British Gas Energy Trust

The British Gas Energy Trust, which incorporates the Scottish Gas Energy Trust, is an independent Charitable Trust established in 2004. The Trust contributes to the relief of poverty, with a particular focus on fuel poverty, helping those who are struggling to pay for their consumption of gas and electricity get back on their feet and remain debt free going forward.
The British Gas Energy Trust is administered on behalf of trustees by Charis Grants.
The Trust provides a significant difference to the lives of those in need by awarding grants to clear energy debts and purchase energy efficient white goods. In exceptional cases the Trust can also help with other priority costs. The Trust also funds voluntary organisations to provide money and fuel debt advice services.
The Trust provides funds to charitable advice agencies based in England, Scotland and Wales for Local Advisors to deliver specialist money and fuel debt advice services in communities.
Key Info
Trinity Street
PeterboroughPE1 1DA
United Kingdom