
Are you 18-30 and live near a train route to London? Areas include Colchester, Ipswich, Basildon, Southend, Rayleigh, Chelmsford, Rochford, Wickford, Stansted, Shenfield and Stratford. Looking to get a customer service job within the railway industry...

Judges in Strasbourg will today rule on the so-called Bărbulescu v. Romania case, in which a company fired an employee after monitoring his electronic communications. Expect 11 judgments today involving Turkey, Belgium and Montenegro. The case o...

Britain’s coastal communities are among the worst ranked parts of the country across a range of economic and social indicators, including earnings, employment, health and education – and the economic gap between coastal and non-coastal co...

French War Against Unemployment

Monday 04 September, 2017

France is to wage an all-out war against unemployment by reforming not just its labor rules but also the job training system, unemployment benefits and employment costs, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said Sunday. The battery of reforms will be carr...

A UN panel has slammed the UK for creating a “human catastrophe” for disabled people, and is “going backwards” in areas such as education, health, transport and social security. Following a major review, the Committee on the R...

Struggling Parents Penalised Say TUC

Friday 01 September, 2017

Trades Union Congress (TUC) has revealed that two out of five of young parents in low-paid jobs felt penalised if they asked for flexible work arrangements. A survey of 1,000 parents has suggested that asking to work flexibly often led them to be giv...

Those seeking work, or keen to find out about career development opportunities, will have the chance to speak to employers and training providers directly at a series of jobs fairs in towns held across Breckland. The jobs fairs have been organised in...

The Australian government is planning a two-year trial of random drug tests for welfare recipients starting in January 2018. ABC Comment:  Though there are no plans to test Australian Politicians.  If approved by parliament, the trial will...

Below is an article from Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice. Oddly it is the Lib Dems prepared to end the benefits freeze not Labour.  Please read the article below:  As prices go up in a Brexit-induced inflationary spir...

For the period April to June 2017, there were 22.3 million people aged 16 to 64 (54.2%) living in working households, up 0.8 percentage points over the year. A further 14.7 million people (35.7%) were living in mixed households, down 0.6 percentage p...

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