on where. Please check with organisers the details and dates, times and content via their website. The Association of Pensions & Benefits CIC bears no responsibility for events that are cancelled or postponed, or for the quality of events, their content and their levels of attendance.

We do, however, believe that events can serve our members’ needs, and if you are an organiser lookingto promote an event to our substantial marketplace, please contact us for more information.

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Unemployments causes major stress to the individual and family. Here are options to get out of the horrid feeling. You need not always have a degree to secure a job. There are loads of opportunities out there waiting for millions of people. University education is not something that everyone can afford. However, that should not deter you from going to interviews or assessment centres and securing that dream job. 

Your Jobcentre Plus work coach can tell you about support you can get to help you combine work with looking after children or caring responsibilities.

Help for parents

Parents can get help from childcare costs when moving from benefits to work. 

Help for carers

Work Preparation Support for Carers provides help and support for you to make a successful move into work, including access to training and advice on job hunting and applications.

You might be able to get help with the cost of replacement care while you take part in training or attend interviews.

Please visit the webiste to know more and all the benefits that you can avail.

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