
Tax Haven

Thursday 25 August, 2016

UK tax crackdown — fines to rise to three times the evaded amount: In a consultation exercise that will run until October 19, HM Revenue & Customs seeks to increase fines for tax evaders who do not voluntarily come forwa...

The Citizens Advice charity investigated debt collection practices at English councils and found that some add extra charges to debt, send in bailiffs and take court action against residents before they try to arrange manageable repayment plans with...

More than a million families with a household income below £30,000 are in extreme debt, and ongoing wage stagnation is making the problem worse, according to a new report published today (Tuesday) by the TUC and UNISON. The report, Britain in t...

You could not make this up if you tried. A Claimant sanction on Universal Credit for doing an extra days work and missing a meeting at Jobcentre Plus despite sending in a Mandatory Reconsideration letter from the employer. How is the employer expecte...

A Frustrated ABC Member Speaks Out

Wednesday 24 August, 2016

A letter from a frustrated ABC member Message: As I near (the old State Pension retir't age of 65yrs) circa Jun-2017 - I find myself and no doubt thousands of others in that 'crack' of losing out as the new Pension scheme hits home. I feel that whate...

London's first community fridge is a public fridge where people can give spare food, and those who need food can take it. It's a food revolution, one fridge at a time! It's a big fridge in the centre of Brixton where peo...

Gender Pay Gap Still Wide Says IFS

Tuesday 23 August, 2016

According to the Institute of Fiscal Studies gender wage differentials remain substantial and are a hot topic in policy debate. Inequalities between men and women are clearly of direct interest in their own right. In addition, poverty is increasingly...

We Are Back

Tuesday 16 August, 2016

Good evening to all our audience. The ABC has been off-line for a few days subject to moving to our new web hosting home. We were previously being hosted by This is Fever who developed our website but we prefered to be hosted at a dedicated web hosti...

Monster Gets Sold

Tuesday 09 August, 2016

Job listing website Monster, which was an early pioneer in e-commerce and operates the Universal Jobsmatch website, has been bought for $429m (£330m). Monster developed the Universal Jobsmatch website at a cost of over £17...

No Desire to Retire?

Tuesday 09 August, 2016

No Desire to Retire have created the UK’s only free, dedicated online platform designed to release the potential of mature workers, with the capabilities and desire to work from the UK’s over 50’s, from a few hours a week to seasona...

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