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Scotland Welfare Reform Committee Meeting

Tuesday 19 January, 2016 Written by 
Scottish Parliament - Robert Burns Room

Welfare Reform Committee
2nd Meeting, 2016

 It started: 19/01/2016 10:00

Finishes: 19/01/2016 12:00

Robert Burns Room (CR1)

1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 3 in private.

2. Subordinate Legislation: The Welfare Funds (Scotland) Regulations 2016 The Committee will take evidence from—

Jacqui Kopel, Senior Council Tax and Benefits Manager, Dundee City Council;

Jules Oldham, National Policy & Practice Coordinator, Homeless Action Scotland;

Bill Scott, Director of Policy, Inclusion Scotland;

Carly Edgar, Policy Manager, Who Cares? Scotland;

Jamie Stewart, Housing Development Officer, Scottish Refugee Council;

Morag Johnston, Assistant Director of Financial Services, Glasgow City Council;

Jon Shaw, Welfare Rights Worker, Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland;

Councillor Norman MacDonald, Convener, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

3. Subordinate Legislation: Welfare Funds (Scotland) Regulations 2016 The Committee will consider the evidence it has heard on the Welfare Funds (Scotland) Regulations 2016 

 Video below: 


Scotland Welfare Reform Committee Meeting