
Looking for a job? Want to find our more information on a topic, add to your skills and professional expertise or simply network? Events are the place to find out what’s on where. Please check with organisers the details and dates, times and content via their website. The Association of Pensions & Benefits CIC bears no responsibility for events that are cancelled or postponed, or for the quality of events, their content and their levels of attendance.

We do, however, believe that events can serve our members’ needs, and if you are an organiser lookingto promote an event to our substantial marketplace, please contact us for more information.

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Education is going to help the younger geration to shape the future of the country. However, if you are not eligible to pay the tuition fees at university, it should not deter you from studying further. There is help and support that you can avail at every stage to get where you want to. You may be able to borrow money to help pay for university or college tuition fees and to help with living costs.

You might get extra money on top of this, for example if you’re on a low income, are disabled or have children.

Student Finance offers many services and help that you can avail, given your eligibility backgrounds. Please visit the website to know more and to seek more information if you are considering further eduction. Also, student finance doesn't limit itself to just UK. It is offering support to those from the EU as well.

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