
Simon, I am emailing to make you aware of the Social Security Committee’s call for views on the Social Security (Scotland) Bill.  Please find attached a link to it below.

Thirty-seven million people in Latin America and the Caribbean face chronic hunger, yet the region produces more than enough food to provide a healthy meal for everyone. The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) is fortunate to partner with food banks in...

Pension Gap Grows

Friday 30 June, 2017

New data showing the widening gap between women’s and men’s average retirement income results from successive governments’ failure to invest in giving women equal opportunities to work and save, the Women’s Equality Party said...

Saving Rates Plunges

Friday 30 June, 2017

Household savings have plummeted to their lowest level in 50 years, official figures published today have revealed. It comes after figures yesterday showed household borrowing has continued to grow, with unsecured consumer credit increasing by &...

Simon Collyer, the ABC founder has been appointed press officer of the Colchester Fabian Society which has just held their AGM.  The Fabian Society was funded in January 4, 1884; 133 years ago and was an early version of whar we now kn...

The British online supermarket Ocado has shown off a prototype driverless van designed to deliver goods at short distances. The vehicle spent two weeks completing autonomous loops of a two-mile (3km) semi-pedestrianised area of Greenwich, south-east...

Apparently nearly half of Britons think the Government should raise taxes and increase spending, notably it is the highest proportion to support such measures since 2004, according to the survey. The poll of public opinion found that 48% say they wan...

Conservative plans to scrap the state pension triple lock and means test winter fuel payouts have been scrapped under the party's deal with the Democratic Unionist Party. Neither of the policies was mentioned in last week's Queen's Speech, and b...

Over the past twenty-five years, there has been a major and widely-reported change in British attitudes towards benefit claimants: simply put, we are less positive about benefit claimants than we used to be. More of us think that ‘large numbers...

GFN and Banco de Alimentos Guatemala Certainly Can! How can we tackle global poverty is the question? For American teenager, Annie Strong, food banking is an effective and proven way to help. Annie is one of five finalists in a video contest that cha...

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