Latest Articles By Simon Collyer

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MPs have called for reassurances over the future of the UK's free-to-use cash machines. 2.7 million people, or 5% of UK adults, were still almost entirely reliant on cash transactions but the use of Internet transactions, cards and contactless paymen...

Released 27 November 2017 The DWP has published a list of the proposed benefit rates and pension rates for 2018-19. The publication lists the proposed benefit rates and pension rates for 2018-19 as set out in the written ministerial statement made by...

Calls To Universal Credit Lines Are Free

Wednesday 29 November, 2017

All calls to universal credit helplines are now free, the government has said.  There had been a row over the use of 0345 numbers which, while included in many free call packages, could cost up to 55p a minute. The Prime Minister is being urged...

Rescue package for Universal Credit   The Budget included "the beginnings of a rescue package for Universal Credit" as the Chair put it, and the first questions to our experts will centre on whether Government has done enough to fix what the Com...

The cost of the cheapest Christmas dinner will be nearly 20 percent higher this year due to Brexit-fueled inflation, points out a survey in Good Housekeeping magazine. Lidl and Aldi are the only two supermarkets where the whole basket costs less than...

Work & Pensions Committee Immediate:  Tuesday 28 November 2017 Committee Member presents Bill to catch ‘deadbeat’ parents ducking child maintenance  In May of this year the Committee published a short report into child maint...

Britain is in a “spiral of ever-growing division” with a stark postcode lottery in social mobility, according to a damning report by the Social Mobility Commission today. The report uncovers a striking geographical divide with London...

Inflation is the rate at which the cost of goods and services rises year-on-year. In order to be able to buy the same amount of goods, your salary must increase by at least the same level as inflation. Where the inflation rate outstrips wage increase...

The Christmas Bonus will be paid to over 1.2 million social welfare recipients this week (commencing Monday 27th November), with payments totalling €219 million being made to pensioners, people with disabilities, carers, lone parents, long-term...

Watch this New Zealand cop recruitment video that’s gone viral. In a bid to attract new and diverse officers, New Zealand Police have released an entertaining recruitment video on Facebook. And it seems to be working. Will we see the police at...

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