Latest Articles By Simon Collyer

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According to the Independent, The High Court has ordered the Government to stop deporting homeless EU citizens under a controversial policy that has been ruled unlawful. Mrs Justice Lang said measures introduced last year were discriminatory and viol...

One thing we promised our ABC audience is balanced, honest and truthful articles. We do try and give people useful information. Information that will help our viewership make informed decisions and improve their circumstances.  According to Wiki...

There was a sharp rise in homelessness in England in the three months to September 2017, figures published today have revealed. 15,290 households were accepted as being statutorily homeless, up 6% from 14,390 in the same period last year 3,300 of tho...

MEPs, Council representatives and the European Commission informally agreed on a new, updated Europass instrument that can ensure a better understanding and more interoperability of skills and qualifications for job seekers and employers. The Europea...

Official figures released yesterday showed that the number of people in work fell by 56,000 in the three months ending in October. While a total of 325,000 net jobs had been created in the year to October, the latest three months saw a drop in employ...

Debbie Abrahams MP on Universal Credit

Wednesday 13 December, 2017

Labour Future interviews Debbie Abrahams about Universal Credit. 

In 2010, one in four of the working age population was aged 50 and over and this is projected to increase to one in three by 2022. By 2035, people aged 50 and over will comprise half of the UK adult population, according to ONS estimates. But almost...

Last Posting Dates For Christmas

Wednesday 13 December, 2017

Need to send a card or small Christmas gift to a friend or loved one? Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year. If you’ve left it a little late to send your Christmas gift or card.... These are the latest posting dates.  UK Service  ...

Work & Pensions Committtee 13/12/2017 Agenda Subject: Pension freedom and choice Witnesses: Rich Caddy, Shift Operations Manager, British Steel (Teesside), David Neilly, Plant Process Operator, Tata Steel UK (Port Talbot), Henry Tapper, Director,...

Wholesale gas prices surged Tuesday as cold weather descended across most of the Continent, thanks to the shutdown of the North Sea’s most important oil and gas pipeline system and a fatal explosion at a major gas processing facility in Austria...

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