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112 What is it?

Friday 12 February, 2016 Written by 
112 What is it?

How many people know that 112 is the Emergency Number in Europe? Well you know now. 


2016: “only 48 percent of EU citizens know that 112 is the emergency number to call”
2015: “In 2014, Member States made no progress”
2014: “half unaware they can call 112 in emergencies in all EU countries”
2013: “51 percent of all EU citizens say that they would call 112”
2011: “The progress at EU level has been minimal in recent years (from 22 percent in 2008 to 26 percent in 2011)”
2010: “just a quarter (25 percent) of EU citizens questioned could spontaneously identify 112 as the number to call emergency services anywhere in the EU
2009: “24 percent in 2009”