
Looking for a job? Want to find our more information on a topic, add to your skills and professional expertise or simply network? Events are the place to find out what’s on where. Please check with organisers the details and dates, times and content via their website. The Association of Pensions & Benefits CIC bears no responsibility for events that are cancelled or postponed, or for the quality of events, their content and their levels of attendance.

We do, however, believe that events can serve our members’ needs, and if you are an organiser lookingto promote an event to our substantial marketplace, please contact us for more information.

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Unemployment often seems to be a major glitch in the societies today and that could cause many the reasons to be frustrated or anti - social. Street League UK is there to help people in this difficult time. They typically run across Englad and Scotland. Not many know that often Sport can get you a well paid job and income. Degree is not always that matters. Street League UK helps people in the age groip of 16 - 24 years old, who do not possess a degree to get acess to employemnt with a Sport. Their award winning programmes operate in 14 cities and 36 local communities. 

The Three Golden Rules:

1. We will never over claim what we do. 

2. All percentages include sample sizes to avoid misleading. 

3. We have evidence to prove all of our outcomes. 

The above is acknowledged from the website:

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