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Women's and Girl's support is of primes essnce considering the increasing number of abuse to women. It could be physical abuse, Violence abuse or sexual abuse. However, no type of violence is to be tolerated and an effort is to be made to combat all sorts of violent approach. The Women's Aid offers support to all those who self identify as a woman and to either prevent from being a victim to an abuse or provide counselling to those already affected. 

There is a 24/7 call facility availabled to help women talk about their problems and help them do the essential. 

Who are we?

We are a grassroots federation working together to provide life-saving services and build a future where domestic violence is not tolerated.

Women's Aid Board of Trustee's 

The Women’s Aid Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring that the charity complies with all its legal and regulatory requirements and that the charity’s governance is of the highest possible standard. The diversity of the Board is currently reflected with representation from all sectors including voluntary management, legal and financial expertise, and equality and diversity professionals.  Just over half of the trustees are representing Women’s Aid member organisations who are direct service providers.  As Women’s Aid is a Charitable Company, board members are Directors and Trustees of the Company.

Please visit the website to get more information to discuss your problems in a confidential manner or just to offer voluntary support to women affected.

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