Jobs Fair, Manchester

Friday 14 July 2017, 10:00am - 02:00pm

Job Fairs Logo
Looking for a new job? A change in career? Job Fairs are a brilliant way to increase your chances of finding a job, and to network through meeting employers face-to-face.

The Manchester Jobs Fair will take place at the Bridgewater Hall. 

Entrance is free and available for anyone to attend.

Location The Bridgewater Hall, Lower Mosley St, Manchester, M2 3WS, United Kingdom

Contact 0161 907 9000

Extra Info: *Dates, venues, and times may be subject to change without notice due to circumstances beyond the organisers control

*For more information on exhibitors attending or to express your interest in booking a stand, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.